Chapter 3

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Lex's POV
     As my alarm goes off to start the day, I roll out of bed and hit the switch. I look around my room and see how messy it is, shit I have to clean. With that I get up from my bed and get dressed. I head downstairs too get some cleaning supplies for my bedroom. "Good morning Lex!", with that I look over at my twin. "Morning Eryn, how'd you sleep?", he rubbed his head, "it was great I was over at Noah's last night and we stayed up half the night cuddling and playing fortnite.". I look over at my brother slightly fan girling. Noah and my brother have been dating for a month now and they look super cute together. "Well I'm glad you had a good time, I just came down to grab some stuff too clean my messy room.", he point too the door next too the bathroom. "Cleaning stuffs in there, I'll make breakfast when your finished cleaning.", I nod and go to the door to grab the supplies I need. I head back up too my room and start too clean. After a long good hour of cleaning and scrubbing my room it is now clean. I sigh and plop down on my bed, I look over at my phone too check the time. It's 11:45am, I grab all the cleaning supplies and head back downstairs and see Eryn making French toast. I put the supplies away and head over too the table, "you must of gotten tired of waiting for me huh Eryn?". He looks over at me and chuckles, "yeah I did but now that your finished want some French toast and bacon?". I nod and take my seat at the table. He walks over to me and hands me my food. I start too devour my food as my brother makes his own. Few minutes go by and I finish the French toast. "Thanks Eryn that was amazing", he looks over at me as he takes a bite of his toast and nods. I make my way back upstairs too the bathroom, I take my clothes off and turn the shower on. I get into the shower and proceed to clean myself off. As I finish my shower, I step out and put a black and grey flannel on and pair of black leggings. I make my way downstairs and see that Noah is here, "Hey noah!", he looks over at me with a smile on his face. "Hey Lex it's nice too see you again.", I nod and ask him if he's waiting for my brother to finish dishes. He nods an I tell my brother I'm off too get coffee with Max.
     I make my way towards my car, and open the door. I buckling up and start the engine, as I pull out of the drive way I barley see a car speeding down the road and almost him me. My eyes widen as the car still continues to go fast down the road, I sigh and make my way towards Max's house. As I pull into the drive way I see her sitting on the porch on the phone with someone. I roll my eyes at her and honk the horn, she's probably on phone with Dustin. I see her make her way to the car and end the phone call, she opens the door and gets in. "Let me guess, that was Dustin?", she looks over at me with small amount of blush appears on her face as her nods at me. I roll my eyes and start the car, "you and this Dustin guy a thing now?". She looks at me and shakes her head, "no we're just friends.". I continue to drive to coffee place, "are you wanting to be in a relationship with this guy?", I see her shrug at me. "I just don't know yet ok?". I nod and pull into the coffee place.

Max's POV
Lex pulls into the coffee shop and pulls into a parking spot. We step out of her van and make our way inside the shop. As we get too the door, I hold it open for the women and her too kids that are behind us. "Thank you", says the mother, I nod and smile and leave the door too close on its own. We proceed to make our way up too the counter too order our drinks. Lex starts to order first "One java chip Frappuccino please", the lady nods and looks at me. "Um one Carmel Frappuccino.", I offer Lex if I can pay but she told me to put my card away. We make our way too a table in by the door, the lady calls our names too get our order. I tell Lex too stay at the table and that I'll grab our drinks.
     I make my way up too the counter and look over at a girl that is staring at Alex. I smirk and grab the coffee and sit down at the table, Lex looks at me a bit confused. "I saw a girl checking you out", I say as I take a sip of my Frappuccino. Her eyes widen at me and she looks around the room and sees about 10 other girls, "which girl?!". I ignore her question as she continues to look around the room for a girl. "Maxine Cmon tell me what girl!", I can see her getting impatient and I point too the girl in a pink flannel. Lex looks over at the girl and I can see there eyes met, Lex looks away with her face bright red. I can't help but laugh at her, "omg Lex you should just go over there and talk too her!". Lex looks over at me like I'm crazy, "I wouldn't even know what to say!!". I see Lexs face expression turn to happy to sad, "maybe she's just judging me..". I shake my head, "if she was judging you she wouldn't be blushes like she is right now.". Lex's eyes widen a little and she looks over at the girl in the pink flannel. "Your right she is blushing but maybe she's embarrassed cause she got caught staring at us.". I shake my head again, Lex quit doubting yourself before my foot goes up your ass. I look over at the girl and see she's now on her phone, I see her taking a selfie and I roll my eyes at her. I get up from the table and make my way over to the counter. "Um hi can I get two chocolate filled donuts please?", the lady nods and hands me the donuts I say thank you and make my way back over too my table. "Here Lex eat.", she gives me a glare and starts too eat the donut. As she finishes the donut, she looks over at me confused because I still have mine. "Why aren't you eating yours?", she asks as she takes a sip of her Frappuccino. "I want you to go take it over too the girl over there", Lex's eyes widen and she shakes her head at me. "Are you crazy?! I can't do that!", she starts to get even more embarrassed. All I simply do is laugh, "you have to do it or I'll tell Xander you let a cute girl get away.". She's gives me a death glare, "you know he'd hit me upside the head for letting a girl get away!". I smile, "exactly so go over their and take this donut with you and talk to her.". She continues too glare at me, "at least let me finish my Frappuccino first!". I nod and let her finish drinking her Frappuccino before making her go over and take to the girl. "Ok your finished with your Frappuccino now go over there and talk to that cute girl!", she looks at me and sighs, walks over there.

???s POV
I can't help but look at the girl in the black and gray flannel she looks so cute. I look over at her again and see she is making her way over toward me. My eyes widen and I start too panic, why is she coming over here?!? Oh god is she gonna yell at me?!. "Hey, my friend sent me over here to give you this", I look up at her and see her handing me a donut. I accept it and thank her. "You look cute what's your name?", I can't help but blush at her. "M-My names Roxanne..", I look down away at her. "Ah Roxanne is a cute name! My names Alex but everyone calls me Lex. Can I take a seat?". I nod at her and she takes a seat across from me. I look over at her friend and see that she's taking pictures of us. She must of noticed me looking because she puts her phone away and is drinking her Frappuccino. "So umm Lex, I'm umm..sorry for staring at you earlier, I just um- thought you were cute", I see her blushing at me. "It's alright I thought you were cute too.". I look at her surprised, d-did she just call me cute?. "O-Oh..umm thank you", I look down embarrassed and don't have a clue what to say to her. "Your welcome Roxanne", I look at her and sigh. "You could call me Roxie if you want. Roxanne sounds a little..too formal". Lex nods and smiles at me, which makes my heart melt a little. I'm talking too a cute girl Rox don't fuck it up, "so um do you maybe wanna go out sometime?". My eyes widen and now I'm blushing even more, "S-Sure! I'd love too". Lex smiles at me and hands me her number, "I gotta go back to my friend Max it was nice chatting with you Rox.", I smile and nod at her. "It was nice chatting with you too Lex.". She nods and makes her way back over to her friend. I look down at the number she gave me and I smile at it, I'm gonna go on a date soon! I finish my latte and make my way to the door, looking at Lex and her friend, she waves at me and I blush and wave back at her. I walk out the door and get into my truck. I start to fangirl that I'm going on a date. With that I start the car and drive home for tomorrow is Monday and I have school.

Hi everyone thanks for reading this!! Stay tuned for the next part will be up tomorrow! Enjoy!

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