Chapter 7

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As I start to have 5 to many drinks, I look up at Xander. My vision starts to become blurry. "Max?", his voice was soft and faint. I could barley hear him as I begin to pass out. I start to hear Xander scream my name, I try to look up at him but my vision is too blurry. Before I pass out I can feel as thought I am being picked up. "Max its gonna be ok I got you hang on.", was all I heard before I passed out.

As I start to gain consciousness, I look around the room and realize I am in a hospital bed. I look down to see that I am in a hospital gown. 'Where am I?', I thought to myself as I see a nurse walk into my room. I try to look over and see the person that was on the other side of the curtain, just as I was bout to see who it was the nurse steps into my view. "Miss Greene I'm glad to see you awake, your family is here to see you.", as the nurse gestures my family to come into the room. "Thank you", I compliment as I try to sit up from the bed. I look over at my mother and see that she was crying. I couldn't help but want to cry, for I have no memory of the other day. "My beautiful baby girl your ok!", my mother said through her tears embracing me with a hug, "M-Mom I don't know what happened..". My mother looks at me with even more sadness in her eyes, I look beside her and see Mason as confused as ever. I can't help but laugh at the small boy, "Mason your big sis is alright.". Mason smiles at me and my mom picks him up so that he can hug me. Just as I release my brother from a hug Xander walks into the room. We all look at him, I can see my mother put her head down and walk to the tall brunette. Before he starts to speak she slaps him in the face.

Xander's POV:
I walk into the room where Max is, before I completely walk in I see her hugging her little brother. I always looked at Max as a little sister knowing I wanted to due nothing but protect her. As I walk more into the room, I can now see that all eyes are on me. Before I am bout to speak my face gets hit by the mother of the girl I want to protect. My eyes widen and look at the mother in front of me crying. "You did this too her! I never want you near her again!", I hear her shout as me trying to hard not to cry. I smile and look up at Max, noticing she was crying. "Mom stop it wasn't his fau-" "I'm glad to see that your alright Maxie..". I say to her as I walk out of the hospital room, I can hear her sad voice shouting for me. I walk out the hospital and get into my car. I rest my head on the stirring wheel and see Amanda's family walk in front of my car. I sigh, 'this is goodbye for awhile Maxine..'. I pull out a cigarette from the cup holder and drive off from the hospital.
As I make it to my house, I sit on the porch. 'Why didn't I stop her from drinking..?', I had thought to myself for awhile. I go into my house and into my bedroom to find a picture of me and Max on my bed side table. I smile how dorky she is and how she's grown over the years. Her and Lex are so important to me I don't know what I would do if something had happened to them. I feel something wet run down my face, but something did happen. Max is younger than me and Lex and she's like the little dorky sister of our group and I didn't protect her.

Max's POV:

     Tears drip from my face, I can't look up from my hands. I can hear my mother talking to the nurse, 'Why...Why would she do that to him?...He didn't deserve it..". As I start to wipe the tears from my face I can hear a soft voice call my name, I look up to see Mandy's father. I look over and see Alice, but where is Amanda..? "Its nice to see you Max", Alice says as she hugs me, "Yes its nice to see you too Alice and Mr. Rhee.". I can't help but look at both of them confused. Where is Amanda at? Why isn't she here? "Who are you looking for sweetie?", my mother questions as I look at her. I don't know what to say. How do I say it? Is she mad at me? "Where is Mandy at?".
     The room becomes silent for a moment, I stare back at my hands, I don't remember anything from the other day. As moments go by Amanda's father speaks to me. "Do you not remember Max?", I shake my head. I have no memory of yesterday. I look up from my hands at the sad and shocked people in front of me. "Max..Mandy got into a accident remember?", my eyes widen as I can't seem to remember the accident at all. I shake my head as tears roll from my eyes and into the hospital gown I was wearing. My mother sighs and goes over to curtain hiding the other patient from my eyes. "Maxine don't cry sweetie.", she pulls back the curtain and I look up at the lifeless body in the bed, "she's right here.".

Thank you all for being so patient I'm so happy to update for you guys I hope you enjoy this!

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