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Grappled by the frozen air, I crept up towards the gaping mouth on the side of the mountain. Frozen air hooked into my bones and jerked me forwards towards shelter. The man behind me smiled softly as his wide gate strolled past me. The cold seemed to have no effect on him. I jumped and slammed my legs forwards in order to keep pace with him as we entered the mouth of the cave. Even at just the entrance, the wind was weaker and warmth started to return to my body. The man chuckled.

"You must have been walking alone for some time." I could only send a brief nod in rerun. His green eye pierced my sight line as I watched him scan my body silently. His large gray coat nearly scraped the rock floor as he discarded it entering further into the cave. I shivered at the thought of the cold piercing his newly bare skin.

He continued inward towards the bend. As I followed I realized there was light and the smell of fire before us. I hadn't seen it in the dark night outside but smoke clung to the highest peaks in the ceiling and was being funneled outward. The air continued to warm as we approached the hidden fire. He rounded the corner before I and a large smile crawled onto his pale face.

"Well hello dear. I do hope you've stayed warm." Folding his jacket and setting it into his offhand, he extended an arm to me. I took his hand and flinched at the temperature. It was as if I gripped ice. I was gently pulled around the corner and embraced by a warm hearth. Two fur sleeping bags were lain opposite each with the fire between. A small pile of cooking pots were stacked to the side clean and dusty. Sitting at the fire warming there hands, was a child. She could not be any more then 13 and was unreasonably innocent. Her long brown hair was stick straight other then the masses of tangles within the web. Her skin was pale, almost white, it was hard to tell from the orange fire light. Her eyes shone a bright purple and they seemed to glisten in excitement.

She sprung to her feet using her hands to hoist herself upright. Dirt from the cave floor covered her body like soot. I couldn't help but swoon a bit as she sprang towards. Her large smile was smothered as she gripped onto my coat and pulled me close. My heart cracked and a chip fell off and into her hands.

"Well hello there." I placed my hands on her back and gently returned the hug. She pulled her head back and looked up at me with closed eyes and a smile.

"I'm afraid she doesn't talk much. I found her a long while ago and took her under my care. She has traveled with me ever since." The man approached the fire and sat on one of the fur bedrolls. Setting his jacket to the side he sighed.

"That's okay... do you mind if I ask her name?" She pulled away still holding my coat and pulled me towards the fire.

"Honestly, this May sound harsh but I don't know her name. I've simply called her dear. I'm unsure if she knows her name." The child sat me down on the other bedroll and sat next to the man. He had also neglected to tell me his name.

"I see. My name is Jourjianna." I smiled weekly and placed my hands closer to the fire.

"Angelo." He reached over the fire and extended his hand. "Pleasure to meet you."


Angelo gave me his bedroll for the night and I was to share the girls horse while traveling. We were both fairly slim so it made sense. Once I awoke, breakfast had just been finished. It had been so long since I'd eaten real food I nearly choked from the taste. I could have cried. While I ate, Angelo set up the horses and the child cleaned up the camping spot she moved fluidly and almost silently. As soon as I finished I walked outside with my bowl and roughly washed it in the snow. My hands burned from the cold wetness but it was the least I could have done. I placed my dish with the others to be packed up. It was strangely quiet while they readied to leave.

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