Chapter Twenty: Booth and Price

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Chapter Twenty: Booth and Price


I had to go and do something of great importance and figured you'd probably panic if I didn't leave a note.
There's food in the fridge and fresh coffee in the pot. I'll explain everything at work.


Hannah x

Hannah sat in her chair and smiled to herself, despite where she was. She had her Booth back and that had filled her with a strange sense of peace that had reached in to the deep recesses of her heart and tugged at her heartstrings.

Booth hadn't left that night and the two of them had stayed up till the wee hours of the AM talking and discussing. Boundaries were placed, words were spoken, hearts were mended. By the time the two of them had fallen asleep on the couch, their rekindled relationship was stronger than it had been before. Hannah had never felt happier.

Leaning on the bench in front of her, Hannah tapped the metal surface with her nails. It was an unfamiliar tune that she made up on the spot but it filled the silence for a short period of time.

The loud buzz caught her off guard and Hannah straightened and looked towards the door. Through the glass, she watched Miles cautiously step through. She saw him say something to the guard who seemed to only encourage the older gentleman to step through. Hannah stood up as she watched Miles, clad in his orange jumpsuit, come towards his daughter.

They both sat at the same time.

"I didn't think you'd be back so soon." Hannah shrugged.

"Circumstances changed for me. Which led to a change of mind. You can thank my partner for that."

"Agent Booth?" Hannah nodded. "He seems nice. From what I've seen on interviews." Hannah smiled to herself.

"He really is. And it really is thanks to him that I'm here." Miles sat forward in his chair with his arms rested on his side of the desk. "You're apology really threw us, okay? And maybe our reaction that we had yesterday wasn't the best and certainly wasn't what you wanted from us but after all this time, it was like someone hitting me with a defibrillator on the highest jolt, y'know?"

"Yeah, I guess I get where you're coming from." He mumbled. Hannah chewed the inside of her cheek.

"Gus and I haven't really had a chance to talk about mom and Rose. So... This is hard." Miles nodded and made eye contact with Hannah, his own eyes soft as he took in her face that was so honest and open. It was so different to the girl that he had damaged.

"I really am sorry, Hannah.

I know. He raised his eyebrows when she said that. Oh dont look at me like that.


Miles chuckled a bit and sat back in his seat and sighed.

"Look, I want to talk more, okay? We can talk about things and work them through. You, me and Gus."

'Maybe just us at first, right?"

"Agreed. Gus needs some healing time. But Ill be back. Once a week for an hour. Ill bring Booth one day. How does that sound?" Miles nodded and Hannah smiled and leaned back.

"I'm glad you came back."

"Me too."

Booth looked up from his desk in his office and smiled when he saw Hannah walking towards him, chucking one of her coffee cups in the bin at her desk and grabbing her computer as she made for him and taking a sip of the coffee cup in her hand.

"Are you drinking my coffee, Price?"

"Wouldn't drink- I mean dream of it." Hannah said as she walked in and placed it on his desk. Booth rolled his eyes and picked up the cup and felt how light it was. Hannah grinned and sat down in her chair with a rush of air. "So I went back to see my dad. Both raised an eyebrow, his small smile widening."


"We talked. A lot. And Im going to see him once a week so that we can work through things."

"Did something change your mind?" Hannah took the pillow that had been behind her and threw it at him, narrowly missing Booths Bobble-head Bobby. Booth caught the pillow and threw it back at her. "I didn't want you to waste an opportunity."

"I know. And I love you for it."


Angela walked into the Jeffersonian with a smile on her face. Sweets was sitting in Cams office and she made for him and wrapped her arms around his neck and kissed his cheek sloppily. Sweets frowned.

"Whats that for? What did I do?" Sweets could see Hodgins in through the glass and he was making eyes at the situation. Angela grinned.

"You got your parents back together. I'm so proud of you." Sweets frowned deeper before his eyes widened.


"Sweets! Don't yell in my lab! What worked?" Cam scolded before turning to Angela.

"Booth and Price."

"What?!" Angela laughed and nodded. "Sweets, how did you do it?"

"I used Psychology against Hacker. I told him that Hannah and Booth balance each other out and statistically speaking, have managed to solve more cases together than before Hannah started at the FBI. By making them give up their romantic feelings- which clearly didn't happen- Hacker was reinforcing a decreased work ethic between team Prooth which inevitably impacted on their own lives but also on the lives of the team around them. In a more normal term, I told him that the sexual tension between them was slowly driving me insane." Sweets grinned. "They seriously are back together? Man, I'm good!" Angela gently punched his arm.

"No abusing the man who got - Prooth did you say?- back together." Cam said as she took off her bloodied gloves. Angela rolled her eyes.

"Honestly, I don't even care. Booth and Price are back at it again." Angela whooped, causing the other working scientists outside the office to cast an odd look into the office.


It can be understood that there is no love equal to that of true love. Lovethat can withstand the test of time, hurt, seperation..... That sometimes moments such of heartbreak and pain can bring to the surface the true feelings that were there below the surface.

For Booth and Hannah, this had been the case and with truths coming to the surface, it's easier to forgive than it is to move on.

Most don't believe in soulmates but if there ever was, through all the confusion, mess ups, hopeful conversations, heartaches and confessions, Booth and Hannah were made for each other. Like two clogs, they worked around each other to work and understand the other in a way most people don't understand. History doesn't matter when when the heart comes into the equation.

Which was probably why the soulds of Hannah an Booth melded so perfectly together.

Authors Note

To be fair, this is not how I wanted to end the story but this is what came out of my fingers and this is as good as it was going to get because I have so much study brain, my dudes. So. Much.





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