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  "What are we supposed to do with this thing?" A masked man said as he held onto you. He rocked you back and forth as you finally calmed yourself down.

"She will work for us.  We will train her to grow up and be a ruthless killer.  An evil mastermind bred and raised to be a true killer." the faceless man said to his follower.  He watched as you finally began to fall asleep.  He let out a sigh in relief.

"You know,  a baby isn't all that easy to take care of... You don't know what you've gotten yourself into." Another voice entered the room.  It was another man.  Face paled and cut. It was the man that had ripped you from your mother.

"Can it Jeffrey.  Nobody asked for your opinion.  Now if you must know I have raised children." He said sarcastically and then looked at the masked man "Masky,  take her to her room.  It's time to go plan"


"Slender? Why are we here?" A girl,  with her own white mask and black hair said as she sits at the dinner table.  She wore a black tank top and black jeans.  She sat there with her arms crossed over her chest.  Her arms had a lot of burn scars on it.

"Jane if you would refrain from speaking out of turn I'd tell you what's going on." The faceless man said as he dusted off his suit. 

"So get on with the point" she said snarky.  She looked around at the table at all the faces.  And although most of them wore a mask she could feel their uneasiness. Soon after, she let out a loud shriek and put her hand over her shoulder. 

"That's what you get.  Now are you done?"

"Yes yes!  I'm done!" She yelled but the burning continued. "Sir. I'm done." The burning then stopped.

The room was still filled with silence.  And nobody dared to speak after that.

Slender then rose to his feet, He looked around at all of his slaves. "As you all know,  we've acquired a new member.  She is our youngest.  And shall be treated as one of you.  As soon as she is old enough to start crawling,  I do not want any babying.  She is not our child, but rather a thing we will use.  I do not want her to grow up soft or spoiled.  I want her to grow up ruthless.  Even if it means that she does not like us.  The more she hates us the better. So don't get attached to her.  She is to be given the basic nessesities.  But other than that she is will be left alone."

The silence among everyone broke as the room filled with yelling and outraged shouts.

"Slender that's ridiculous. You can't do that to a child!" A young girl said slamming her open palm against the table.  The whole room fell silent.  They did not know she was there.

"Sally... What are you doing in here you should be getting ready for bed." there was a surprised tone in his voice. 

Her brown hair curled down her back and bounced as she talked. Her fists curled as she stared intensely at the faceless man. Her green eyes bore holes into his skin and blood trickled down her face. The sight would be enough to make anyone terrified.  But he was used to her outbursts. "I'm not a child. Slender.  Although trapped in a little girls body I am older than the rest that stand in this room and I demand a little respect. I will not be told to go to bed.  And I will be able to join these meetings." She huffed and never took her eyes away from him.

Slender shook his head and let her have her little rant.  Yes, he knew her story and knew she is not young.  But he also knew that the child inside of her was stronger than this and would make her go back to her child like self soon.  He brushed off her words and simply said "this is why I am stealing this child. You all have no respect for the things I have done for you. Therefore I need a new strategy. A new chance and this girl is my chance."

The room fell silent again and this time nobody dared to speak.  Even Sally was silent.  Her rage flared through her nostrils. But she knew he would never budge.  He never liked to be questioned.  Even if everyone knew he was wrong. 

"As I was saying.  We are raising this child to be a perfect weapon.  So treat her as such.  Don't let her feel anything.  No love. No hate.  Just mutual all the time.  We will break her mind.  And we will control her.  If she survived us and works for us then we will reward her when she is older.  But she is not to have a childhood."

Silence remained until a quiet man spoke up.  He wore a grey T-shirt and blue checkered pajama pants.  His face was covered by a blue mask... The eyeholes were the only facial feature. "How does the operator society feel about this little plan" his voice was stern and cold.  He knew how to get his masters attention.

"This is a little side project of my own." he said vaguely.

"So you're saying you haven't gained the councils approval." The man crossed his arms over his chest as he leaned back in his seat.

"I don't need their approval when it comes to new recruits. And I don't see why it's any of your business Jack." The faceless man was getting impaient with his group.

"No, but, since she is an infant, and under the legal age requirement of 18, you have to get the okay from the council or from Zalgo himself" he said matter-of-factly

It was in this moment where slender regretted agreeing to let Jack live with him. Jack used to be one of Zalgo's top workers. For years he trained to fight and to have great stealth.  And in those years he got a lot of insight on how the operator society worked and ran. "As I said, child. This is a project.  Which is perfectly fine. I understand that you're a little know it all,  but there are still some things that you just don't know about.  And that goes for everyone under this roof.this is my mansion,  these are my rules.  And the fact is that none of you are to ever, utter a word about this out of this-" He was cut off when there was a loud crying coming from upstairs. He let out a deep breath. "wait here." He said as he vanished. 

The source of the crying was coming from you.  You cried and screamed. Being hungry and wet.  Slender looked down at your crying figure and he picked you up and later you down on a makeshift changing station and changed your diaper. "You're just going to be a little brat aren't you?" He lifted you up when you were all cleaned and he cradled you in his arms.  He walked out of the room and glided down to the kitchen where he uses his tendrils to make you a bottle. Despite never having to take care of a child, he had learned how to do some of the basics from your mother, who herself, hadn't taken care of a child either. 

"Oh (y/n) what are we going to do with you." He fed you as he walked back into the dining room "Children, it's time you met (y/n)"


Hey guys!  Sorry that updates have been slow, I've just been going through some things at home and just... Haven't had the time to update.  But!  It's Christmas so I figured you guys deserved a little present.  Merry Christmas everyone, and for those who do not celebrate,  Happy Holiday's!

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