Chapter 5

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Xander's POV
I watch as Amanda falls to the ground, "MANDY!", I shout at her shaking her body. I pick her up and start to run to the nurses office, I look to the corner of my eye and see Max talking to Eryn. I shout for her, "MAX!". She looks over and me and what looks like to be a lifeless Mandy in my arms. I see Max run after me with Eryn right behind her. We make it to the nurses office, "Mrs Yuhra!". I catch my breath and she looks at me and Amanda, her eyes widen, "bring her in onto the bed!". I did what I was told, not soon enough Max and Eryn enter the room. Max has tears running down her eyes, I hug Max and let the nurse do what she can to help Amanda. A hour goes by and we are waiting outside the nurses office, all of a sudden we hear a ambulance pulls up to the school, we all look at each other. They make their way into the school and come into the nurses office. Tears flood through my eyes and I can't help but look at Max and she starts crying hard. I pull Max into a hug as we see Mandy being wheeled away, 'what the fuck happened..' I say to myself and continue to hug Max. Before I knew it Max pushes me off her and bolts after the paramedics. I sigh and walk out of the school and into my car, 'all she did was faint and slightly hit her head off ground..'. Tears fill my eyes again, I really hope Max is ok, she seems to have taken it very hard. I shoot Max and Eryn a text that I'm going home. Max doesn't reply and Eryn just texts me ok. I start up my car and drive home, as I get into my house I get to the living room and sit down on the couch. I look at my phone and see a picture that Max posted of all three of us. I didn't understand what was going on with me, did I like Mandy?, but how and why? I get up from the couch and make my way to a window and open it, as I open it I hit my juul a few times before shutting the window. I go upstairs to my room and unbutton my top a little, my chest was somewhat exposed. I lay down on my bed and start to fall asleep while thinking about Mandy.

Max's POV
As I watch Mandy get taken into a room the doctor told me I couldn't come in. I sat outside her room in a chair and waited, as I look up I see Amanda's dad and sister. You could tell that Alice was crying, they make there way over to me. "Max what happened?", her dad shouts at me. "I-I don't know..", he looks at me with sadness in his eyes and makes his way to the doctor. Alice sits next to me and rubs my back, I couldn't help by cry into her chest. She starts to rub my head, "shh Maxie..Mandy's a fighter she'll make it out of this.". I look up at Alice with my now red and puffy eyes, her dad comes back over to us and sits down. Alice goes over to her dad and tries to comfort him.
~~~~time skip to a damn hour~~~~
It becomes a hour now, and the doctors are still with Mandy. Sure I've seen a few doctors come in and out of her room. I wanna just smack them all right upside there damn head and tell them to hurry up. I sit their patiently and wait as time goes on. As another doctor comes out Mandy's dad goes to him and asks him what's taking so long, the doctor doesn't give us any helpful information at all. I sit back in the chair and my phone goes off, I see it's a text from Dustin. I smile slightly at his text and make my way out of the hospital to call him. As I get outside I start to call him, he picks up right away. We begin too talk and I explain to him what was all going on. He tells me that's it going to be ok and try not to blame myself for Mandy's current situation. I couldn't help myself though all I thought about that it was my fault. That if I walked with her too all her classes this wouldn't of happened to her. I talk on phone with Dustin a little bit longer, I get a text from Alice and she tells me the doctor wants to speak her dad. I tell Dustin that I have to go and that I love him, he says it back which makes me a little happy. I end the call with Dustin and walk back into the hospital, I start to make my way up the stairs to the third floor. As I make it too the third floor I can see Mandy's dad and the doctor talking, Alice is peeking in Mandy's room looking at her. I walk over to Mandy's room and see all these cords and needles on her. My heart stops for a minute, I can slowly feel myself wanting to cry again as I stare at my unconscious best friend. Mandy's dad walks over towards me and Alice, you can tell he is wanting too cry. "Alice comes with me for a sec..", Alice and I look at each other and she nods. I watch as Alice and her father walk away from me, I look down at my text and reply to Xander's text. I really want to know how this had happened to Amanda. Just as I look into Mandy's room I can hear Alice scream and cry into her fathers chest. My heart skips a few beats as it wasn't a good sign, her dad walks over too me and asks if we can take a walk. I nod and watch as Alice goes into Mandy's room and hug her unconscious sister. "Max, you've been in this family for awhile now..", he says and stops. "The doctor has told me..", my heart starts racing, I can feel sweat running down my forehead. "That is Mandy wakes up from this...she won't remember anyone...".

Oof look what I did another cliff hanger!!! DONT KILL ME YET IT Enjoy the story leave in comments what you think is gonna happen!

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