20: Do better, babe

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It was going to be Valentine's Day tomorrow. All the girls gathered together after class to whip up something special. After all that's happened, Momo wasn't in the mood for anything remotely romantic. Despite her dismay, there was no escaping Mina and Hagakure's eagerness for the whole chocolate giving holiday. If only she shared the same kind of energy, she would help with more enthusiasm.

In Japan it was widely practiced to give the boy of your affections chocolates made especially by you.

Immediately a month after, on March 14th, they have White Day; the day when the girls finally get an answer after all their chocolates are devoured. Momo thought this practice was intriguing despite her mother always saying it was useless and just another means for rival companies to earn more money for their businesses.  

"Momo-chan!" Mina said catching Yaoyorozu's attention.

Momo turned to Mina who was carefully crushing strawberries, "Help me out here please! I need my strawberry sauce to be redder!"

Yaoyorozu obliged, "I admire your dedication Mina-chan." She said slightly overwhelmed with Mina's confectionary of pink and red chocolate hearts with white pearl accents. "Who are these for, though?"

Mina turned red and flailed her hands all over the placed threatening to spill her strawberry puree, "D-don't ask me such questions..."

Yaoyorozu blinked for a moment. She noticed some of the hearts were meticulously designed in a familiar fashion, mostly in the color red. She let out a soft smile, "I am sure Kirishima-san will like them."

Mina stayed silent and continued blushing.

"Well, I promised Kaminari to give him something." Said Jirou holding two pieces of chocolate Pikachu figures the size of an Easter egg.

"Woah! Jirou-san! Those are amazing! How did you do it?" Ochako enthused with stars in her eyes.

Jirou shrugged, "I asked Sato to help me out, learned pretty quickly after that." she turned to Ochako who looked like she had green juice splattered all over her apron, "Um...we're supposed to be making chocolates, not green gunk." She said eyes half-open looking at Uraraka from head to toe.

Uraraka laughed, "Geez...I am terrible! I was making green turtle shaped chocolates for Deku-kun." She said blushing, "He's been pretty nice to me recently. Thought I would make him something meaningful..."

"Why a turtle though?" Momo asked.

"O-oh..." Uraraka brightened up with Momo's question, "A turtle because Deku was never in the same level as us when he started, he was always slow, and needed to be attended to after using his quirk. But now, he's better than the rest of us! This turtle reminds me of his slow and steady growth! Plus it's super kawaii..."

Mina, Hagakure and Ochako managed to happily continue their chocolate crafting while Jirou stood beside Momo who was leaning against the kitchen counter, hands on her hips, "Are you gonna be giving something to someone?" she said under her breath so the other girls wouldn't make such a fuss.

Yaoyorozu eyed Jirou for a second and just tucked her bangs behind her ears, "Well, I do have someone I want to give chocolates to..."

"Then what's stopping you?" Jirou replied without looking at Momo.

Yaoyorozu shook her head, "After all that's happened? You think I should?"

Jirou sighed and tilted her head to the side, "Think of it this way, if you don't, someone else will. Are you okay with it?"


4 Hours Earlier

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