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Three years later

Hannah stood beside her brother and tapped her right foot impatiently on the ground, her heel making an annoying click as she kept moving.

"You're gonna wear a hole in the floor and then when we need to move, your going to lose a shoe." Hannah scowled at Gus just as Brennan and Angela came to hand Hannah her flowers.

"Oi. Don't scowl, you'll ruin my masterpiece." Angela growled. Hannah attempted to straighten her face as Brennan stopped to adjust the sleeves on her dress, pulling them so that they were sitting evenly across her shoulders. Taking a step back, Brennan allowed a smile and clasped her hands together across her swollen belly.

"You look amazing Hannah." She complemented. "That dress fits you perfectly."
"Thanks, Doc. You look beautiful." Hannah grinned at her sister-in-law. "How's Bumper?"
"She's sitting on my bladder." Brennan said simply and Gus snorted and wrapped an arm around his wife's waist and kissed her cheek.

"How do I look, aye? Don't I look dashing? Charming?" He asked, striking a leg out as though posing but also supporting Brennan at the same time. Hannah raised an eyebrow and Brennan rolled her eyes.

"Your tie is crooked."
"Shoot." Gus pulled away and went to straighten his tie, using the mirror that hung on the otherside of the hallway. "Taadaa!" They heard him say as he adjusted.

Hannah smiled as he came back to her side and he winked just as Cam came around the corner, joining the small group of people around Hannah.

"Is everyone ready?"
"All ready."
"Hannah?" Angela nudged her friend who was looking a little pale now.

Hannah had honestly never thought that the day would come where she, Hannah Elizabeth Price, would be able to say, 'I do.' In her head, she would replay the moments Booth had proposed. It had taken him three attempts to get her to say yes. The first had been over the phone, which hadn't impressed Hannah and, as it turned out, wasn't a serious one.

"Marry me."
"Marry me."
"Seely Booth,  I swear on my pretty floral bonnet that I will end you if you are seriously proposing to me over the phone."
"I wish I could see your face right now. It must be hilarious. Oh boy."

The second and third time he had proposed, Hannah could tell that it was much more real than that phone call. The second time had been rather sweet and had been a week after that phone call. Hannah had been both flattered and shocked at him proposing and, without thinking, had blurted out how she needed to think on it. It had only mildly ruined their night and had made their week awkward only slightly.

But when she finally said yes, the third and final time was probably more dramatic and very much in line with her personality. Which had suited the both of them just fine.


"FBI PUT YOUR HANDS UP!" Booth had barked as they crashed through the door, Hannah wincing as she held her gun in front of her. "You alright?"
"My shoulder hurts but I'm alright." Booth nodded and the FBI team spilled into the room, each member splitting into pairs and clearing the house one by one last.

"Clear!" Hannah cleared the kitchen and holstered her gun, fuming at what seemed to be an empty house. Booth stood in the lounge, shaking his head in annoyance.

"How could they have possibly gotten out so fast? They barely had any time from when we got the call."
"Maybe there's a mole." Booth responded sarcastically. There was a brief pause and a light bulb almost appeared above their heads.

"You don't think-"
"It's possible..."
"But who...?"
"Agent Booth! Agent Price! We have an issue." One of the agents called and the two followed the voice to the stair way.
Under the stairs, a small door had been opened and one of the agents was half in- half out of it and appeared shaken.

"What's going on?"
"There's a bomb." Booth groaned and popped his head in. Hannah waited until she heard him curse.

"Everyone out! Clear the perimeter. How long have we got?"
"Three minutes."
"Of course we do. Move it people!" Hannah started yelling. Agents from all around the house made for the door and she could see them running for neighbours houses and knocking, making sure there was no one inside them. Hannah allowed the agent who had found the bomb to pass before crouching down and looking at the bomb.

"What kind of range are we looking at?"
"I don't know. Assuming they want to destroy the house, they probably have the house wired to this one so it'll probably take out the house and the next doors. Maybe. It's hard to tell." Booth took off his jacket so that he wasn't inhibited by the sides of it. Hannah watched the clock tick down to two minutes.

"I'm working on it, okay?" He snapped. Hannah rolled her eyes and scanned the small room. Leaning down on to her knees, she reached over Booth and pulled at a piece of wire. It came off from the wall and came unattached from the wall, leading Hannah's hand back down to the bomb.

"How long have I got?"
"A minute."
"Shoot. Pass me my belt buckle." Hannah, without questioning it, wrapped her arms around Booths waist and undid his belt and pulled it from the belt straps. Undoing the 'Cocky' buckle that he wore, she passed it to him and felt her heart speed up as she watched him fiddle with something.

"Please hurry."
"You should get out of here."
"Are you crazy?" She heard him snort. "I'll leave when you leave."
"Hannah, if I can't get this blocked, it'll be in a body bag." Hannah put a hand on his back.

"You better bloody get that blocked then because I don't know how weddings work in heaven but I'm pretty sure Angela and Casey would be pissed if I died before we could go dress shopping." There was a clink and Booth shot her a look.

"Stopthebombandillmarryyou,okay? Cool." Hannah pulled put a bobby pin from her hair and passed it to him. A grin came on his face.

"How long is left?"
"Twenty seconds."


"What if I trip?"
"I won't let you." Gus reassured. Just outside, Hannah could hear the music start to play. Cam, Angela and Brennan all smiled at her and took their places in front of her.

"You promise?"
"When have I ever let you down in the last four years?" Hannah smiled and looped her arm through Gus's.

"I'm ready."

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