Chapter 11

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This chapter contains violence and very strong language. You have been warned.

Max's POV:
I look over at my phone and see the texts and missed calls I have from Xander. I do kinda blame him for me being in the hospital, but it was also my fault to. I just don't want Dustin to know he might go after him trying to fight him. I look over at my little brother peacefully sleeping on the couch. Dustin grabs my chin and pulls me in for a kiss. As it gets interrupted by my mother rushing into the living room, "Maxine can you watch Mason?? Your aunt says someone broke into her house so I'm gonna go check it out". I sigh, "Yes mom I will". She thanks me and dashes out the door as fast as she could.  Dustin laughs at me, I look up at the man and playfully slaps him in the face. He growls, "Oh so this is how we're playing?". He picks me up and takes me upstairs to my room and throws me onto my bed. Before Dustin could do anything to me my phone rings again. I pick up the phone, "Xander what is it?". I hear him panting, "Max can I please come over I got to talk to you", I sigh annoyed at his question. "It's 3am Xander. Why?", I hear his voice change, "please max!". "Fine come over.", he thanks me and hangs up the phone. Dustin looks at me and I tell him who was on phone. "So Xander is coming over?", I nod at him, not knowing why he is.
     As minutes go by I hear banging at the front door. I walk to it and open it, I notice Xander there crying. "X-Xander?! What's wrong?!", he pulls me into a hug. "Max I think I did a bad thing...", I look at him strangely and start to question him. "What did you do?", I stop him from hugging me and drag him to the couch where Dustin is. "Well I went to check on Amanda and..", I look into his eyes.

~A long story later~

"And that's what happened..", Xander rubs his head as he finished explaining what happened. "You fucked Mandy?!", I start to shout at him. "I didn't know what came over me ok?!", I smack him in the face, "get out.". His eyes widen as he looks at me and pins me down to the couch, "DONT HIT ME MAX", I start to shake under him. Before I knew it Dustin grabs Xander and throws him into the wall, "Get off her! You don't do that to a girl!!". Xander growls under his breath, pushes Dustin into the wall. Dustin growls and begins to punch Xander in the face. Before I knew it the two boys were fight. I watch as Dustin throws Xander to the ground and is bought to hit him, "Dustin!! Don't!", I shout as I rush towards him and grab his fist. He looks up at me and gets up. Xander gets up and leaves my house without a word. I push Dustin gently and run to my room. As I sit in my room I try to figure out what just happened before my eyes.

Sorry for short chapter. Going to be posting more soon and maybe even new story! Follow for updates and stuff!

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