Chapter Five: You had one Job

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Chapter Five: You had one Job

The brunette walked into the police station and nodded at the officer on duty.

"I'm here for Hannah Price." Temperance Brennan stated, scrunching her nose at the distasteful smell of the room. Colbert, that was the name on the officers badge, nodded and got up from his chair, pushing a door open for her to walk in.

Sitting quietly and cross legged in a shared cell with her eyes closed and head resting against the cold brick wall, Hannah nursed her wrist and hummed softly to herself.

"Agent Price, someone is here for you." She opened her eyes at the sound of Colberts voice and blinked slowly as she sighed and nodded at Brennan.

"Is she free to go?"
"Yes ma'am."
"Then let her out." Colbert unlocked the cell and beckoned to Hannah. She pushed herself into a standing position, holding her wrist closer to her as she walked past her glaring inmates.

"Thanks for coming to get me." Hannah said meekly as she was handed her shoes, wallet,  phone and keys. Brennan nodded.

"Why didn't you call Booth? He's your partner after all."
"Yeah, but then I would have to tell him a whole lot of stuff that I don't really want to tell him." Brennan shook her head as she led Hannah to the car.

"I agree that Booth is nosey-"
"I didn't say that."
"But you implied and I agree. But he cares." Hannah allowed Brennan to open the door for her so that she could slide in and start to slip her shoes on.

Brennan got in on the otherside and turned the car on.

"I'm going to take you to the hospital, okay? You need to get your wrist checked out."
"Why can't you just look at it?" Hannah asked, resting her head on the frame. Brennan smiled as she started driving to the hospital.

"Well let me tell you about when I injured Booth so badly he couldn't come to work."


When she finally crawled into bed that night, Hannah's wrist was wrapped tightly in a black brace. She had some torn cartilage and a broken knuckle as well as some bruised ribs, a headache and some swelling to her knee. She lay on her back in the dark and stared at the ceiling, resisting the urge to itch at her tattoo as she reflected. Her tattoo was under her brace as her brace was sat so snugly that it wasn't causing her any pain.

Grabbing her laptop from the floor with her right hand, she flipped up the lid and turned it on, listening to it hum to life. A dip in the bed and the 'prrp' of her cat talking to her made her smile as Aslan rubbed up against her leg.

"Hey boy." She patted her lap and he immediately crawled on, stretching out across her legs and resting up against the computer. Heading for her music, she chose her Playlist that she wanted and then moved the  computer to the floor and closed her eyes, humming along to the quiet hymns of her childhood.


"Hey, Gran."
"Oh, Hannah my dear. How are you?"
"Yeah,  I'm okay. How's Utah?"

Hannah was curled up in her shorts and a sports bra on a Saturday morning, bad hand holding her cellphone to he ear as she talked to her favourite people in the world.

Heather and Richard Nardini had moved to Utah not long after Hannah had gone to Quantico. Her grandparents had raised her from the age of 13 and Hannah loved them to absolute pieces.

"Oh, you know Utah. It's not the same as San Francisco, that's for sure." Heather commented, sighing dramatically.

"You say that every time, Gran. And every time I say,"
"Just go back to San Fran." The two women said together. They both chuckled and Hannah sighed.

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