Around (Elly)

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It was dark out.

That's okay right?

I was alone this time. I've been going out alone recently. I've been okay. It seems like all this paranoia is fading away. The realm is on like 'fuck bad guys mode' so there isn't anything to worry about. I have my phone, I'm sure Fin is around, there's nothing to worry about.

I took a deep breath and watched the vapors disappear into the air. It was another clear and cold night like most nights. I pulled my jacket closer around me. All I could hear was the sound of my own shoes. There was a figure crossing the road ahead of me. There hood was pulled over there head as they darted to the sidewalk. I watched them enter a building. The door slipped shut and I felt alone again.

I was headed home from the Diner. Lars And I had chatted for a while and I needed to get home. If I made good time I could get a tight 5 hours of sleep. I picked up the pace a bit. The cold kissed my cheeks leaving them prickly and red. I felt pale, my body was so drained from talking to Lillian and meeting Malachite. I still need to tell Indigo about that. He would enjoy hearing that part of my past.

Malachite was part of one of the happiest memories I have from my childhood.

The sounds of my heavy boots echoed in the empty streets. The sound was familiar and repetitive. It was relaxing. I paused under a dark part in the street in order to look up at the stars. They were the same as always. A giant stretch of the sky was full of color and tiny specks.

The world seemed to freeze in this moment. I was relaxed. It was nice.  I once again watched the air curl out of my mouth against the black background of the sky. My eyes fell closed.

"Your guard is down Elly."

My eyes flashed open and my heart skipped a beat. My head whipped around so quickly I heard my spine crack. I scanned the area in front of me and after a second I pivoted and looked behind me.

I stumbled backwards and almost fell back. A hand reached out and grabbed my wrist to keep me from falling. The cold hand sent spires of ice into my body. I was paralyzed with fear.

I need Indigo.

"Careful. You'll hurt yourself." Pestilence raised his visible eyebrow. "Wouldn't want Indigo to worry." He pulled my hand and rebalanced me upright. I jerked my wrist away from him and held it to my body. I told my legs to move but they didn't. All I could do is shake. Pain flooded my body

"G-get.. a-a-away..." I choked the words out as I inched backwards.

"I just thought I'd give you a visit. Is that so wrong?" He took a step towards me and a scream crept up the back of my throat. As it was about to escape, a cold hand slithered around to my back and another slapped over my mouth.

"Shhhhhh. I'm not going to hurt you. Infact, it's come to my attention someone is trying to find you..." I felt his breath on my face. I couldn't do anything but shake. My head spun from how close me was and every nerve in my body burned. He leaned forwards and pulled me towards him. He only whispered. "It would be annoying if someone were to bring you somewhere I couldn't play with you, so. I'll be around."

As suddenly as he appeared he stepped away from me and vanished. The second he disappeared I regained control of my body. Tears rolled down my face and I reflexively screamed out in pain and fear. I grasped my head and staggered quickly to the street light. Once there I held onto the metal pole and tried to calm down. My vision was blurry and my body hurt from where he held me. My skin felt frozen. I heard the flap of wings and I jerked around to face the direction they came from. I pancaked my back against the pole as Fin reached me. He was followed by Tawny who I had only met once or twice.

My vision was still blurred and spotty. I suddenly felt sick. I held my head over my stomach.

"Elly?! What happened?!" I felt Fins hand rest on my shoulder and the feeling made my stomach churn more. I turned to the side and the contents of my stomach escaped my throat. The hot acid felt like lava against my cold body.

I eventually stopped and went back to leaning against the pole.

"Do you need to be brought to the ward?" Fin spoke in the same soft tone as he always did. I shook my head slowly. I don't want to go back there. "What can I do to help." I know he meant well...

"I need to... I. I don't know." I wiped my mouth. I slid down the pole until my knees were tight against my chest. I could smell the vomit not far from me. I held my body and tried to stop shaking. I was so lost in thought and panic that I couldn't hear Fin anymore. There was a loud ringing in my ears.

I thought Pestilence was gone. Why is he back. He's going to be watching me? Who's after me that's worse then him?

I want this to end. I just want him dead. I want to get away no mater what it takes. I want to feel like I'm not scraping my soul on concrete when I breath. I clenched my eyes closed as tears continued. I felt so alone and afraid even though two people I trust were with me. If they touched me I would just get worse. I'm so useless. I can't even move. Why can't I just figure this shit out. I just want to be normal.

What even is normal?

I felt a sudden wave of warmth. I was so drained I wasn't able to move but I could tell it was Indigo. I felt so much better with his aura around me. I could hear muffled voices and all I saw were blind of color when I managed to pull my eyes open a bit. They fell shut again shortly.

I could feel warmth in front of me. Like the opposite of Pestilence. I warm hand was slowly dropped onto my shoulder. I didn't pull back. It didn't hurt.

I heard his muffled voice and I groaned in reply. He shifted and I felt my body lift off the ground. I was far to tired to move. I continued to hear talking and noises before it fell silent. I didn't fall asleep but I felt much more relaxed. I was unsure of how much time passed but I was eventually set down on something very soft. My bed I presume.

"Elly?" I groaned in reply.

"Are you okay? I'm worried.." I could now hear the sickening worry in his words.

"No." I croaked out the words as I lay facing him on my side. I felt his arms wrap around me. That warm aura covered me again.

"What happened. Fin said he had no idea." I cradled my head under his and I found some semblance of comfort in his protection.

"Pestilence happened." I felt him flinch. He rubbed my back.

I felt sick again.

I've yet to tell him exactly what happened but somehow I know he knows. He's known for awhile. I'm not sure how but there isn't anyway he wouldnt have asked someone by now.

Im a horrible person.

"Your safe with me." I could hear the exhaustion in his voice.

"I know."

I know he wants me to feel safe.

But I know I never will.

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