Chapter 4

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Max's POV
"Good morning Max!!", I hear my little brother shout as he barges into my room. I groan and sit up from my bed, "Morning Mason". He runs over and gives me a hug, "mom said breakfast is ready!". He runs out of my room and heads downstairs, I yawn. I get out of bed and make my way downstairs, I look into the living room and see Mason watching Voltron. "Good morning dear", my mom says as I walk into the kitchen. I take my seat at the table, "Good morning mom". She wants over to me and hands me my breakfast, I start too dig in. "Your Aunt Vicky gave Mason her hamster for the week so I need your help taking care of him.", I sigh and nod at her continuing to eat my food. I look over at my phone and see that I get a text from Dustin, I look at the text and smile and we continue to text for a few minutes. I look over at the time and see that is almost time for school. I finish my breakfast and go to get dressed, I put my shoes on and make my way over too the door. I tell my mom and little brother goodbye and head for my car. I open the door and get, I start the car and make my way towards school.
I arrive at school in same parking lot and I see Xander's car. I laugh too see that Xander actually showed up too school, I make my way into the school and into my first period. I look over at Xander, he has his feet up on the desk. I simply walk over too him, flip his hat off his head and sit down. He gives me a glare and grabs his hat off the ground. I look over at Lex's seat and see she isn't here, I look back over at Xander and he shrugs his shoulder. Lex usually doesn't miss school, just then the teacher walks in with Amanda. My eyes widen as I see my bestfriend walk through the door, 'what the hell is she doing here?! She isn't aloud to go to school?', I thought too myself. "This is our new student Amanda, be nice too her!", Mandy and I make eye contact and she takes a seat at the empty desk next to me. I see her look over at me and give me a bright smile, I can't help but smile back at her. We both focus on the teacher for the rest of the time.

Xander's POV
I can't help but notice Amanda is in my class now. She's really freaking cute and pretty but I could never do anything too her because that's Max's bestfriend. The bell rings for second period and I look over at Max and Mandy, I can tell Max was kinda surprised that her bestfriend is in school. I walk out of the class and walk into the boys restroom and pull out my juul. I begin too smoke in one of the stalls when I hear someone talking about Mandy. "Bro the new girl is so fucking hot!", says the blonde one as he checks himself out in the mirror. The brown haired one nods his head, "she's really fucking hot I could tap that in a week". My blood starts too boil, the things they were saying about her pissed me off. I kick open the stall door grab the brown haired boy by the shirt and pin him too the wall, "DON'T YOU EVER TALK ABOUT MANDY LIKE THAT YOU UNDERSTAND ME YOU SICK BASTARD!". The boys eyes widen and the blonde grabs onto my shoulder trying to get me too release his friend. " Xander he didn't mean it calm down bro!", I look at the blonde and then to the brunette. I drop the blonde on the floor and him and the brunette run out of the restroom. I put my hands on the sink and look into the mirror, 'what the fuck got into me..', I thought to myself as I splash water into my face. I turn the water off and dry my hands, I make my way out of the restroom and see Amanda at her locker. I see Max run up from behind Amanda and hug her, all I could do is smile. I walk away from the to and make my way into the gym where my second period was. As I walk into the gym I see Eryn, I walk over him and give him a nice punch on the shoulder. "Hey Eryn! Long time no see", Eryn jumps a bit and looks up at me. "Hi Xander, if your looking for my sister she's home sick.". Ah so that's we're Lex is. I simply nod and make my way over too my spot, as minutes go by and the teacher finally takes attention there is only 15 minutes left of second period so he lets up play basketball or walk around the gym. The minutes go by and the bell rings, I simply sit on the steps and take out my phone. I wonder to myself on why I was protective of Amanda earlier.

Amanda's POV
The bell rings for third period, which was gym for me. I look around the school for a sign that says gym. As I get to the office I look on the corner of the wall and see it says gym with a arrow point right. I sigh and make my way into the gym, just as I get too the gym doors I look in and see Xander sitting on the steps. 'Why isn't he in class?', I think too myself as I make my way to him, just before I get to him I get shoved into the wall. I whine in pain and look up to see 3 dudes surround me, my eyes widen at them. I look over at Xander and see he's on his phone which means he didn't see anything happening to me. "Hey babycakes~", the boy in the blue stripped shirt says pinning my left arm against the wall. Before I could get him off another boy in a red shirt pins my right arm too the wall. I look up at the boy who was in the middle, "Hey cutie~ Why don't we have fun a little before class starts.". I feel him grip onto my thigh I yelp and try to kick him off my thigh. All he does is laugh and he slides his hand up my leg, my heart starts beating fast not knowing what to do. "XANDER HELP ME!!", I scream and look over at Xander. He must of heard me because he looks up at me and gets up. He looks like he could kill these three in a instant, he makes way over and punches the dude in the face. "FUCK OFF HER!", he yells at the one dude that had his hands on my thighs, my heart starts racing again. The other two boys let go of me and take off, I look up at Xander and see that he is all sweaty, "Mandy you ok?". He looks up at me and I feel butterflies in my stomach as I couldn't open my mouth too speak. Before I knew it I was passed out on the floor, all I could hear was Xander screaming my name.

Oo cliff Hanger!! Don't kill me please enjoy!

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