Chapter 1

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Max's POV:
I was sitting in my room watching a movie while I hear my phone going off, it's Xander, I answer the phone. "Hey Xanner what's up!", I say as I hear loud music in background. "Heyyy! Max you should come on over and party with me and Alex!" I sigh at Xander question, he's fucking drunk, " I can't, it's like 2 in the damn morning!". I can hear him groan over the phone, "fineee but don't expect me to save you anything for tomorrow!". As he hangs up I chuckle, I go on Snapchat and see Amanda's story "too sad for life..". As I exit out of Snapchat I immediately start calling Mandy. Cmon Mandy pick up..I say to myself as I go to voicemail. I sigh and leave her a VERY long voicemail. I set my phone in my pocket and head to kitchen. As I walk past the living room I see my mom and my little brother Mason asleep on couch. I smile, Mason only 7 and it's kinda just my mom Mason and me. My dad left us when Mason was born, never said why just packed his stuff and left. I put a blanket over them and shut the tv off. I smile at them and head back to the kitchen. My phone immediately goes off with a Oncoming call from Mandy. "Amanda why the fuck didn't you answer me?!", I say in a loud whisper. I get to kitchen and put my phone on speaker. "I'm sorry that I was reading my fan fictions!", I groan "Your always reading them". Mandy giggles, "I can't help it!". I roll my eyes and open fridge, groaning because it's barley empty. "There's no foooodd!", Mandy laughs. "There's food you just have to make it.", I roll my eyes and grab left overs. I smirk, "Hey Mandy want some bacon?". I can hear Mandy gagging over phone, "What the fuck no! You leave that pig alone!". I laugh "pigs dead already, and I'm just teasing you vegan". I can hear Mandy yawn over phone, "Tired?". I hear her whisper yes and I chuckle, "goodnight Sis" and next thing I know Mandy hangs up, you little brat I say to myself. I look at group chat and see Xander and Alex sending memes back and forth and typing very weirdly. Jesus there gonna be hung over tomorrow, I wish the two of them a goodnight and go to bed. 

Time Skip

Xander's POV
As sound of my alarm clock goes off I hit the button shutting it off, fucking clock. I look around the room and see Alex laying on couch still asleep. I try to get up from my bed but end up falling back into it, oh fuck me my head hurts too bad for this shit, as I mumble too myself. I look over at the pack of cigarettes on the stand and take one. I get up from my bed and walk over to my dresser to grab my lighter and light the cigarette. Now this is better, few minutes go by and I finish my cigarette. I walk over to Alex and wake them up. "Cmon bro we gotta get too school it starts in a hour", Alex throws there pillow at me. I grab it and hit them with it. Alex groans and looks at me, "seriously asshole?". I laugh, "yes seriously! Now get your ass up before my dad gets home and questions why your here.", I walk over too the alcohol and put some in a little coffee mug so no one expects it, this is for Max little shit lucky I saved her some. I go to hide the rest of the alcohol and my cigarettes in my little safe under my bed. I look at Alex and see that their dressed. "Ready to go Lex?", they nod and we walk out of the house and too my car. Id ask Max to come pick us up but she's probably already at school, as I get in car I forget to grab the car keys. Son of a bitch, "I gotta go get my keys Lex, I'll be back". Lex looks at me weird and grabs my keys from center console, now I really feel like a dumbass! "Cmon Xander let me drive.", I look at Lex likes there crazy and then they give me death glare, which sent chills down my spine. "Fine you drive!",  we switch places and Lex starts driving to Starbucks, oh fuck no, I say to myself. As we pull up the drive thru, Lex starts too order. They looks over at me and asks what I wanted I looked at menu. "Just some orange juice.", they roll there eyes and orders. We pull up too window and lady hands us our drinks, before I get chance too flirt Lex drives away. "What the fuck Alex?! They were hot!", Alex looks at me and points too time. "Oh fuck". Alex nods and starts going really fast passing two red lights. We only have 5 minutes before first bell rings. I can not get another detention, "Alex the road!", as I see Alex do some crazy ass turn onto the road they almost past we pull up too school. Not even having time to finish our drinks or put alcohol in mine, we rush into the school and head to our first period classes. Just as we walk through the door, the bell rings and Max starts to laugh. We take our seats and look around for teacher, "yo Max where's the fucking teacher?". Max laughs, "dude there's kids smoking in bathroom, ones fucking passed out!". I start laughing my ass off, guess now I can finish my alcohol. I start pouring some into my orange juice, I hand rest to Max but she refuses. Well fine fuck you too, just as door opens 10 girls walk in and look around the room. I hear one of them scream and point at me, oh god no. I chug the rest of my drinks, just as I finish I see them swarm me. "Why hello ladies~", the girls start screaming and gives me a headache. "Oh Xander your so cute!!", the brunette says giggling. "Why thanks Bella you look cute yourself.", Bella's eyes widen and she starts blushing madly. The girls around her start getting angry. Just before something happens the teacher walks in and sends them back to class.

Skip To lunch

Lex's POV
As Max, Xander and I walk through the lunch line, I get a text from my twin brother Eryn. "Hey I'm not gonna be home so crash over at Maxs tonight". I sigh and turn my phone off, we get our lunches and head too our table in corner. We all sit and Xander pulls out a vape, "Xander put it away!". Xander sticks his tongue out at me and vapes one time and puts it away, "Happy?", I roll my eyes and nod. I look over at Max, why is Max quiet she's never quiet, "hey Max my brother isn't gonna be home tonight so can I crash with you tonight?", Max looks up from her phone and smiles, "sure my mom and brother are going to my aunts for the night so we'll have house to ourselves!". Xander's eyes widen and he smirks, I shoot a death glare at him and he looks down at his food and continues to eat. A few minutes go by and I look over at Xander as he chokes on his apple. My eyes widen at him, "Xander you okay?!". He looks over at me, "uh yah I'm um-", he looks back down at his phone and shows me a text from Bella. "Hey Xander~ you got me horny first period and I just couldn't stop thinking about you~ come meet me in girls bathroom cutie~". I gag at the text and he goes over to max and shows her the text. Her eyes widen and she looks grossed out, "Welp ladies id stay longer but I got hoe to do~". I grab onto his arm and pull him back to the seat. "She can wait til after school you'll get suspended in girls restroom!", Max nods, "yah it's bad idea too smash in restrooms.". Xander rolls his eyes and texts her too meet him in alley after school. Xander's phone goes off and we all gather around too look at the text, "ahh but why not meet me in your car~? Like right now~ I'll give you the time of your life~~". Max and I gag at the text and Xander falls off his seat, "welp imma go get my dick sucked in my car see y'all". Max and I looked at each other and rolled our eyes. Xander walks off and the bell starts to ring for last period. Which means, Max and I have 3D design next. We make our way into Mr. Hepters room and like always he's not in there so we get too our laptops and start designing random stuff. Minutes go by and bell rings which means time to go home! Final to Max's I go, "Hey max you think Xander is waiting for us?". Max looks at me and chuckles, "by waiting you mean us peeking in on him getting his tiny dick sucked? Then yes". We both laugh and head too Max's car. As we get to the car we look around for Xander's and see that it's gone. "Well fuck I guess he's gone", Max says and opens car door. I nod and get into her car, I hope Xander doesn't get Aids. On the way too Max's we stop at Tacobell and get some tacos for tonight since we both don't feel like cooking. When we get home we start eating our tacos and put on some Markiplier. As time goes by I look over at Max while she's smiling and giggling at her phone, "Hey Max who you texting?". She looks over at me and turns her phone off, "N-No one!". I glare at her and grab her phone, the screen lights up with a text. "Dustin?", I question her, she grabs her phone off and looks at me with sadness in her eyes. "It's just a guy I've been talking too for awhile.". My eyes widen and look at her, "so have you met this Dustin kid?!". She shakes her head no at me, I hit her with a pillow. "Maxine he could be a pedo!!!", Max grabs a pillow and hits me back with it, "he isn't we've video chatted before!". I hit her again and sigh, "Max just because you've video chatted doesn't mean he isnt lying about himself.". She looks away at me, "I know Alex but he's really nice and I haven't told him much about me so it's all ok!". I roll my eyes at her and tell her too put the phone up and come play fortnite with me. She nobs and joins me in the battle, we see that Xander is online and shoot him a text, "hey how was Bella?" . Max and I looked at each other and laughed. We see we've got a message back and open it "it was ok, not best sucking I've had." We both gag and tell him to join our game. We all stay up all night and play fortnite. As it goes in 3 am, Max is passed out on her bed and Xander is just logged off. I grab a blanket from Max's closet and make a bed for me on the little couch she has in her room. I text Eryn a good night and shut my phone off for the rest of the night.

TBC.. Thanks for reading chapter 1

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