7: Truth Serum

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The events that followed that evening were riotous, to say the least. Uraraka, having been left alone with Midoriya was found unconscious and floating in the air. The pro hero Midnight arrived at the Hot Springs after being contacted by Ojiro and accompanied the two unconscious students alongside Yaoyorozu, Midorya, Aoyama and Todoroki.

Upon arriving at the infirmary, she was greeted by Aizawa with an exhausted look on his face.

"Don't say it." he began looking at Midnight form a devilish grin.

"It's been barely three days and these kids have already been targeted." She started, "What do you think we have here?"

Aizawa watched as the staff prepped his students for the recovery room and languidly placed his hands in his pockets, "Do you remember the stories about this town?" he said in a hush-hush tone.

Midnight's grin suddenly fell, "You can't be serious?"

Twenty five years ago, Takayama was sanctioned as the safest place in Japan, having been hidden in the alps and almost inaccessible to villain attacks. The hero population dwindled down to a minimum due to its eerie peacefulness, if there was such a term to describe it.

Despite its stellar record of peace, it has hidden behind a darker past. Legend has it, that in ancient times, there existed a group of people from corrupt government agencies who tested on children. They fostered their quirks and used them to wage wars and manipulate political tides. The legend states that one of the first few people with quirks originated from this town. During those times, they only gathered children without weaknesses to their quirks. The inhabitants of the villages in Takayama started experiencing symptoms similar to Uraraka and Bakugo according to myth.

"Takayama has stayed peaceful since that event that took place decades ago. We were kids. Do you remember?" Eraserhead said looking at Midnight intently.

Midnight nodded, "Now that you mentioned it, I only remembered it now."

"Can't believe you forgot." Eraserhead trolled.

"Oh please!" Midnight crossed her arms. "Everyone remembers that kid from UA that disappeared." she said slightly upset, "She was kind of weird and crazy."

Eraserhead walked over to Midnight and shook his head, "Do you remember her quirk?"

"Truth serum." Midnight said with glazed eyes almost looking like she reached a eureka moment. "But we all thought she ran away or died..."

Apparently, it wasn't so.

"Bakugo and Uraraka have sustained no injuries, are both physically unharmed and mentally stable and yet they are experiencing an overwhelming psychosis." Eraserhead said almost relaying what the doctor mentioned.

"Sensei..." a soft voice said from behind them.

There stood Izuku Midoriya.

"You know it's rude to eavesdrop, young man." Midnight exclaimed.

"Is there anyway we can help Uraraka or Kacchan?" he asked fists clenched.

Eraserhead took a good look at Midoriya. He noticed his helplessness and sadness. His anger and resentment. He paced closely to him and said, "Midoriya, I think what you can do is be with Uraraka when she wakes up."

Midoriya's face lit up in embarrassment. "B-but sensei."

Midnight put her hand on Midoriya's shoulder, "We're not entirely sure whether or not this is indeed a rare quirk, but if in case it is, we need you to be around."

Back in the Infirmary

Todoroki digressed the situation at hand. He heard that the school has informed the parents of Bakugo and Uraraka and that if the doctors cannot make an immediate solution for their strange symptoms they will be transporting them back to UA within 24 hours for further investigation.

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