Little Red String : Part One (Pestlience)

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Hurray! It's another fucking day. The birds were causing a ruckus outside and sunlight burned into my room through the wide open window. I could feel the light as it seeped through my eyelids and into my pupils.

"MOSI!" I hollered for my... Associate but got no reply. Probably fucking with Abbadon again. I swear I'm going to kick them from my house. All they do it plot about evil shit and make noise.

You may ask yourselves "Well Pestilence, why not join in the evil shit?" To which I reply young reader, "It is rude to pry into others business."

I'm on a self proclaimed vacation. I can do what ever I want.

Speaking of this fact, I hauled my heavy ass out of my comfortable ass bed. I didn't even bother to fix the red comforter or rearrange the pillows. Too much work. I sauntered to my wardrobe and pulled out a band t-shirt and a pair of white skinny jeans. Ive got nothing to do today so my plan is to just walk around for the 200th time.

I showered before I slept so I just fixed my hair and left the house. I watched as the giant spider on my porch followed me with its head. I smiled leaving them behind as I headed in a random direction. I'd walked these roads many times. People really just knew me here as that one goth looking guy. Having been here for so damn long I could easily tell you everything about all of these people.

The Older fairy with the silver hair hidden in a purple wrap was actually a witch doctor. She retired when an experiment went wrong and killed her child. She walks the block in front of my house every Sunday.

The young blonde man who lives on the corner is involved in the black market to make money for his pregnant girlfriend. I've actually bought many things from him. Sweet guy.

The pixie who sells trinkets across from the bizarre actually has wings which she keeps hidden. She is of royal blood but doesn't realize it. She makes a living stealing things to pawn off. Maybe one day I'll tell her about her bloodline and watch the story unfold.

There isn't much I don't know.

Information is a hobby of mine.

I smirked as I walked past the familiar street corner and waved to the Blond man. He smiled back nodding a bit.

Out of the blue I felt a slight tug from my hand. At first I through someone had grabbed it from the sudden warmth but that was not the case.

Lifting my hand into sight, I felt the heat and pressure as red began to flow down from my joint. My first thought it was blood but I watched as a string leading to a bend in the road attached to the base of my pinky. Confusion wrapped my mind. Suddenly I was jerked forwards violently. No one else seemed to be able to see it.

I revived strange looks from passerby's.

I staggered forwards to avoid falling on my face. The string jerked again and I held back. I thought it would have snapped but it refused. Any slack in the string disappeared pulling towards the other end violently.

Annoyance fogged my mind. Curious and a bit aggressive I began to follow its path. I huffed walking. The string would tug and pull every once and awhile and I was tempted to just cut the damn thing. Hey tried to keep my cool. Maybe some fun little adventure was to be gained from this.

I walked for quite sometime, the string would jerk every once and a while and I pulled back when it did. I wasn't sure who or what I would find but my urge to murder increased slowly.

I had been led completely out of town into the middle of the woods. A good 30 minuets had passed and my patience was running thin.

I found myself walking into a small clearing with in the trees. I was about to continue when another person walked in from behind a tree. As our eyes met I couldn't help the agitation that rose in my mind.

Champaign hair and Wine eyes were both comments from an alcoholic and belonged to War. Another one of the damn horsemen, she was... tolerable. We have... history(?)

"Well what the fuck? I though some idiot dead weight would be at the other end. What even is this thing?"

"It's a string dumb shit" I stated the obvious.

"Well no fucking du. I was referring to the why part of this scenario." She took another step to me and the slack disappeared as it had on my end. "Weird... this is familiar..." as she stepped through the small clearing I took mental note of some things.

Fuck those shoes. To extra, should have destroyed them when I had the chance.

She was caring a large bag. Looks like she was just passing through.

I also noticed another visitor. A pair of white wings and white hair stuck out among the green trees. The space between war and I had become friendly and I turned to the Tree.

"Love? what the fuck are you doing?" Wars eyes followed mine and she lifted her arms which caused my hand to follow.

"What's the damage Raguel?!" As she yanked the string it threw me off balance and pulled me towards her. Unable to catch myself I smacked into her causing us both to fall.

In some sort of sick romcom plot I ended up pining her to the ground. Love broke into a genuine laughter.

"Hey I'm just doing my job." She snickered standing on the branch she was previously laying on. Her dress was replaced with a ranger type outfit. The girls thicc. Never really saw it before in that flowy dress.

My thoughts were immediately drawn back to the woman under me as her arms were wrapped behind my neck. She pulled my face to hers stealing a kiss without my permission. I jerked back after a moment and glared.

"The fuck are you doing?" I stood up and held my hand out for her to take. She did and it shocked my finger a bit.

"You again eventually."

I dropped her on the ground and Love erupted into laughter.

"Well I'm done here." She smiled before taking off into the air. "I don't like ether one of you but you sure are entertaining when your not murdering people. Behave." She took off away from the city leaving us here still attached by this stupid string.

War picked herself up laughing a bit.

"Well now that I've run into you, you might as well show me around town. I'm lost." She stepped towards me.

"Why should I do that?" She raised and eyebrow and jerked the string gently.

"We have no idea how to this this fucking thing off."

My mind played through options and one stuck. I smirked taking control of the situation. Yanking the string roughly I took the two or so feet between us and erased it. She was pulled to me and I caught her by the waist.

"Maybe you can be me entertainment for the day."

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