5: Inhibitions

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Ereaserhead arrived in Geisha Town to find Midoriya and Koda out of breath. They were talking to Uraraka, Tsuyu and Mina, both appeared to be worried, Midoriya seemed flabbergasted even. His dark green unkempt hair looked more raggedy than ever and his eyes were dilated.

"Aizawa-sensei!" Midoriya said after seeing Eraserhead with Kacchan. "We heard Kacchan was found unconscious in the snow last night!"

"Dammit who the hell asked you to be here nerd?!" Bakugo growled in annoyance.

Midoriya turned to Eraserhead, "Sensei! I think there's something wrong, last night Koda and I were on patrol, and we saw two figures walking in the snow at the top of Shinhotaka. After a few minutes, the winds began to rise and it was just so cold we had to run back inside, before we knew it, the whole ropeway got covered in 5 feet of snow!"

Koda nodded and informed them that he had to employ the help of animals to borough them out of the snow.

"Wait a second Deku!" Uraraka said, "You mean to tell me a single person did this on their own?"

Deku, shivering in the cold but still out of breath nodded.

Eraserhead sighed and recanted to them what he divulged to Momo and the others that morning.

"I need you all on high alert." he said with his arms crossed, "No more going out alone and you are now permitted to use your quirks, only if you are in danger."

"But sensei," Tsuyu said, "Is the mission still a go?"

"Yes. This is a good opportunity for you all." Aizawa paced away from Bakugo, hands in his pockets, "Takayama has been off the grid, primarily because of its perpetual peace apart from the rest of Japan."

"But..." Deku said mumbling again, "But it may be just a facade sensei."

Eraserhead turned to Midoriya. He did give into this notion, considering Takayama's history. "You all better go and continue your mission." he said clinging onto his bandages, "Midoriya, until further notice your group will stay here till Shinhotaka Ropeway is cleared and inspected."

"What?!" Bakugou yelled, "So now I have to work with stupid Dekku!"

"You're so mean Bakugo!" Uraraka said slapping his back continuously, "Dekku is welcome here."

Unbeknownst to them, a shadow was lurking in the geisha house listening to their every word and Eraserhead knew from the moment he paced away from Bakugo.


Late in the afternoon, Uraraka was tasked to wax the floor and Bakugo was tasked to practice with the obi as punishment for bringing the wrong kind of incense.

Uraraka was patiently and diligently waxing the floor when she stopped to see Bakugo unusually silent. They were working in the heart of the Geisha District, in a dojo-like place, and in its center was an enormous bonsai garden. Bakugo spent the last few hours cursing the obi and burning it slightly with his fingertips. But as Uraraka saw him, he then became completely still.

"Bakugo?" she stopped to sit beside him.

Bakugo's eyes looked worn out but still angry, "Don't talk to me round face," he growled under his breath.

Uraraka completely ignoring his statement sat closer  worried about Bakugo.

Bakugo blushed, her face was so close to his that he snapped his head to the other side, "I ain't gonna say it again! Tch!"

Uraraka did not move. There was a lightness in the air that was so unfamiliar it was almost as if she was being placed in a trance.

Bakugo didn't move either. He turned his head to Uraraka and looked at her straight in the eye. "Ah hell, since you're here...you might as well tell me." he said moving his head closer. "Say, how do you make a girl like you?"

Uraraka didn't blush or quiver with excitement. She sighed as if she was drunk. An odd and compelling feeling befell upon her and she didn't know what it was. It seemed to be the same case with Bakugo. "Well..." she said melodiously, "I suppose if a guy knew how to make her feel special, give her attention..." she said looking towards the garden, "Kisses..." she said eyes closed.

Bakugo put his hand on Uraraka's hand.

"Teach me." he mumbled.

Uraraka looked at him dazzed, "Are you feeling the same way I'm feeling?" she said almost slurring her words, "I don't feel okay..."

Bakugo inched closer to her. He was also feeling drowsy and saying things he wouldn't normally say, "Geez, don't make me ask again!"

On that last statment, Uraraka lunged and kissed him on the lips.

Bakugo's eyes widened, but his hands followed by embracing her waist. He didn't understand what was happening. His body was moving faster than his mind could comprehend, 'Godammit! Why is this happening?!' He kissed her passionately and vigorously.

"O-oh! S-sorry maam, I didn't see you there!" said a voice from behind the screen.

Before they knew it, the trance broke, they broke their kiss. Slightly ashamed and partly embarrassed at the unprecedented show of affection.

There was a person standing behind them. They both turned to see a surprised Midoriya.

His eyes were wide aghast and his face was completely red.

"Fucking Dekku!" Bakugo said seperating himself from Uraraka.

"No fuck you Kacchan!" he yelled immediately.

Uraraka watched as Dekku's eyes filled with shock and anger, "D-Dekku...I don't know what happened." she began to say

Midoriya took a step back and walked away. Kacchan chased after him, "Hey!! I'm talking to you nerd!" He said in annoyance. Uraraka just sat there stunned.

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