Chapter 10

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This chapter contains scenes that might be disturbing to some readers. You have been warned. Enjoy!

Amanda's POV:
I stare at the man on top of me, panting at each other. Slowly realizing what has just happened to both of us. I stare into his eyes, he must be intoxicated. I watch him attempt to put his clothes back on. I sit there and laugh, "Xander let me help you". He turns and looks at me with a devilish smirk on his face, "Yes babe.". My face lights up, I can't help but giggle and help him get dressed. Before we know it the nurse walks in just as I finish getting dressed. "Ma'am your father and sister are here to see you.", I look at her confused. 'My father...sister?..', I nod at her and watch the nurse walk out of my room. I look back up at the drunk man next to me. I pull his shirt to we're his eyes meet mine and gently place a kiss on his lips, "You have to go Xander my family is coming". I slowly watch the mans facial expressions at me change from happy to sad. I sigh at him, "go hide in the bathroom then.". Without saying another word, he makes his way to the bathroom, I start to notice him about to fall over and rush to his side to help him. I open the door and put him in the tub, just as I'm about to leave the bathroom, he grabs onto my arm pulling it making me stumble on top of him. I sigh and slowly start to make my way out of the tube, but I suddenly get grabbed again. I look back at him, with a light pink blush covering my cheeks, "Xander what's wro..-". Before I could finish my sentence, he pulls me into a kiss. My cheeks light up with a brighter pink, I can't help but kiss the man back. I pull away from the kiss before he starts to get hormones again. "You stay here and be a good boy", he looks into my eyes and nods at me. I giggle at his response, and make my way out of the tube and back to my hospital bed.
     As I lay in my bed as if nothing had happened, I see a man and a girl walk into my room. "Mandy!", the girl shouts at me embracing me in a hug. I yelp at her, she notices she's hugging me to tight and lets go. "Mandy it's me Alice..", the girl says to me with the saddest facial expressions. "I-I'm sorry..I don't remember..". I look at the ground trying not to tear up at them. I have no memory of anyone but Xander. All I can remember is that day when he saved me..the day I fell in love with him. "It's alright sweetie, you'll remember soon.", I look up at the man who is supposedly my father and I nod at him.
     Minutes go by as they try to make me remember them. I just can't remember, "alright I think that's enough for today Alice.". The man places his hand on the girls shoulder and she nods, she pulls me into a hug and I hug her back. I stand up from me bed giving my father a hug, trying not to cry in his chest. "We'll be back tomorrow to pick you up Amanda. The doctors wanna keep you overnight to see if anything happens", I pull away from him and nod, wiping the tears that slipped out of my eyes. I watch them make there way out of my room, I can hear the girl starting to cry in the hallway. I sigh and go back to the bathroom where I had left Xander. I open the door and look inside, I notice the tub curtain is pulled over. I laugh and look to see if he is awake. I look at the sleeping man in the tub and place a kiss among his forehead. "Goodnight Xander.", I pull the curtain across so no one can see him and close the bathroom door behind me. I get back into my bed and slowly start to fall asleep.

Xander's POV:
     I slowly start to open my eyes, "ah fuck me my head hurts..". I look around the room to see where I am at. "Where the fuck am I?", I get up from the tub and make my way over to the mirror. I turn the faucet on cold and splash my face with the cold water. I look up into the mirror and notice my shirt is inside out. "Jesus I must have been really drunk", it hits me. I came to the hospital to see Max, drunk. I start to freak out and I slowly open the door to see if Max is in the room. "Max isn't here?", I sighed and opened the door and see a naked Amanda getting dressed. I stumble onto the floor and my nose starts to bleed. She's notices me and rushes to my side, "Xander are you ok?!". I look up at the half naked girl in front of me and slowly starts to get up. "Mandy w-what happened yesterday?", she helps me up onto what used to be Max's hospital bed. "W-Well you came into the hospital room looking for someone named Max.". I look at her confused, 'she doesn't remember Max?!', I sigh. "So nothing happened?", I see her look down at the ground. She starts to whisper in me ear, "we made out and did stuff..". My eyes widen, "we fucked?!", she looks at me and nods with blush surrounding her cheeks. 'I fucked Max's best friend..SHES GONNA KILL ME!', I slowly start to get up from the bed, but fall back down. "Xander slow down your nose is bleeding", Amanda says to me grabbing tissues and wiping my nose. I accidentally stare into her boobs, my nose starts to bleed more. "I think you need to get checked out Xander.", I look up at her as she's still trying to wipe the blood from running down my nose. I slowly wrap my arms around her and flip us to we're I'm on top of her.
     I stare at the girl underneath me as a bright pink blush appears on her cheeks, "X-Xander". I look the half naked girl up and down and then softly place my lips onto her. She starts to kiss me back, I slowly start to slide my tongue into her mouth. She opens her mouth allowing me access to it, I slide my tongue in and swirl it around hers. I pull my tongue out of her mouth watching our saliva pull together on me tongue. I watch Mandy pant at me and I start to realize what I was doing. "I am so sorry Mandy!", I said starting to get off of her. Before I fully pull myself up she wraps her legs around my waist pulling me back down on top of her making my lips touch hers. I can slowly feel my dick starting to get harder, wondering if she can feel it too. I start to rubs my hands up against her thighs, I look over at the clock seeing it's 9:08am. I pull away from her, "is your family coming?". She nods at me, "not til 2:00". I smirk at her respond and go back to kissing her. I pull away from her lips and slowly make my way down to her leaving little kiss marks on her. I get down to her neck and start to suck on it. She lets out a soft little moan, it start to get aroused more. I press my bulge up against her, continuously sucking on her neck leaving hickeys all over her. She lets out soft moans, I look up at her seeing she's enjoying it. I smile and make kiss trail down to her panties. I slowly start to take her panties off looking up at her. She nods at me and I take them off planting kisses all around her pussy. I start to take my pants and shirt off, I look at her watching me strip in front of her. I go to the door and shut it while locking it. I walk back to her and kisses her upon her lips. She kisses me back, I start to run my hand down her stomach to her pussy. I rub her clit teasing her a little, she lets out a gasp at me and I chuckle. I slowly place a finger inside of her going in and out of her, listening to her moan as I finger her. I go down to her pussy and start to suck on her clit getting her turned on more. "X-Xander~!", I hear her shout at me. I go up and bite her neck as I slowly push my dick into her. She lets out a louder moan and I go up to kiss her, "Shh Mandy they'll heat up~". She nods at me and I start to thrust into her. She lets out soft moans as I thrust in and out.

Time skip—>
I thrust faster and more harder into her, hitting the entrance of her womb. "X-Xander!~", she moans my name as I thrust harder. "M-Mandy I'm cumming!", I continuously thrust deeper into her, her moans start to get louder. I grip onto the bed sheet and thrust into her womb letting out a load full of cum into her. She gasps and pulls me hair. I pull out her panting like a dog. We both hear knocks on the door, "Ms. Amanda? Your dads here". We both looked at each other. I grabbed my clothes and rushed to the bathroom to get dressed. I hear Mandy shout, "just a minute I'm getting changed!". I try not to laugh at what she said. I lock the bathroom door so that the nurses or her family doesn't come into the bathroom. I finish getting dressed and sit on the toilet til her father leaves.

Amanda's POV:
     I start to pull my shorts up as the nurse unlocks the door, allowing my family into my room. I pull my hair up into a messy bun and try to hide the cum stains that are on the hospital bed. I set my bag down on the bed we're Xander and I had sex. "Mandy it's good to see you",  look up and see my older sister coming to hug me. I smile at her and let her give me a big hug. "So are you ready to come hone with us?!", she yells with excitement. I nod at her and pick up my stuff from the bed, hoping they don't notice the sheets. My dad looks at me and smiles, "im so glad that your coming home sweetheart". He places a kiss upon my forehead and he and my sister walk out of my room while I gather my things. I walk to the bathroom door and knock on it lightly. Xander opens it and pulls me into a hug. I giggle quietly and hugs him back. "I gotta go Xander", he looks at me sad. I smile and kisses his on the lips. I notice the blush forming on his cheeks. "You should go before nurses find you hiding here", he nods at me and gives me a slip of paper. "Just Incase you don't have my number princess~", he says to me placing a kiss on my lips walking out the door. I smile and hold the paper to my chest walking out of the hospital it my family.

WOW THIS WAS LONG. Too lonnggg well I hope you all enjoy this lovely chapter between Mandy and Xander😂 well I hope you enjoy! See you on next chapter.

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