15: Pure Blood

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The smell of rusted iron has a distinct putrid scent. Yaoyorozu had realized this as she slowly rose to consciousness whilst chained to a wall. Her cherry blossom Kimono had been dishelved and her hair was so unkempt she wondered if someone had dragged her all the way to wherever this place was.

Like in her training, she immediately surveyed her surroundings. The room was dark and humid, the only source of light was from a flickering light bulb at the other end of the hall.

"Finally awake, my dear." Said a familiarly sinister voice.

She turned to see silver eyes peering at her in the dark. Her heart began to speed up in fear. "M-Malachite..." she said.

"I was worried you forgot about me Momo-Chan." He snarled seductively. He stepped into the light languidly trotting over to Momo, followed by that small beautiful red-head named Ruri.

"I told that infernal creature to place her in the room, not in the dungeon." He said stopping in front of Yaoyorozu with a frown. He was addressing Ruri with such anger in his tone.

Ruri dismissed his remark with a giggle, "I wanted to cut her up and see what she can do. The last one didn't last that long."

Malachite reached out and grabbed her jaw, "No one touches her but me!" He said almost crushing Ruri. "Get your sadistic psychopathic tendencies away from this one. She's mine."

Ruri coughed and gave him a terrible look, "Just because my quirk doesn't work on you, doesn't mean you can do this to me."

Malachite turned to Yaoyorozu, "You're beautiful, aren't you?" He said brushing her bangs aside.

Yaoyorozu shuddered from his touch. She turned away as she felt his fingertips brush against her face.

"I'm hoping that feral boy got you ready for me." He said looking at her with malice in his eyes. "Prep her for the machine, Aoi." He turned to his left.

From the shadows emerged a familiar face, that tall, gentle woman with a kind smile. Aoi, Yaoyorozu's former boss in the hot springs.

Yaoyorozu's eyes widened in shock, "S-Senpai!"

Aoi smiled still, "Oh my dear Yaoyorozu." She said with her voice characteristically as smooth as silk. "Who did you think had the quirk called Truth Serum?" She said now with fire in her eyes.

Yaoyorozu began to tear up. She knew it from the beginning.

"It was all too easy exploiting Bakugo's feelings for you." She said watching as Momo stood there angry and terrified at the same time, "You see we've been looking for new blood to add to our ranks, people with quirks so powerful we could rule the entirety of Japan and profit from it. A dynasty of heroes without weaknesses! Imagine? " She said touching Yaoyorozu's face. "You my dear will be a fantastic partner for Malachite." She said smiling, "With your genes and his, a child born out of your union would be a God."

"N-No!" Momo cried, "I'd rather die!"

"Don't worry," Aoi whispered in her ear, "I'm well equipped to have you be with him willingly instead of that rather feral boy."

"W-Why involve Katsuki in this at all?!" Yaoyorozu screamed almost spitting at Aoi.

"Oh, that boy has had feelings for you for quite some time, but his gene pool is nowhere near as pure and as refined as yours." She began sauntering in the dungeon, "We wanted to see if mixed with such rugged genes, you could still produce a pure child."

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