19: F*ck!

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"After what I just saw I'm not sure if I should be leaving you two alone together." Aizawa said looking at both Yaoyorozu and Todoroki as their eyes stayed downcast with their faces completely red.

Eraserhead's eyes shifted from one teenager to the other trying to figure out what punishment he was to give them. "You're both to stay after class and clean-up plus 48 hours of dormitory chores. This will be a warning. Anymore activities on school grounds and I will call your parents and have you suspended. This is unbecoming of recommended students such as you."

Yaoyorozu and Todoroki bowed and motioned to join the rest of the class immediately after Aizawa dismissed them.

Just as the two exited the teacher's lounge, they were met by Vlad King. Both scurried hurriedly, afraid that he would notice their expressions.

Aizawa sighed with hands on his hips. He forgot how much their hormones kicked in at this age.

Vlad perked up a brow at Aizawa as he settled down on his chair. "Looks like you have a lot on your plate, as usual."

Aizawa just gave him an exhausted look, "Just a little teenage angst."

"Oh, that kind..." He said almost cheerfully looking back to where he collided with the two students, "They grow up so fast don't they?" he laughed. "You can't blame them; Valentines day is just in a few days..."

Aizawa shook his head, "I have enough problems already, Kayama-san and I have a lot of paperwork and lawsuits regarding Takayama to manage."

Vlad's expression jolted from a sly grin to a menacing grimace, "You and Kayama-san, eh?"

"Don't. Start. Vlad." Aizawa gave him an icy stare, daring him to push the topic further.

Vlad raised both his hands and surrendered the issue, "None of my business then. Just say hello to Midnight for me, will you." He said turning around and picking up his paperwork.

Aizawa was left alone in the teacher's longue wondering what he was to do if he ever he caught any of his students doing this again in the future.


At the end of the day, Yaoyorozu could still feel a knot in her chest just thinking about Todoroki kissing her earlier that morning. She stole a glance at him and saw that he was just as calm and collected as he always was. The longing for closure with Bakugo and these unearthed feelings for Todoroki confused her.

'I can't seem to think straight.' She bit her lip and shook her head.

She didn't notice that Todoroki was breathing heavily trying to calm his nerves. He couldn't look at Yaoyorozu without blushing. He had slumped backwards on his chair trying to look unfazed, as he always does. They were to clean after class too. He wondered how this was going to push through.

Aizawa motioned to dismiss the class at the end of the day and raised his hand for a final statement, "I know it will be Valentines in a few days, I don't think I need to remind you of how heroes and UA students should behave on campus. Any more monkey business and I will have to expel those involved." With one final glance at Shoto and Momo he waved to dismiss them all.

"Valentines" Mina jumped for joy. "Its in 2 days guys! We should go and visit Sato for his chocolate recipes." She gushed

"You don't intend on making chocolates for a boy, are you Mina?" Tsuyuu said head tilted to the side.

Mina's eyes widened a few seconds before she jumped and scratched her head, "A-Ah...I don't have anyone in particular! Just thought it would be fun to make chocolates with you guys."

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