Little Red String : Part Three (Pestilence)

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Well it's about time we fucking try to cut this damn thing.

Not saying I'm not having any fun but it's just... inhibiting. Life is easier with no strings attached.

"Well how do you suppose we try to do that. Ripping it with tension doesn't seem to work." I gently pulled against it by pulling my hand away from her. The string flung straight and tight between us.

"Yeah, that was a mess." She chuckled. It was a little manipulative laugh. An evil little adorable laugh.

Wait... stop that.

"Well I have some tools we can try in the basement."

"This place has got everything. It's quite big. What hobbies do you have hidden down there?" She smiled playfully. I hesitated. She doesn't really need to know what I use the basement for.

"It's... well. I guess you'll just have to see when we go down. I'm fairly certain it's been cleaned up since last time. It has been a while sense I've used it." She raised a fine eye brow.

"So mysterious."

"You should know me well enough to know I keep my secrets close." I put a hand on my hip feeling a little sassy. Hey suppose I should include a little history lesson.

You see. I'm a lot older then I look. All us horsemen are. Most souls in the afterlife are to. Devin and Elly are among the oldest souls but some of the higher ups and really old farts are crazy old. Back during the first civil war, all us horsemen had a type of pact. Maybe other then famine.

We all bully them.

It's fun.

Anyways. It was during the civil war that War became a horsemen. I started my rule during the Holy War which was years before the civil war. Famine and Death go back a little further. I'm not sure when. Never cared to ask.

Death is older then all of us and he was the first to be instated. So he became our ring leader until he stepped away to work at the building. The three of us all had to sacrifice something to prove ourselves to him in order to revive our titles.

I don't know what famine gave. fingers I think.

War gave her Wings.

I gave up my freedom.

Well that's a bad way to word it. Death has a thing. In the end not having it has caused him so many issues so it's fine by me.

He took about 45% of my power. It's like a switch. He can turn it on and off when ever he pleases. When we were on the same team this was fine. But when I got banished and he switched teams he flipped it off. I can still take some people in a fight but not nearly the way I used to. I don't even remember if he knows it's off. Maybe somewhere in his big fucked up brain it's somewhere but until I can get that stupid crystal, it's low power mode for me.

War and I became real good buddies during the war. I was banished from the afterlife but any conflicts that took place outside she helped me with. It was boring to watch but I still couldn't enter the realm at that point. I entertained myself in other ways I assure you.

That was around the time Uzza and I got to know each other real well.

That's for another story. >;)

After the war ended. War went into a remission faze. That's the best way to explain it. She gets a super rush like high during periods of conflict and when they end she gets real sluggish. She ends up weaker and slower during these remission phases so she hides away. Now that she's back, it means something's stirring. The war with the Demon and Faunas is escalating but she's really never been super involved with that. I'm guessing it's something in the Afterlife. A changing of power coming up is my guess.

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