💉love me

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i miss writing insomnia so much and i know this is all about blurry and stuff but im going to pretend it isnt for this chapter and make a very fluffy one :).


only one was asleep, nestled on top of another and every so often breathing out soft snores, one hand tangled in the bed sheets while the other grasped gently with his lovers.

the other was awake, calmly rubbing small circles on his little loves back and pressing gentle kisses to his loves face once and awhile, enjoying the silence in his head and in the room.

everything was just so peaceful in these moments.

the younger shifted in his sleep, his eyelids twitched and eyelashes fluttered before his plump lips exhaled a yawn, "mmm ty."

the older smiled, sweetly flashing his two canines and placing a gentle kiss to the younger's forehead, "i'm here love."

the younger hummed and opened his eyes, letting go of the bedsheets that were twisted in his grip and shifting up his position, resting his forehead with his boyfriends, "morning."

the vampire chuckled, "its actually afternoon."

"be quiet, ty, i just woke up." the younger yawned out.

tyler eskimo kissed his love, "its ok, josh, you can go back to sleep if you want."

josh shook his head, "i don't wanna, wanna spend time with you."

tyler mentally cooed at his love, josh was always needy in the mornings when he didn't work and tyler added it to the list of things he loved about him.

"what do you want to do then?" josh seemed to ponder that question by capturing the brunets lips with his but hey, tyler wasn't complaining.

they spent a good five minutes lazily kissing since josh was still a little hazy because he just woke up.

josh pulled back with tylers bottom lip between his teeth and tyler couldn't help but let out a soft groan that made josh release his lip and smile.

"that was probably the best answer you gave me." tyler hummed out while his love continued to peck his lips with a smile.

"good now come on, i heard stranger things let out a season two and i really want to watch it." tyler laughed and josh playfully slapped his shoulder.

"i was wondering when you were going to say that." josh rolled his eyes with a smile and sat up on tylers lap, checking up on notifications on his phone before maneuvering out of tylers lap and off the bed.

he didn't wait for the brunet as he plopped himself down on the couch and searched for stranger things on netflix, pressing play on the first episode and tossing the remote onto the other side of the couch. he could hear on coming footsteps but he was too engrossed with the show, feeling the couch dip and a subtle hum.

maybe one episode in did josh notice tyler sitting next to the arm, whining with a pout, "tyyy."

tyler didn't look his way, "watch your show."

josh frowned, "but i want you to love me."

tyler still didn't look his way, "i will later now watch."

his love brought his legs up to his chest and rested his chin upon his knees, feeling his heart break just a little but didn't say a thing. halfway through the second episode did tyler look his way, seeing tears stain his loves cheeks, "baby?"

his love sniffed, "what?"

tyler patted his lap, "come here."

josh looked his way with a frown, "but you don't want me."

the brunet raised a brow, "what? of course i do, why say that?"

"because you were ignoring me earlier and wouldn't look my way." josh mumbled out while rubbing one of his eyes.

tyler shook his head, "i'm sorry love, but don't ever think i'll never want you because i'll always do, now come on."

stranger things was forgotten easily and was now background noise for the boys but that was fine, they could just rewatch it whenever they want too.

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