Epilogue: A Promise

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Katsuki eyed Momo and Shouto as they kissed under the snow. "Heh. Mission accomplished." He chuckled, satisfied.

Kirishima who was standing beside him while holding a hot cup of tea tilted his head to the side as he looked at Bakugo, "I don't get it." He said sipping his drink, "Why'd you go through so much trouble for them to hook up?"

Bakugo, still satisfied with his plan shrugged, "That girl means more to me than a fucking competition with Icy-Hot."

Kirishima pouted, "Still don't get why you gave her up though, I was BakuMomo all the way man!"

"Shut up! Why do you shits always stick our names together, its so dumb!" Bakugo exploded. "Besides...I didn't give her up."

"Uh, Bakubro, they're practically dating now thanks to you!" Kirishima rolled his eyes.

"I know that you idiot!" Bakugo spat out almost lunging at Kirishima, "I'll get her back, when I get stronger, nobody can stop me." He said finally.

Kirishima gawked at Bakugo for some time and began to slightly blush, "Wow, bro, never knew you'd be so in love with her."

Bakugo shifted his gaze to the side without moving his head, "You gotta' do what ya gotta do, even if it fucking hurts."

Kirishima sighed, "Y-Yeah..." he said looking down at his tea and then looking at Bakugo again, "I know." He said.

Just then Bakugo trailed a familiar scent he knew too well, "Hmm...?" he opened his eyes and looked to his left. He felt a fateful presence just now waltzing around the area, it was so significant that he felt chills shoot through his spine.

Kirishima noticed that Bakugo was suddenly sitting upright, facing a certain direction, eyes scanning the area, if Kirishima wasn't mistaken, he resembled much of a hound dog that picked up a familiar scent. "What's up with you now?"

Katsuki let out a soft growl. He saw from afar a woman with long black hair and a mysterious man covered with a hoodie. They were both tall and with imposing figures. He wasn't mistaken with the fact that they were either pro-heroes or villains. He believed they were the latter. What kind of pro-hero moves quickly without being recognized by fans and without patrolling like they usually did in pairs?

"Follow me, Kirishima, and don't make a fucking sound."


"Did you feel that?" Yaoyorozu said to Todoroki as he lifted his cup of hot chocolate.

Todoroki blinked, "Feel what?"

Momo looked outward seeing Kirishima suddenly appear out of nowhere and languidly walk into town, "I just felt an eerie chill right about now." She said trailing off "Anyway, I am sure it's nothing." She smiled.

Todoroki took a sip of his hot chocolate and looked at Yaoyorozu, "I apologize if we took you by surprise," he motioned referring to how he tersely appeared to her for a surprise Valentines dinner.

Yaoyorozu gobbled a few chocolate éclairs and simply raised her hand, "No, no, it's okay. Though, I wonder how Bakugo is doing..." she said

Todoroki felt a quick pang against his chest at the mention of Katsuki's name, he tried his best to conceal it though. "Are you worried about him right now?"

Yaoyorozu looked at Todoroki affectionately, "He's my friend Todoroki-kun, I worry about everyone, of course."

Todoroki blushed and gave off a small smile. "That's what I like about you." He said kindly.

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