Evangeline Angel

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"Evangeline Angel! I'm looking for Evangeline," I roar at a nurse running down the corridor,
"She's in surgery, the waiting rooms are there," she nodded towards a small side room, both her hands full with clean folded sheets.

Slowly I creaked open the heavy wooden door and saw just one man sat there, head in his hands. My son. I turned and slammed the door behind my making him jump slightly as his head snapped to look at me.
"Dad," he whispered,
"Where the fuck have you been?" I hissed through gritted teeth,
"Dad, I.. i,"
"I swear to god Grayson I should wring your neck right now, where have you been? I've sat with your sons whilst Evangeline poured her heart out!"
"Dad it was Cas," my heart dropped as he mentioned his name.
"Castael has been gone for almost two years, how was this him?" I spat, my anger bubbling over the surface. Quickly he reached into his pocket and pulled out his phone, tapping his pin code in he handed it over,

'I warned you to leave them alone'

I tapped the number at the top and rammed the phone to my ear,
"I warned you," a familiar voice tumbled through the phone,
"Castael Leviathan Angel,"
"Dad?" His tough guy voice broke as I spoke his name,
"I'm going to give you 24 hours to get the Malibu. That shouldn't be difficult as I presume you're already here. Meet me at the diner on 21st at 9pm tomorrow." I cut the call and threw the phone back to Grayson. Taking my seat beside him, his broken self, I put my hand on his back. "What the hell is going on?"

8 months earlier

I lay watching my beautiful wife sleep soundly. Finally all three baby boys sleeping in their crib. I had no idea how Three babies fit into one crib but the nurse had advised us to. My life was complete, I couldn't be happier as I gently moved a stray strand of hair from her perfect cheek. My phone vibrated beside me almost silently as I jumped to get it so it wouldn't wake my sleeping angels,
"Hello?" I whispered, tiptoeing into the bathroom,
"Leave them."
"I'm warning you Grayson, you leave them or I'll kill them all,"
"Check your phone." And with that the line cut off. Was he serious? I laughed to myself, Cas was not the murderous type. Quickly I scanned through my messages and a picture flashed across my screen. My body froze, all of us asleep. He'd been into my house.


I sat and listened to the story my son was telling, a story that surely couldn't be real. Except it was. He'd shown me the picture and all of the texts he'd sent. Not a single one incriminating himself, all threats where done via phone call.
"So I left," he sobbed, "after the house was broken into, I had no other choice."
"You should have called me sooner,"
"And said what? You didn't believe me when I said it was him, now he's done it dad! He's going to go for the boys!" He roared standing up but I stood in front of him.
"He won't get past your mother, there's only one person in this world that I wouldn't go up against and it's your mother,"
"That's why you married her?" I nodded, his mother was the most amazing woman, the one who when angered, the ground shook. My Suzanna. "Evangeline?" He broke again,
"She's an amazing mother Grayson, she's strong and she'll fight for those boys,"
"Or she'll give up to see the big two," he whispered, I shook my head.
"God has your two big boys, they don't need her right now, the little three do and she knows that."


We sat in silence for what seemed like hours, every now and again I'd stand and pace the room like it would help,
"Five boys Grayson, you did well," I smiled softly at him,
"I'm nothing without her, I've been living in my car, looking for him. I'd have killed him dad," my dad looked directly at me,
"I know,"
"Do you think he'll meet you tomorrow?" He shrugged, the room thick with anguish and anger and confusion.
"I don't know, either that or he'll shoot me too."
"Then I'm coming with you,"
"You're not." he spoke calmly, something about his tone sent shivers down my spine.
"But what if he tries something?!" I shouted,
"Then he tries something, I'm tough too you know, not just your mother."

Another hour went by and I heard every single tick of the clock,
"I'm nothing without her," I repeated to myself almost wordlessly.
"I know son,"
"Mr Angel?" A short, rounded doctor pushed the door open and stood by the entrance,
"That's me,"
"And me, what's happening?" My dad piped up stood almost in front of me.
"I'm really sorr..."
"No!" I roared throwing one of the chairs flying across the room,
"Grayson!" My dad bellowed but his voice was cracking, "stop," he looked at him, his voice softening,
"Mr Angel, your wife is alive. She's not in a good way and the next 24 hours are critical,"
"Can I see her?"
"She's in ICU and I need you to prepare yourself for what you're going to see, the bullet pierced straight through her abdomen, there was an awful lot of blood loss and we've placed her into a coma to lessen the effects," I nodded almost ready to pounce through the door, "are you ready?" I nodded.

"Evangeline," I whispered, my dad close behind me. His hand appeared on my shoulder as a single tear rolled down my rough cheek. He was right, she was a mess but she was clean. All the blood cleaned up, all the wires clinical and the smell of anti-bac stung the inside of my nose. Without warning an alarm sounded from one of the machines, followed by another and another, I snapped my head to look at my dad,
"Kiss her," he whispered,
"Kiss her," Quickly I leaned down and placed a kiss on her lips, praying to god that she would wake up but she didn't. Instead doctors and nurses surrounded the bed pushing me out of the way and ushering me out of the room, and then it hit me. Like a million bricks landing on my head, he made me kiss her for the last time.

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