Stakeboardz (Lars)

11 1 0

I sipped my orange juice silently. The smell of the new batch of breakfast foods wafted through the Diner. I had literally 12 minute left and Thyme was running late like always.

I really don't think she needs to money from working here. I think she is just harassing me again. I thought I had gotten away from her flirting but I guess the devil follows we meek sinners.

I've told her about a million thymes that I'm not interested.



My attention was violently ripped away by some kinda golden god walking by outside.

The guy who was walking him was good looking too.

I watched as the tiny fluffy dog stoped dead in its tracks and slowly turned to look at me. Our eyes locked and I felt my soul being gazed into. The fluffs eyes widened and we had a small moment. I felt like this dog could give me away at a wedding... I would now die for this dog.... Our souls are bound.

*single man tear!*

My happiness doubled when the dog took off towards the glass doors of the diner. I made a happy/dorky face as his tinny paws imprinted on the door and he barked his smool happy bark.

The guy who was on the other side of the leash staggered to his dog and I looked at him. He noticed me. His face turned a shade of red brighter then my future and he darted around the doorway. I lost sight of him but his dog was still barking.

I made kissy faces at the dog to amuse myself until the guy decided what he wanted to do. I could hear mumbling and it was adorable.

After a short while of my impatience I called out.

"I don't bite. Why don't you come in and I'll get you something." I leaned against the counter and watched as the beautiful stranger wandered into my diner. They seemed hopelessly lost in the cold storm. All alone in the dead of night with no where else to turn! All eyes darted away as they called for help. I so graciously had offered some shelter. All I asked in return?

To pet this dog.

Fuck that's a cute dog.

He walked to the counter and sat down at one of the stools. The dog was placed on the neighboring seat and I could barely contain my happiness.

"I don't mean to be rude but I need you pet your dog." The guy kinda gestured a yes type answer and my hands reached for the doggo.

"His name is Pon." This guys voice was a bit nasally and very nervous. With out his notice I gave a quick look-see.

Long green hair that looks lazily pulled back, oversized yellow hoodie(unique), looks tired as hell.... call it a 6.

Cute dog : +1

Adorable nervousness : +1

So we be at an 8 eh? That's a pretty good score.

Goal: flirt with the stranger.
Difficulty: meh

Sub goal: pet doggo named Pon.
Difficulty: SUPER EASY.

I pet the dog with both hands. I was a little overwhelmed by how soft it was. I hadn't ever touched something so soft. The fluff was amazing. I shall treasure this feeling for as long as I live.

Goal complete: pet dog.

"So I havent seen you around here before. You new in town as well?" While petting the dog I actually spoke to the guy.

"Uh, no actually. I just normally don't walk this early. Pon insisted on going early today." His voice was still shaky but he seemed slightly more okay.

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