Chapter 6

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Max's POV
I can't seem to focus, 'is she really not gonna remember me..', I thought to myself. "Max?..You ok?", I snap out of it when her dad puts his hand on my shoulder. I just want Mandy to be ok, I want her to remember me along with her family. "Max I think you should go home and rest", I look up at him and nod. I start to head out of the hospital trying so hard not to cry, I call Xander to come pick me. Few minutes later Xander tells me he's on his way, I sigh and sit on a bench outside the hospital. I look up and see Xander's car waiting for me, I smile at him trying not to let him see me cry. I get into his car, "you alright Max?". I simply nod at him and he puts his hand on my leg making me look up at him. "Everything will be ok Max. You wanna crash at my place tonight?", I smile at him and nod at his question. He smiles back at me and drives back to his place. As we make it too his house, he pulls into he drive way. I keep staring out the window even though we're at his house, "Maxie Cmon we're here.". I look at him and set out of his car, we make it inside of his house. I get inside and lay on his couch, tired and exhausted. Xander comes over and knees down next to me smiling. I look over at him and boop his nose, I watch as his nose twitches. "What are you doing Xander?", he looks at me and blushes lightly. "I was waiting for you to get up so we can go get a drink.". I roll my eyes at him and start to get from the couch. He grabs my arm and pulls me into the kitchen sitting me down at the counter. He goes to the fridge and pulls out a bottle of some time of alcohol. "So how's Amanda doing?", I can help but not look at him while he asks me that question. "If Mandy wakes up...she won't remember anyone..", Xander's face expression changed. He comes up behind me and hugs me, I smile slightly. "It's gonna be ok Maxie, I promise. You'll find a way to make her remember.", I smile more and nod. Xander goes to pour me a glass and I start to drink.
Sorry for a short part but I had to post something promise to have more next time

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