Gloved Hands (Blair / Madam M)

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This was going to be a mistake.

Dad said I can't party. It's not a good idea. Not even a little bit. I'm already hanging on the edge and this little shindig is gonna smash my fingers and send me to my death.

Jess held me in a death grip as we walked down the sidewalk. Everyone I had ever met was on the street corner around a seemingly single spotlight. The crowd was noisy but the cops were already there.

In line to get in.

Wonder what Mayor Harper thinks of that.

Hell He's probably already inside.

Jess' dress jingled and clinked and as we approached the crowd people got out of the way for us.

"Looking nice tonight Miss." a gentleman called in our direction. I pulled my dress lower and hoped for his sake that he was talking about her.

As we pivoted to enter the ally she swung her hips back and gave a little show. Almost everyone whistled or cat called and the bouncer had wandering hands as she leaned in and whispered a word I didn't catch. She quickly pulled back and her hip reattached to mine as we entered.

As soon as the door opened I was hit with so many smells. I nearly hesitated but I was pulled forwards. As we descended the stairwell the lights grew more colors and varying intensities. The sounds of music and talking filled the air and hit me like a brick.

I suddenly felt awake.

At the bottom of the stairs was a huge open room. People were already in full swing. We were fashionably late.

Classic Jess.

She spent so much time dressing me up for this little party that we were over an hour late. I wanted to kill her. I'm never late for anything. Even the shit I don't wanna go to.

As we stepped into the room my head spun from just the chaos. Rather quickly I picked out the Queen of the room. In a small round boot in the far corner of the room was the woman herself. She only reveals her real name to close friends. Jess and Hannah were in that list. Everyone else simply knows her by her cover name. Madam M.

She doesn't demand it but she gets all the respect. She supplies the alcohol and drugs. And anyone allowed in shares in the fun. No one knows where she came from or how she got her money but with her relationship with the Vixen, it can't be clean. Jess be-lined for the booth walking right through the crowd. I tried to hide in my dress but there was no where to hide. I ether have way to much thigh or to much cleavage. She didn't even let me take my jacket.

As we moved across the dance floor the crowd made way. Some stoped and looked at her. Some looked at me.

Okay. A lot looked at me.

The strange new girl was comparing to the sex icon herself. This was apparently big news for everyone on the floor. Red faced I quickly ducked into the boot. Someone I didn't know on my left and Jess on my right.

"Your finally here, you brought the heat I see." The stranger to my left spoke. Female. In the very dim light all I saw was red fur and gold glimmering in the light.

"She's new. I figured this event would loosen up my dear friend here." Jess groped my arm comfortingly and I did find some familiar comfort in it.

Madam M gave me a once over. In her hand was a long pipe made of glass. She was easy on the eyes and her tanned skin wasn't just from the sun. Light reflected off her golden eyelids and cheeks and she flashed a smile. Fur covered her shoulders and collarbones; a gold dress covered all the way to her fingertips. Sheer in some patches she literally glittered as she moved. Her hair was short and shaved. A rarity for women. It was beyond curly and it was gorgeous. "She looks the part." She pulled from her pipe and as she exhaled I realized that was not tobacco.

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