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*day of meetup*

Me and Sam get up and get ready to head out to breakfast. After that we head back to the expo center for out meetup.

"Ready for this?" Sam asks. I take his hand and nod. We both walk in through the back and head to our designated spot.

Once it hits 1, one of the managers tells us to stay put and goes out. She only moves the curtains and the screams go wild. Then stop when they see her. She comes back and gives us the green light.

We walk out hand in hand and they absolutely lose it. Everyone from everywhere in the place looks in our direction. We have the biggest smiles on our faces.

Some people ask for hand holds, some ask for kisses on the cheek. We got 1 or 2 asking for one of us to hug them while they hug the other. There was one girl who I was insanely angry at, she completely ignored Sam and came straight for me. Someone said, "Sam looks so sad" from the crowed and he looked at them and smiled "Why did you ignore my boyfriend?" I asked upset and angry, "I don't like him, only you. He doesn't matter to me."

She said cocky. "Without him you wouldn't know me." She ignored that, grabbed me and got her picture, then left.

The next person came up and when I gave her a hug, I overheard someone talking to Sam. "I was the one who said you looked sad, are you okay?" "I'm all good, i promise " he smiled.

We finished the meetup and some fans met us outside. We talked to them for a little while before having to go back to our hotel for a little bit since we have the panel later. "Colbs? Can we just stay here? I don't wanna go back." Sam said laying on the bed. "I wish love, but it's only for a little, then we can."

I'll catch you up to speed. Throughout the rest of the meetup girls ignoring Sam happened a few times and it really hurt him. "We can address it at the panel, i promise." He nodded and closed his eyes.

*at the panel *

"Next up, please welcome our favorite explorers, Sam and Colby!!" We walked out and the crowed went insane.

I spoke first. "Hello everyone! Good to see you guys here! Now before we start I gave something to say. Earlier, at our meetup, some of our fans made Sam feel a little left out. They ignored him like he wasn't even there. Now without him, you wouldn't have me. So next time you think about doing that, remember this. He is the reason I'm here and I'm the reason he is. We are Sam And Colby, not just Colby. He deserves more respect and love." I turn and hug him tight and here a bunch of awes in the crowed.

We sat down and got the panel started. We were asked questions about exploring, and some q&a questions from our Twitter hashtag. 

Our time on stage ended and we walked off and saw the Lange brothers. "Hey, do you two wanna go explore a bit with us? We found and abandoned prison." Sam askes. They agree and we go back to the hotel so Sam can change his hoodie and we can grab our equipment.

Afterwards, we took and Uber and had them drop us off about a block away.

*In the prison*

We were about halfway done exploring when we heard a noise below us. Without thinking we bolted upstairs (ik it's far from the video but let's play pretend).

"Oh shit! Guys, we might need to find another way out." Sam whisper yells.

We look in his direction and see clothes hanging, I see sheets being used kind of like doors. "This may not end well." Alex says. I nod and grab Sam. We slowly go back downstairs, hoping not to get caught. Of course just as we get down to the area we came in, we heard gunshots.

We bolted out and down the street getting as far away as possible, of course not without some minor scrapes from the bushes and trees. "That was such an adrenaline rush!" Matthieu says jumping up and down like a kid. "Now you see why we do it? It's a blast!" Sam says laughing.

We catch an Uber back to the hotel and say goodbye to Alex and Matthieu before going to get a shower (😉) , packing, then going to bed.

Holy shit, I'm so bad at updating! I'm sorry Y'all! I'm trying, but I've been working like hell and it's killing me. I don't really sleep and it's been a rough few weeks. I hope y'all like this little update and I'll update when I can!
(Comment suggestions for the story if you'd like 😊)

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