Chapter 9

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Max's POV:
As all I can see are about 5 nurses and 3 doctors run into my room. 'Please don't die Mandy..', I think to myself as I still hug Dustin for comfort. As moments go by I start to see the nurses leave, I look up at Dustin and he looks down at me. Dustin gets up from the bed to go and speak with one of the Doctors that haven't left the room yet. As I wait for Dustin to get back from talking to the doctor, I can't help but stare at the curtain as it is closed. Dustin walks back to me from talking to the doctor I can see a smile on his face. He wraps his arms around me in a hug, "she's gonna be ok Max..". I sigh at the words that came out of his mouth. I thought she was dead. I really thought she was, but she isn't and I'm happy about it.
     As the nurses start to leave the room I can hear the doctor talking to her. I glance over the curtain to see her. I can tell she saw me when she looked away from me. 'Does she remember me?', I thought to myself as the doctor walks over to me. "She's doing fine Max.", "does she remember me?!", I say jumping up from my bed. He looks down at the ground with sadness written all over his face, "I'm sorry but she only remembers one person..". I thought to myself over and over again, 'Who does she remember?!'. Just before I go over to see Mandy the nurse walks in, "Max your mom is here to pick you.". I look at her confused. 'My mother?', I ask the nurse why she is doing here so early. "Well you are being discharged ma'am, come along", I sigh and get up from the bed. Dustin and I walk down the the main hall where my mother is sitting at waiting for us. She hugs me and we walk out the door to go home.

Xander's POV:
As I pour myself my tenth glass of moonshine, I look at my phone, 'I should go see Max..'. As I stumble to the front door, I open it and struggle to make my way to the car. I slowly start to get into the car knowing that I am intoxicating but I don't care. I need to see her. I slowly start to pull out of the drive way drinking more of the moonshine I poured. As I make my way down to the hospital I text Max and tell her I am on my way to the hospital. 'She won't reply..', I thought to myself pulling up to the hospital.
     I stumble out the car and onto the pavement, trying to keep my balance. I make my way inside the hospital, slowly trying to remember Max's room. As I get to the elevator I hit the floor that Max's room was on. We hit Max's floor and I try not to stumble out onto the floor. I notice one of the nurses look at me, "sorry! My legs asleep", I shout to her. She nods and goes back to what she was doing. I finish the rest of my drink, now becoming more drunk than ever. I make my way to her door, walking in shouting her name. I notice that she isn't there and I stumble onto the bed. I hear the curtain being pulled back and a girl is standing there overtop of me. "A-Are you okay Xander?..". I notice the voice that was talking to me, "Mandy?". She nods at me, giving me the cutest smile ever. I slowly pull myself up, before I knew it I was on top of her on her bed with curtain pulled over. I look into her beautiful eyes, I can see her blushing. I pushed her hair back around her ear and kiss her on the lips. She suddenly kisses me back, my drunk self slowly starts to make out with her on the hospital bed. Before I know it was taking my clothes off. "X-Xander..", I look at the small innocent girl underneath me. "Shh..", I say to her before taking her virginity.

AHHHH CLIFF HANGER DONT KILL ME PLZZZZZZ I LOVE YOU ALL!! Well I hope you enjoy stay tuned for my other books they will be updated tonight don't know when!

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