Chapter Six: Needles and Masks

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Chapter Six: Needles and Masks

Authors Note:

I decided that maybe it was time to shake things up a bit and get #Prooth a little stressed out. So this is based after Booth was taken by the grave digger, only they didn't get her..

Enjoy my beauties xx

 "It's hot, Han. Really, really hot."
"Then invest in an air conditioner. We can't have you turning into the the mascot for Red Lobster. And if you die from heat exhaustion, who else am I going to celebrate my 24th with?" Hannah inquired as she moved the phone to her other ear as she walked into the Jeffersonian. Hodgins gave her a fist bump as she walked past and Angela rolled her eyes.

Aubrey and Hannah had barely had a chance to talk over the last two months. Hannah would call him and he would be out on a case or he would call her and she was on a case, talking to her grandparents or asleep.

"Yeah.... about that." Aubrey coughed awkwardly into the phone. Hannah stopped walking and groaned.

"You can't get over here, can you?" There was a pause on Aubreys side. "Whaaaaaaat  no! I can't turn 24 without my best friend! I'm cancelling my birthday this year." Hannah moaned. She could almost hear Aubreys eye roll through the phone.

"Yeah, turns out that I'll be there but on business." Hannah started walking again but with a smile gracing her face.

"But you'll still be here?"
"I will be." Hannah fist pumped the air. "Did you just fist pump the air?"
"Yeah right." They both laughed as Hannah turned into the office and Booth waved at her and motioned to the coffee on the desk. She grinned and grabbed it before sitting in her seat.

"So what business brings you to our side of the state?"
'You remember the Grave Digger case?" Hannah squinted for a moment.

"Oh yeah, I do. Kind of hard to forget."
"I bet you almost did... But we have what might be a grave digger case but my partner says we need to consult with the Jeffersonian." Hannah started bouncing in her seat.

"When do you get here?"
"We're flying out tomorrow night with the bodies and will at the headquarters at 10 am."
"Do you have a place to stay?"
"Yeah, your guest room. That is unless Aslan turned it into a giant toilet."
"It's yours. You still have the key?" Booth looked up at her words and raised an eyebrow. He noted at how excited she seemed and in his head, it didn't seem to compute with anything he knew. Boyfriend? Crush? Ex-boyfriend? Booth shook his head and picked up his phone and dialed a number and waited as it rang.

"I'll see you later then."
"See ya later, alligator."
"In a while crocodile." Hannah hung up her cell and grinned at it before taking a sip of her coffee. Booth put the phone down and made eye contact with Hannah.

"You seem happy."
"Oh, and old friend is coming up."
"Old friend, huh? What would this old friends name be?"
"James. Ugh, I haven't seen him since he got transferred to Texas. But he's here on business so I'm not sure how much I'll get to see him." Booth nodded and passed her a folder from his desk before leaning back on his chair and put his feet on the desk.

"Well,  I'm sure you'll see something of each other." There was a hint of jealousy in his voice that fortunately, went undetected by the young woman. She was already flicking through the thick file with a frown.

"What's all this?"
"I want you to read up on the Grave Digger. Go and see Sweets for his notes as well." Hannah cocked her head before another smile appeared.

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