Light And Dark (Elly)

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The door creaked as I pushed it open. Quickly, I closed it behind me to prevent the cool air from following me inside. Slipping my jacket off, I hung it on one of the hooks near the door. I tapped the snow off my boots and rearranged my wild, wind-blown hair. With a successful huff I stepped into the familiar home.

From the living room I could hear the giggling of a child and some ruckus from down the main hall. I followed my ears in hopes of finding my dork brother.

"Whoa-! Weee!" It was the voice of a young girl. My mind flashed to my own daughter and a smile pulled at my lips.

I pushed open an ajar door; it was the only painted one in the hall. Inside I was greeted with an adorable sight. A man was holding a child on his back while they held there arms out like an airplane. I hadn't yet been noticed.

"Vrooooom! Faster!" The girl squealed happily as my brother turned and darted across the medium sized room. I watched leaning against the doorway with a smile. When I was noticed it was quite comical. He stoped abruptly like a deer in the head lights. The girl continued to make airplane noises.

"Oh... hey Elly!" He knelt down allowing the child to dismount his back. "Your back in town!" Devin seemed embarrassed yet excited. I laughed at him in a sweet manner.

"I don't believe I've seen this one sense she was just a baby." Last I saw her she must have been a little under a year old. Have I really been gone for so long?

The small girl trotted to me and looked up with large eyes. "Who are you?" Her mid tone brown hair matched mine and Devins while her eyes were magenta pools. She owned a darker skin tone but held small spots of lighter skin on the apples of her cheeks and on the tips of her ears. She raised a fine eye brow at me.

"Blair, that's Elly, your Aunt. She's my sister." Devin walked towards the two of us after standing. He had changed a little bit as well. The traditional new parent look drenched his mannerism. Dark circles hung below his eyes and his limbs seemed a bit weary. His hair had grown quite a bit and was messy as if he had just woken up.

The tattoo on his upper arm was new but looked nice.

The little girl at my feet had a look of realization. "Your Lilakai's mamma!" She squealed and jumped up and down happily. I smiled at the name.

"That I am! Your name is Blair right?" She nodded furiously. My heart fluttered and I looked at devin.

"God you made a cute kid." My professional facade was cracked wide open and I elbowed him.

"I blame Lillian." He shrugged and nervously picked under his nails. That turned my mood a touch and a question arose in my mind. I placed it on the back burner for the moment. "How was your trip?" He leaned down and scooped up his kid.

"Wonderful! It's nice to be back though. Two years was far to long... I got back two nights ago, but I was at home for the first day with Indigo and the kids." Devin elbowed me back and wiggles his eye brows. Same old Devin I see. I shot him a glare and rolled my eyes but the slight blush confirmed his ideas rewarding me a laugh.

Blair was so lost, her purity was adorable. Just like all children.

We walked into the living room and sat on the couches. Blair was placed on the ground and took off running around, full of energy.

"So I just have to ask... did she take after you or Lu-" I corrected myself, "Lillian." My eyes followed the child as she turned around the island in the kitchen.

"She took after me. It's more common but equally unfortunate. She hasn't really done anything to crazy yet but I've been very careful to make sure she is okay. She knows what all of it means and she's learning things from myself, Azazel, and Death so she is very well taken care of."

"Wow. Your really not messing around with this."

"If she takes after me, I have valid cause." A short moment of mutual fear and understanding washed over us.

We really don't need another demon like him.

"Anyway, how was your trip?" Devin changed the topic.

"Good! I got a lot done. I learned a lot!"

"That's good. Any more trips that you know of?"

"Well Malachite only has a few months left so probably not. I'll be in and out of town a lot but that's just how it is."

"So how are the powers? The Magi thing?"

"So strange... I get to be the mysterious person helping everyone. Having been helped in the same way before, it's so... empowering. I'm not nearly as experienced as Malachite and that's worrying but he's taught me just about everything." I was happy to take over his abilities but I fear it's going to be a chaotic life.

"Well you'll only learn more as you do more stuff."

Blair darted back into sight with a big smile on her face and she jumped onto Devin. He let out a pained 'oof'. A smile tugged my my lips as se flipped over in his lap and look at me with happy curiosity.

"Daddy said you were on an special trip. What were you doing?" He tilted her head.

"Well, I was out of town in a completely different world with an old friend of your dad and I. He was teaching me a bunch of magic and things I needed to take his place as the next Light Magi." I tried to explain it.

It's way more complicated then that but maybe I'll explain it in a few more years.

"Wow! Can I see!"

"See what?"

"The magic!" She threw her hands into the air.

"Sure!" Devin looks at me a little worried and skeptical.

"You sure that's a good idea?"

"I don't see why not. I'm sure she will see it one day eventually." I stood up and walks to her. I took her hand and helped her to her feet. Devin stayed sitting. I could tell he was worried about Blair even in a situation as safe as this. It was adorable.

We walked to the center of the room and I sat down with my legs folded. She mirrored me. I placed my hands on my knees and closed my eyes. I felt my head start to spin and my body felt light and wavy. I focused the weightlessness towards my hands and I forced it out of my body. I slowly opened my eyes and remained the calm focus in order to send the light between both of my hands. A beam of light curved between my hands like a rainbow. The beam gradually shifted into flowing orbs or golden liquid. They moved slowly in seemingly random directions and I shifted my attention to Blair. Her eyes were as wide as saucers.

"There safe to touch if you'd like to."

"Elly-" Devin spoke but I cut him off.

"I'm not out of control like I used to be. There not going to burn her like I did you." I didn't look at him but I felt a wave of negative energy from him.

Before I left to learn how to control this power, I would reflexively burn 'evil' creatures. Simply by touching someone while emotional, I would do strange things. I always shocked Indigo, I've burned Devin and Death many times, I've even jammed Greeds soul before.

That was a horrifying day.

Blair raised her hand and kept it still as one of the orbs passed through it. The liquid dispersed and flaked around her hand without making contact. The pressure of the small space between the light and her hand caused a smooth glossy feeling. Once if had passed her hand it reformed into an orb.

"Wow! So soft!" She giggled and held her hand to her chest. I gave a soft smile and the lights dropped and disappeared.

Devin was right to be worried in a way and he definitely picked up on it. The lights never actually touched her. They just got extremely close.

That's... kind of poetic in a sick way.

I looked at Devin and he looked at me. A sad look matched my sad smile.

We are twins. Yet we have become so incredibly different. There used to be no space. Everything was on the same field but now there's this giant crack in the earth separating us. There used to be a bridge but now that's gone to.

With just how dark he is. My light can't even touch him.

Not without leaving a nasty scar.

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