6: Disclose

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Todoroki avoided contact with Yaoyorozu mainly because he didn't want to hurt her feelings or cause any confusion between them. He tried to focus on the tasks at hand: Wake up, Fix the bed, Have breakfast, Mop the poolside floor, filter the indoor pool, regulate the sauna and the tasks were on loop on a daily basis. At times he didn't understand why he was supposed to be doing this and how this was considered a good idea for training.
He couldn't stop thinking of how Yaoyorozu looked at Bakugo that morning. 'She never smiled at me like that.' He thought. 'Why do I even feel this way?' He wondered perplexed. 'A quirk...' he stopped in his tracks 'It could be someone's quirk, but who? And why?'

"Todoroki-San?" Said a soft voice from behind him.

Todoroki jumped and turned slightly to see Momo, "Yaoyorozu." He said trying to get his bearings.

She found him alone in a dry-sauna room prepping the coal. "Todoroki-San, there's a meeting outside, Bakugo-San, Midoriya-San and Uraraka-san just arrived to accompany a group of travelers from Tokyo."

"Okay." He said coldly, "I will be there."

"O-okay." Yaoyorozu slowly exited and left the door of the dry-sauna room slightly open. As soon as she walked out, she heard a rough, callous voice call out to her.

"Oi Ponytail! Been looking for you." Bakugo yelled so loudly the entire hallway heard him including Todoroki from inside the dry-sauna.

Bakugo never felt so many damn emotions in one day, at first he was extremely pissed, then he became psychotically depressed, then unusually lewd and now upon seeing Momo, he couldn't stop himself from following her. He needed to darn talk to her.

"I don't know what the hell is wrong with me Ponytail!" He said walking up to Momo and stopping in front of her, "I gotta stop it. It's gotta be a quirk..." He said gritting his teeth. "You're some walking encyclopedia right? Tell me what the fuck this is?! I'm a mess and I'm all over the damn place!"

Yaoyorozu tried to take a step closer, "I-I only know of one..." she said so confused at Bakugo's reaction.

"Don't!" He growled, "Don't come near me Ponytail."

Yaoyorozu stood her ground, "A quirk called 'Disclose' some sources call it 'Truth Serum'" She said with an ominous air. "Only one person had it, and she was exploited, because of it."

"It's gonna stop right?" Bakugo's face was red.

"B-Bakugo-San," Yaoyorozu inched closer and placed her hand on his head, "People who resisted experienced extreme fatigue, nausea and some went insane. To let it go away, you have to release your inhibitions, this quirk compels you to say or get the truth."

"Well shit!" Bakugo took her hand and pulled her close to form a tight embrace, "You're the reason why I'm screwed up." He whispered in her ear.

"W-What?!" Yaoyorozu gasped

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"W-What?!" Yaoyorozu gasped.

"Bakugo!! Let her go." Todoroki burst out of the sauna.

"Fuck you Icy-Hot! You always have shit timing!" He yelled.

Yaoyorozu looked at Bakugo, his eyes were dilated, his temperature was scorching hot and he looked like he was in extreme pain.

"Todoroki-San. I-if he needs me to break this quirk, I have to help him." She said looking at Todoroki.

"Do you want to?" Todoroki said fists clenched. His chest felt so tight he was about to explode. He watched as Yaoyorozu's eyes darted from him to Bakugo in confusion.

"I won't allow him to force you." Todoroki paced closer. Watching Bakugo cling onto Momo by force put him into such a rage he couldn't contain his left side from heating up and starting flames.

This time Bakugo was breathing heavily. "I'll rip you apart if you touch her." He said almost hysterical.

All the while they were arguing, Yaoyorozu created a small flask with extremely concentrated milk of the poppy inside, she opened the flask and let Bakugo inhale it as he spouted angrily at Todoroki.  Before she knew it he collapsed heavily into her arms.

"Todoroki-San, help me." She said as she slowly positioned Bakugo on the floor. Todoroki nestled his neck on a piece of cloth. He looked at Yaoyorozu as she checked Bakugo's temperature once again.

"You didn't answer my question." He said looking at her intently.

"No." She said not taking her eyes off Bakugo, "I want my first time being intimate with someone to be special."

Todoroki looked at her as she said this. Her long bangs delicately fell against her cheek. Her big brown eyes full of care for Bakugo and the shadow of her perfect profile against the well lit hallway made his heart beat fast. He breathed in and thanked God she was his friend.

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