Chapter 2

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Amanda's POV
I wake up from my bed from 4 text messages from Max. I sighed and rolled out of bed. Max worries about me because of my short term memory loss. I know it happened 2 years ago but I make due of it. I look at her text, "Hey Mandy good morning! I have two friends that I want you too meet so let me know when you get up!". I smile at the text, besides Max I don't really have friends other than my sister and dad. I change into a black tank top and blue jeans with a blue flannel around my waist, I put on my black high knee converse boots and head for kitchen. I text Amanda that I'm up and she can come get me, as I send the text I bump into my older sister Alice. She laughs as I fall to ground and land on my ass, "wow thanks Alice for that.". I stand up and brush dirt off me, "where are you going Mandy?". I look at her and smile, "Max is coming to get me.". Her eyes widen, yea it's been a month since I've actually seen Max but she's busy with school and these other friends to help her instead of her emotional sad friend. "Well have fun and be safe ok?", she says and puts a jacket around me. I nod and head out and see Max parked in the drive way honking at me. I look at her car closely and see that there is another girl in back seat of her truck. "Cmon we gotta go get Xander he's being impatient!!", I quickly get into the car and put my seat belt on.

Max's POV
I smile at Mandy as she gets in the car. "Mandy this is my other bestie Alex but we call her Lex", Lex smiles at Amanda and shakes each other's hand. I seriously hope these three will get along, as I drive too Xander's house I see him sitting on the porch smoking his vape. I roll my eyes and honk rapidly at him. He looks over at me and flips me off as he gets close to the car, right when he gets to the door I honk the horn freaking him out. He opens the car door, "wow thanks Max for freaking me the fuck out!". We all laugh as Xander gets strapped in, "Xander this is Amanda, Amanda his is Xander". Instead of shaking Mandy's hand he kisses it, "why it's a pleasure too finally meet you Mandy." , I hit him upside the head and he whines in pain. Mandy laughs and a small amount of blush appears on her face. As I start the car I start playing some Christmas music and Xander is about too hit the different station button til all three of us smack his hand. "Ow! I don't approve of being beat by three girls today!", we laugh and start headed for the mall. As we pull into the mall parking lot we wait for a little old lady to pass over. As we wait Xander rolls down his window and starts too vape. As soon as the lady crosses through we pull into a parking spot and get out of the car. "So Mandy you excited for the mall?", I say as I hug her from behind. She smiles and nodded, "I don't remember ever coming too the mall so yes I'm super excited!". We all make our way into the mall and start shopping.

Time skip 3 hours later

Xander's POV
I continue to walk around the mall til I see Lex in hot topic. Since I've lost Max and Amanda I go too check on her. I walk into hot topic and hug Lex from behind scaring her, "Hey Lex what you looking at?". She hits me with her FYE bag and chuckles, "I'm looking for some cute cat ears too finish my cosplay for Shiro.". I roll my eyes at her, Lex and Max like too cosplay a lot and sometimes they even drag me into it. I check out the door and see Max and Amanda walking around looking for us. I can tell they know where we are cause there about to come into Hot Topic. "Hey Max, Mandy, where all in here!", I see both girls look at me and walk towards me. As we all continue to look around hot topic I can't help but notice the cute cashier. "Hey Ma'am how is your day?", the cashier looks at me and I can tell she's blushing. "My day is good how about yours sir?", I smirk at her "Xander, call me Xander. And it's doing a lot better now that your here~". I can see she was blushing hard now, which is a good thing for me. "Oh Xander my names Lillian, my shift is over right now, do you wanna come get a coffee with me Xander?", I smile at her and nod. I let the group know imma go smash a cashier and they all gag at me.
We make our way too Lillian's car, as she unlocks the doors we get in. "So is this your first time a date hasn't picked you up in a car first?", I say winking at her. All she does is giggle, "you'd be surprised Xander.". I can't help but smile, just something about this girl makes me wanna kiss her. We get too the coffee place and make our way into it. Of course it was Starbucks she drove too, "so Lillian what type of dudes you into?". She looks over at me after ordering, "mostly the kind and funny ones.". Before she hands be lady her card I tell her that I was gonna pay. Besides you never let a lady pay on first date you know? The lady calls us 5 minutes later too get our drinks. We make our way to a table and casually sit down drinking our coffee. As time flies we have a nice conversation, I invite her over too my house. She was blushing when I asked her too come over and she simply said yes. We start too head to my house, which I was kinda nervous for inviting a girl in. I haven't had another chick in my house other than Max and Lex for a month now. Lillian puts her hand on my leg and I look up to her from my phone, she smiles at me and I lean over and kiss her on the cheek. I see that we've finally pulled into the drive way, we step out of her car and make our way into the house. Lillian and I make our way too my bedroom, I ask her if she'd like anything too drink. "Yeah some water will be nice thank you.", she says as she sits seductively on my bed. I can't help but nod and make my way towards the kitchen.
Minutes pass and I make it back too my room with water and some alcohol orange juice. I look for Lillian and see her in a bra and panties laying on my bed. I star up and down her body as she makes her way towards me, I can't move. Her body just turns me on, she grabs onto my shirt and pulls me into a kiss. I kiss her back and pin her too the bed, I slowly stick my tongue into her mouth and French kiss her. I slowly start to take my clothes off, "Are you sure you want this Lillian?~". She nods and I proceed too strip naked. Before I do anything I go to my drawer and pull out a condom and put it on. I head back over too Lillian and I kiss her again, she takes like peppermint~. I slowly start to take her bra and panties off her, I start to fondle her boobs. I hear small moans coming from her mouth as I play with her breasts, I lean down and start sucking on them. As I continue to suck on her breast's I rub my other hand down to her thigh, I can still hear her soft little moans as I rub her thigh. She's enjoying it, I start to make my way down too her pussy, I rub on her clit and hear her groan with pleasure. I rub her clit with my right hand and fondle her boobs with my left. I can now hear her moan getting louder. I lean down and kiss her on lips and make my way down her neck to her boobs. I slowly kiss my way down too her pussy and start to lick her area. Lillian moans and grips onto my bed sheets, "Aahh~ Xander~!". I stick my tongue into her and start too tease her, she moans louder, making me get harder. I take my tongue out and make me way too her lips and bites it, "Call me Daddy~", I see blush form around her face and she nods. I press up against her and start to rub against her entrance, she moans softly as I do so. I look up at her and see she's into it, I thrust into her not letting her a-just to my size. I continue too thrust into her more, she is moaning like crazy. "Aaaaahhh~!! Daddy~!", I thrusted in her harder. She was enjoying it just as much as I was.
Time skip cause too lazy to finish it
I lay on top of her panting, I look over at the time and see it's only been 30 minutes but it feels like an hour. "That was amazing Xander!", she giggles and kisses my neck leaving a hickey. I smirk, "I'm glad you enjoy it.", she nods and looks at her phone. We get off each other and get dressed, "id love to stay but my boyfri- bestfriend needs me to help them!". I look at her as she rushes out of my house, I sigh for it was just a hoe wanting sex. I look over my phone and see Max and Lex in group chat sending Loop means back and forth, I decide too join in there meme game. As the day goes on it becomes 12 in the morning. I wish Max and Lex a goodnight and head too my drawer too grab a cigarette. I light the cigarette and begin too smoke it while looking out at the night sky. I think I have a problem.., I finish my cigarette and head to bed, thinking that sex with Lillian was a mistake.

End of chapter 2!!! Hope you all enjoy

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