What once was..

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Setting the envelope onto the table, I walked to the car, shutting the door behind me and never once turning back. I was doing the right thing for me. For once in my life, this was for me.


"Have you seen Evangeline?" Cas called through the house, even his voice angered me.
"Why would I have seen your girlfriend?" Rolling my eyes I turned over in the bed and pulled the covers with me. I could hear his footsteps racing up the stairs, throwing the door open. There he was. The much smaller version of me, his green eyes almost brown whilst mine where almost grey, his body less toned and his hands soft.
"She's not answering her phone,"
"Busy?" I turned to face him,
"No, she always answers the phone or rings me back but I've been trying for an hour."
"Maybe she's in the bath?" Down Gray, I thought. Blushing. "Or it's died?" He placed himself down at the end of my bed.
"No, I need to talk her! This isn't like her,"
"Just leave her, she'll be back later."
"Grayson, she's pregnant," I gagged. No no no!

"She's what?" I stammered as all the colour drained from my face.
"Well with me training to be a doctor I know all the..."
"Shut up about you being a doctor I don't care, why do you think she's... you know?" I cut him off.
"She's not really been eating, she's been sick a few times in the last few weeks, I've haven't seen any tampons in the bathroom for months and well she's been off with me, moody you know?" Bile rose in my throat, "oh and I found a pregnancy test in the bathroom,"
"When was the last time you slept together?" He looked up to the sky to think and it aggravated me. How many fucking times had they slept together?!
"Well we've only ever done that once," I almost laughed a sigh of relief. "Around two weeks ago but she'd known before now and she'd have told me wouldn't she?" Not if it was mine she wouldn't.
"It's probably nothing, tell you what I'll go to her apartment, you go to Addies and we'll meet back here in an hour." He nodded and threw me a shirt from the drawer,
"Thanks Grayson, you're a good brother." I'm not. I thought.


I sat in the car for just a few minutes before starting the engine, making sure I had everything I would need before I left. Gently pushing the car into gear I started around the corner but almost came head on into another car. Oh shit. The huge man threw open the car door, still stopped in the middle of the road and almost ran the two feet to my car.
"Where are you going?" He growled, scaring me a little.
"To meet Lauren in town, you?"
"Let's talk?" He couldn't know. Could he?
"Well I can for a few minutes but I really need to get going," my breath was starting to hitch in my throat, panic was setting in.
"Let's go back inside, I'll grab your purses," walking around to the passenger side i quickly threw the ticket under my seat and got out of the car. Picking up my phone I pretended it was ringing,
"Oh hey! Yeah I'm on my way. I'll be there in 15, see you soon." I turned to gray smiling sympathetically, "I really need to go. I'll call you later," he swung himself into the passenger seat, he eyes not moving from mine.
"Are you pregnant?" Shit. Every inch of my body was screaming.


My heart was racing in my chest as I asked her a question I wasn't sure I wanted to know to the answer to. Her face dropped.
"You're lying,"
"I'm not Gray," she said this time a little more believable but I still wasn't convinced.
"Come inside with me,"
"I can't." Her short sentences were sending chills down my spine, something was off.
"Why not?"
"I've lost my keys." I smiled,
"That's Fine I've got a set, remember?" She nodded and slowly reversed the car back in front of her house.
"Are you going to move yours out of the main road?" Something inside me stirred an uneasy feeling, I nodded.
"Come with me,"
"To your car four feet away?" she laughed, I nodded. "No Gray, don't be ridiculous."
"Here then," I tossed her my key, "go inside." She rolled her eyes and left the car.

Finally inside I watched her walk directly into the kitchen and stuff something into her pocket. I followed her and planted myself in front of this beautiful woman.
"I found your keys," I dangled them towards her,
"On the floor by the front door." She smiled softly and shrugged her shoulders. "What's going on Evangeline?"
"I'm trying to go shopping with my friends and I'm being accosted by my boyfriends brother,"
"Are you pregnant?" Her eyes narrowed,
"I told you I'm not."
"Not what?"
"Not.. you know," I smirked and walked closer, lessening the distance between us, slowly snaking my hands onto her tiny hips and pushing my face closer to hers.
"My brother seems to think you are,"
"Your brother thinks a lot of things,"
"He does, he's not often right but somethings going on here," softly I reached into her coat pocket and pulled out a small white envelope, she tried to stop me. My heart began racing again and again I was panicking,

    My dear Gray,
I am unbelievably in love with you and I'm sorry that I'm going to leave you to clean up this mess. Cas is going to find this letter before you do and Cas this was never meant to happen...

I stared up at her, her emerald eyes now grey and tears filled to the brim.

  I won't be back. I can't ever come back but hopefully you'll understand eventually. I made a huge mess of my entire life and I need to make it right. You'll be okay, you'll find an amazing woman who can be with you and make you smile the same way I did that one night. I'm sure Jessie has told you, you'll be great, don't worry about that.

I steadied myself to her left on the breakfast bar, it would seem that this is what it feels like when your heart snaps in two. Jessie had told me what? I couldn't think about Jessie, my head filled with Evangeline. Pain tore through my chest. To my surprise the paper was wet, although maybe I wasn't surprised at all. Warm, wet tears splashed down my cheeks and onto the paper now in front of me.

   I'll be yours until the day I die...
Love forever, your Evangeline

My head shot up as I heard the car engine rev outside, I hadn't noticed her leave. She was leaving. She was never coming back.

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