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My eyes feel heavy as I try to open them. Theres this annoying ass sound that won't go away and my body hurts. What the hell happened?

I hear someone open a door and slide a chair across the floor. Then a hand grabs mine. "Hi baby, they finally let me back and I'm so glad to see you. They said you'll be up soon and I'll be right here when you open your beautiful eyes."

I recognize that voice andywhere... I try like hell and finally open my eyes, and barely audible I say one word, "Sammy?" His head snaps up in my direction.

"Oh my gosh! Hi babe!" He says standing up and kissing me. I return the kiss and he says he'll be right back shortly after that.

He comes back in a short time later with a doctor. "Hello Mr. Brock, glad you're awake! I'm Dr. McCan. So we have a few things to discuss. Mr..." he says looking at Sam. "Golbach" Sam says smiling a little. "Mr. Golbach, is it possible for you to step outside while I talk to your friend?" He asks. "My boyfriend can stay, whatever we have to talk about he can hear." I say quietly.

"You said boyfriend? I'm sorry, I cannot help you any longer. I will see that you get a new doctor." He said.

"Scared you're going to catch a case of the gays?" Sam says taking a shot at him.

He says nothing and walks out. Odd. "I'm going to the front desk to see what we can do. Do you need anything?" Finaly! "My body hurts like hell. " I say laughing a little. "Ill see what I can do love. I'll be back in a minute." Now I'm left alone. I think back to that night and replay the events in my head. (It was a sudden flashback)

Sam comes back in a few minutes later with people dressed kinda fancy and a nurse. "Hello, my name is Dr. Reid and this is agent Jareau. We are with the BAU. We're here because of some murders that have been happening and we think you may have been a target." He says.

Sam sits on the edge of the bed and I sit up until it hurts. The nurse finishes with what she's doing and walks out.

"What? How was I a target? All that happened was a bar fight gone wrong." I say. "But this was no accident. The couple we are looking for is in their early twenties. One is the planner and the other puts that plan into action. They get people to go to a bar and once their victim is drunk enough, they take them back to an abandoned house and stab them in their side and let them bleed to death. We were told at the bar that your boyfriend here saved your life. If he didn't come in and stir up drama, you most  likely wouldn't be here."

I take a minute to process what was said, then speak, "Well, first off, my boyfriend didn't stir up anything." I say grabbing his hand. (His other one is finally taken care of, it wasn't broken, just severely sprained).

"He saw my supposed friend try and make a move so he took action."

Then the lady speaks up, i think it was Agent Jareu, "So, you know them?" We nod. "Brennen Christopher Taylor and Jake Andrew Webber. We have been friends with them for years and we had no clue." Sam said and I gripped his hand tighter. He rubbed his thumb back and forth (you know what i mean).

"Well, for now there will be a 24 hour surveillance on you and your..." The one agent trailed off, "boyfriend." I said. She nodded.

"What about my roomates? They know where we live." Sam asked. Then the dude spoke, reid i believe. "Wherever you are, there will be either an undercover or one of us." We nodded.

"Here's my number incase they contact you, or come over." The girl hands me a card. "Thank you. We really appreciate it." Sam says shaking their hands.

Just as they walk out a new doctor comes in, who was kind of cute I might add, "Hello, I'm Dr. Berk and I'll be taking over for Dr. McCann. So from what information I was given, you got caught in the middle of a bar fight and got stabbed, is that correct?"

"Yes, I was protecting my boyfriend from someone who was supposed to be my friend, who turns out to be a murderer." I explained. "Wow, I'm sorry that happened to you. Don't worry though, we will keep a close eye on your room." He said.

"Now I'm just gonna change the dressing on your wound and I'll be out of your hair." He did what he had to then explained that because of how severe it was that I had to stay another day.

"So, what do you wanna do when you get out of here love?" Sam asks moving to face me. "I would say explore but can't really do that now can I?" I laughed. "Maybe go home and watch some movies and eat chinese." "Whatever your heart desires love." He says and leans down to give me a kiss.

After that a thought popped into my head, "Playlist is in a week. Can we still go?" Sam nods. "Yes, just make sure with your Doctor."

After that i scooted over toward where all the wires were and he laid down beside me and we fell asleep.

*next morning*

I wake up to a knock on the glass door to my room. I look out and see Jake. I wake Sam up, "Babe, call that agent, Jake is here. Walk out and tell the front desk to watch my room please?" He nods and walks to the door, opening it waving to Jake and walking out and to the lady at the desk. Jake walks in and sits in the chair, "Dude? What the hell happened? I saw all over the news that you were hurt. I tried to come last night but my car wouldn't start and I didn't want to Uber here."

"Nah, it's cool man. Sam and Brennen got into it and when I tried to break them up I didn't see that he had a knife in his hand." I said.

Just then Dr. Berk walks in, "Good morning Mr. Brock.." "please call me Colby. " "Haha okay, well Colby, I would like to speak to you privately about something in regards to your injury. Is it okay if you wait outside mr.." he paused, "jake, call me jake." He replied. "Okay, Jake, can you step out into the hall so I can talk to your friend?" Jake nods and walks out, closing the door. "Colby, those agents are on their way, I'll try to keep him distracted okay?"

"Thank you, it's still hard to believe that he's part of this." I say still shocked a little. Soon Sam comes back and the doctor leaves.

Not too soon after theres commotion outfront. Sam pulls the curtain back to see Jake being arrested.

I take a breath of relief but am still scared because of Brennen.

*later that day*

"So just sign your release papers and your free to go." Dr. Berk says smiling. "Awesome! Now quick question, there's and event we are supposed to go to next week. It's over on the east coast. Am I cleared to go?" "Yes, but make sure not to do anything crazy like climbing or snowboarding." He says laughing. "I promise haha. Thanks again."

I sign my papers and walk out lf there feeling amazing.
I know it took a long time for this update. I have been working insane hours at work and have barely slept. Plus i run 2 fan accounts and have been helping my mom out a lot. But nevertheless, the story must go on!

If this is all over the place and doesn't make sense for half of it I apologize.

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