Chapter 12

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A week after the accident
Mandys POV;

The sound of my alarm clock goes off, I grown and throw my hand over and smack it; shutting it off. I look up and grab my phone to see Xander's text messages, "Good morning love, I hope you slept well. Just want to let you know that you are beautiful and that I love you💕", I smile at the text and write him back. I start to get up slowly from the bed and before I do I start to feel very sick. I rush into the bathroom and open the toilet, before I knew it I was throwing up. My dad rushing in to check on me. "Baby are you ok?!", he asks with a worried look on his face. I nod and move back to my bed. My stomach was in so much pain. Then it dawned on me, I look down at my stomach and rub it. Please don't be.. I say to myself as I get up and go into my sisters bathroom where pregnancy tests are laying in bottom drawer. I unwrap the test and do what I have to do.

5 minutes later and I look at the test "Pregnant" shows up on the test. I stare down at it in shock. I can't be a mom! I'm not ready!! Plus the baby dad and I have been secretly dating for a week he's never gonna accept and help care for a baby!! After minutes go by of me flipping out I slowly start to calm down. I break the test in half and stuff it down my bra so I can take it too my room and hide it. I get out of the bathroom and walk into my dads room. "hey dad?", he looks up at me not saying a word. "Can you drop me off at the mall, I wanna hang with my friends". My dad nodded and I smile and walk out of his room texting Xander to go to mall that I have something to tell him. He agrees to meet me and I sigh in relief. I walk back into my room to change. As I strip myself I look into the mirror with my nude body and rub my stomach. I snap out of my thoughts and go back to getting dressed.

     As we arrive at the mall I step out of the car and tell my father a time to pick me up and stuff. As I watch as he drives away tears build up in my eyes. Before tears could roll down my cheek I feel two hands wrap around me. I smile and turn around, "Now who is this strange sexy lookin man hugging me from behind doing?". Xander smirks and kisses my lips, I kiss him back "Well if you didnt look so sexy standing right there any man could snatch you right up.". I chuckles and begin to drag him inside of the mall. We make our way to the food court and I stare at all the tastey options. Xander chuckles, "well someone sure seems hungry". I shoot him a glare, placing one hand on my stomach. Maybe I should tell him? I mean he is the father after all but I don't remember anyone or anything else just him. Xander snaps his fingers in my face, "earth to Mandy? Are you ok?". I look up at him fighting off tears while smiling and nod. He smiles, "good cause im thinking about having some pizza". He looks me in line for Fredos Pizza. We order, grab our food and make our way to the seats. I drag Xander over to a area where no one else is sitting. Xander starts to chow down into his food and I can't help but giggle. "Xander", I pause and see him staring into my eyes. Just before I tell him a girl comes up from behind and hugs me. I see her face and recognize its the girl named Max.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 15 ⏰

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