Chapter 8

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     As I can't look away from my lifeless friend. I cried out, "what had happened to her?!". Her dad looks at me and sighs with a blank expression on his face, "It was a accident at school I guess. Nobody knows the actual details.". "Why doesn't she tell us when she wakes up?!", I blurt out, "because if she does wake up she will remember no one.". My eyes widen, this can't be! I start to cry more, I feel Mandys pain. Wanting to remember something but you just honestly can't remember. Even now, she won't remember anybody if she wakes up. I don't believe it, I don't think that's true. She's a strong girl she can handle it. What if she can't..? What if I lose her? No! Snap out of Maxine. I reach for my phone to text the one person who makes me happy when down, Dustin.
     Text messages:
                            Max: Hey Dustin I'm sorry for not answering
                            Dusty: omg max your ok!
I smiled at the message. I'm glad he didn't leave me or anything.
                            Max: well not really..I'm in the hospital and don't remember anything from the other day.
                            Dusty: what?! My girl is in the hospital? Do you want me to come see you?
I blush at the text message and giggle. Since when did he start saying his girl?
                            Max: if you want too though it's like a 4 hour drive.
                            Dusty: I would drive to end of the world to see you Maxie~😘
                            Max: 😂sure I'd be happy to finally meet you, I get discharged in two days so I hope to see you then.
                            Dusty: you can count on it. Prince Dustin to save the day~❤️
     I can't help but smile and blush, he's just so cute. My mom looks at me and groans, "kids and there technology". I glare at her and she kisses my forehead goodbye as her and Amanda's family walk out of the room. I sigh, it's quiet in the room. I look over at my friend in the other bed, I start to try and get up from the bed by myself and start to lose my balance. 'I just wanna see her.', I grab onto the bed rail and try to prop myself up. With what strength I have left I make my way to Mandys bed. Tears fall from my eyes as I stare at her motionless body. She looks like a ghost, I badly want her to wake up. I smile at my friend and kiss her forehead, "I really hope when you wake up you remember.". I start to make my way back to my bed and get myself into a comfortable position to fall asleep. I can't wait to finally meet Dustin, I look through my contacts to see who else I could talk to and I see Xander's contact doesn't have the name for him just the number. 'Did he block me..?'. I shut my phone off and dose of to sleep.
     I start to wake up from my peaceful sleep. I look at my phone to see it has been blown up by Dustin, I giggle. I can't believe he is actually gonna come see me soon, I wish I looked more nice but I mean I'm in hospital what can I do? I look over at Mandy and smile, maybe she will wake up to meet him? As I sit and go through Tik Toks to make the time go by. As its been a few hours I sigh as it is now 5:07pm and visiting hours are almost over soon. Maybe he isn't coming after all? After a few more minutes of waiting the nurse walks into the room. As I look over at the nurse I see a tall black haired boy walk behind her, I can't help but stare at the gorgeous boy. "Max this man is here to see you.", I nod at her and she walks out the door. A small faint blush falls upon my face as I look at the boy and smile. He walks over to my bed and sits on the edge, "so it's nice to finally meet you Max.". I giggle at him, his voice so gentle and calm. "Yes I'm so glad that we can finally meet but I wish it wasn't in a hospital..", I mumbled. He gracefully touches my chin, pulling my face up to meet his beautiful blue bell eyes. "Max come on, just be glad you get to see me.". I smile at him, yes I am very happy that I get to see him.
     As he smiles at me and looks over at the girl in the other bed, "who is she?". I look at Amanda, what am I supposed to say to him? "That's my best friend Mandy..she into a accident and I was probably there but can't honestly remember...", I look down at the floor about to cry. Dustin's face expression changed, he pulls me into a embracing hug. I look up at him and smile as I hug him back. 'He is so warm..'. Just as we pull away Amanda's machine starts to beep like crazy, we both look at each other shocked and he goes to find one of the nurses. "M-Mandy?!", I shout as I get up from my bed trying to rush to her. I fall to the ground trying to get up, just as Dustin comes back in with the nurses he quickly pulls me back into my own bed. I start to cry and hide into his chest. He wraps his arms around me tightly not letting me go. We can hear the nurses shout and as soon as they pull the curtains across the heart rate machine goes flat.

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