Tape Two (???/Devin/Fauna)

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Still not cannon.
I dug through the drawer fishing for the next tape. The organized set up was missing tape 2 but a 2.5 sat where I thought 3 would be. I fumbled it towards the old tape player on the top of the dusty desk. There was writing in the different of the tape, "Flora and Fauna (Burn this)". I removed the previous tape and slapped it on the table. I shoved in the next one I could find and snapped it closed. I held the device in my hands as I pressed play.

"Today I'm doing a verbal record for two of my friends and there history. Flora and fauna. Because Flora is mute Fauna will be doing the talking but Flora can do things to interact as well. I'll have a written report from her.

First we should start with an introduction

"YAY! My nams is Fauna Nature and my slightly older sister is Flora Nature. We were born as of the last ice age. The previous holder of fauna was a man. I don't know a lot about him but he must have had a much better time then us. Then there is Mother Nature she's still alive and kicking. Together they controlled both the flora and the fauna of the living world but some how the duties were passed on to us as twins. So one got one half and the other, got the other. The cycle moves with the ice age. Is childhood the Ice age is just ending. Animals and plants and repopulating the earth yada yada. The young adult years are the heat waves. When the world in is it's hottest. And when we get my be old farts the world will begin another Ice age. We will die and then another person will get the responsibility like we did."

"Wow, that's actually pretty cool. I never knew that. So you control The Fauna and Flora controls Flora?"

"Well because the previous holder of Fauna is missing, dead, or who knows where, I control Fauna with moms help. Because of certain situations, Flora and mom both control flora things. Although mom won't be around to to much longer. Maybe another hundred ears or so."

"That's a short time for you?"

"Yeah. There most be another ice age for a long while."

"Fair enough. I thought I'd ask about Floras inability to speak."

"Ummmm... well, She had always been quiet when we were young. She had a beautiful voice but someone broke it."

"How can someone break a voice?"

"It was during Pompeii, Flora made a deal with the people to hold back the lava for as long as she could. They thrived but she couldn't hold it forever. Eventually the land started to suffer because of there stupidity. They called a meeting with her and the chief leader tried to kill her believing he
would get her power. Stupid humans am I right. He tried to snap her neck but instead he snapped her vocal box like a twig. In kinda a spit on Anger she released the whole damn volcano on em. Flora may look human but she's more like a humanoid walking plant. She doesn't need to eat. She makes her own food. She really doesn't sleep ether. Me on the other hand. I got the short end of the stick. I gotta sleep and eat to survive but with a walking Garden for a sister I never go hungry. Floras flower crown is actually part of her as well. It gets bigger by the year and it's BEAUTIFUL"

"What does that mean for your legs and antlers?"

"Most people think I'm a faunas. Which is understandable and I could probably live with them just fine and be unnoticed, but it's kinda different. The make up of a faunas is completely different then mine. It's broken down to a generic issue. It's hard to explain without a lecture in Biology. It's kind of like how Flora is a human but she's made from plant fiber. I'm a human but I'm made of animal fibers so my legs have different genetic composition then me."

"Strange. Maybe I'll take that lecture another time. So what are you opinions on some of your co workers? How about life? I never really hear a lot about him."

"Oh working here is like a dream. It's so organized and way less chaotic. Life has been so busy lately we've practically been doing his job for him in a few ways. The job is fun though, and rewarding. Life is super nice to us and I think he's a kind guy. He's fairly open about things and easy to read if you know what to look for. Buddha and God are just the old farts we have to look up to. Although they look nice. I feel like I'll get to know them much better once I'm older."

"How about the "darker" departments, lucy, Adder, death?"

I think everyone here are a bunch of idiots. People are so in different degrees but everyone can be stupid. Death is such a fun guy to be around but when he's in the dumbs it really sucks. I love his humor and his personality but sometimes I wanna slap him. Lucy though, one word. Sexy boss as bitch. So four words but still. She has humor, she's not afraid to slap a bitch, she doesn't crash into heavy depressions, at least not in front of anyone. That's respectable. Adder is chill in my book. I feel bad for him because of all the drama about the wedding. He's a cool dude and I can't wait until I can party with him!! Ugh being young is annoying."

"Well I thinks that's all the room on this tape, it doesn't look like I have much left. This is the end of tape two."

"Floras gotta run. But can I add something?"


"Can you edit these?"

"Yeah, why do you ask?"

"I wanted to tell you something and I don't mind if you record it but I don't want a lot of people knowing okay?"

"Okay? I can do that."

"Let's get real for a second. I feel like you can agree with me on this but humans need to suck a big one and fuck off. They can all die for what I care, Invasive species die eventually. Anyways, Floras sick.... really sick."

"Is she oka-"

"And I'm not done yet. Have you noticed those gloves? Her hands are decomposing. If it gets bad enough she already has purchased the help of everyone's favorite creepy mechanic to make her bionic limbs until she is strong enough to regenerate them. She barely moves without having to sit in the sun for hours. She is week and it's not getting better."

"Is there a reason for that?"

"Humans are walking all over her. I would do anything to save her. a.n.y.t.h.i.n.g. You get the jist? I could use the help of a blood thirsty demon. It would be fun! You could blow of all that built up steam and I would be your partner in crime! Wouldn't that be fun! And it's all to help flora!"

"I dont think I ever told you I was demon? Are you so sure?"

"Devin, you are a demon. I'm a animal person. That means all creatures from earth or not. Yes you the first one I've seen up close but Im Interested in more then just your anatomy. Although I'd like a closer look at that too..."

"Please refrain from dissecting me."

"If that's what you believe I meant.....
You in or not. It wouldn't be soon. A year of two. I would need to prepare..."

"I-I'll think about it. Keep me posted about Floras Blight though."

"Can do! Stay sexy my friends!"

*she sprints out of the room after a small ~chue~ noise is made*

"*long whistle* well that was something. This is the end of tape 2.5."

Her name left a bad taste in my mouth. Fauna. That back stabbing little whore was here from the beginning.

I can't believe she's part of this even more then I was aware of....

I plied the tape from the player and set it next to the other one. I wiped the collection of tears off my face and I dried the bottom side of my chin.

I still need answers.

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