Chapter Fourteen: Crimes of the Class

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Chapter Fourteen: Crimes of the Class

"Okay so it's basically a doorway with a corridor to other planets?" Booth asked as he turned the corner, heading towards the crime scene he and Hannah had been called to.

"But that can't be right."
"It's a piece of Science Fiction, Booth. Entertainment on the TV screen."
"I understand the concept of watching TV, Han, but I guess I just fist quite grasp the idea of Stargates and snakes in people's heads." Hannah laughed and rested her head on the head rest.

"Trust me, the more you watch, the more sense it makes." The car phone rang and Booth shot Hannah a smile before answering.

"How far away are you?" Cams voice filled the interior of the car.

"Ten minutes, why?"
"Because we just found a second body and I think Hannah might be interested in this." Hannah frowned.

"It'll be easier to explain when you have the visual as well." Booth checked his rear view and then flicked on his sirens while Hannah ended the call.

"Sirens? Really? They have those in Stargate too."
"But does your Stargate have a possible double murder?" He retorted, flashing her a smile. Hannah shook her head but smiled all the same.

Keeping their relationship a secret for the last month had been both easy and hard. Easy because they could act normal around their friends (of whom didn't actually know but had a theory) and hard because Sweets was attempting to call them out on it but everytime he tried, Hannah mysteriously procured a juice box and cookie from somewhere, to both the shock and amusement of her partner.

"Why would Cam think I'd be interested in two bodies?"
"We're always interested in bodies. It's just that maybe, just maybe, Cam thinks this might be good for you." Hannah gave him an odd look.

"Right. Because dead bodies are ALWAYS something I want to be keenly interested in." Her sarcasm was matched with an eye roll.

"Yeah but you're FBI. You have to be interested in dead bodies."
"Interested but not Brennan interested." Booth gave a toothy grin.

"Amen to that."

Norfolk Beach was a tiny, almost hidden gem within Washington DCs metropolis. It was untouched by the world and when Hannah stepped out of the car, shoving her sunglasses on her face, she took in the breathtaking view of the little paradise.

"I had no idea this was here." She smiled, breathing in the smell of grass and salty water. Booth had put his sunglasses on and looked at Hannah and wrapped an arm around her shoulders, both of them looking around.

"And unfortunately, we have a body." He reminded. Hannah scowled.

"Right. That's why we are here." Booth released her as they trudged down the beach to where the noticeable blue of the Jeffersonian teams uniforms stood out on the golden sand. The necessary FBI forensics moved around Brennan, Cam and Hodgins and the body came into view as Booth and Hannah approached.

"Talk to me, Bones." Booth pulled out a notepad and Hannah handed him a pen as she walked around to the foot of the body and looked at it with her back to the sun. She crouched down and grimaced.

"Well he's male, Caucasian, early to mid twenties."
"I'd estimate time of death being twenty four to seventy two hours ago... Hannah what are you doing?" Cam asked as Hannah moved closer to the cadavers face.

"Who put his finger up his nose?" Hannah asked as she squinted. Booth leaned over and grimaced.

"Maybe he died listening to boogie fever of some sort." Booth offered. Brennan frowned as she attempted to dislodge the finger. Hodgins leaned over as well and patted at Brennan's arm.

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