1. The Cave of Voltron

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"You...are late," Lotor said as the thief jumped off his Horse. 

"A thousand apologies, O patient one," Myzax said. Lotor can care less about him. All he wanted was his reward. 

"You have it, then?" Lotor asked very intrigued and impatient for waiting so long. 

"I had to slit a few throats to get it," Myzax said as he pulls out half the medallion. Lotor reaches out for it to grab it, but Myzax yanks it back. "Ah, ah, ahhh! The treasure!" Kova squawks as she flies by and grabs the medallion. "Ouch!" Kova flies back to Lotor, giving him the medallion.

"Trust me, my pungent friend. You'll get what's coming to you," Lotor said as he pulls out the other half of the medallion he had on him.

"What's coming to you! Awk!" Kova the colored parrot yelled. Lotor connects the pieces together, watching as the bug begins to glow its color.  It wasn't a second before the bug started to fly around, scaring the horses, then flying away into the desert. 

"Quickly, follow the trail!" Lotor yells as he rode off with Myzax following behind. The bug flied faster going into the distant. "Faster!" Lotor told his horse. He did not want to lose it after waiting for so long for this. The bug reaches to a large dune. It separates into two and the halves plunge into the dune. All that remains are two glowing points of light on the dune. But then the dune begins to rise up, scaring the horses making Lotor and Myzax fall off them. Lotor smiled as the dune transformed into a giant lion's head, with the glowing points serving as the eyes. The mouth began to open wide.

"At last, after all my years of searching, the Cave of Voltron!" Lotor said smiling devilishly being closer to his treasure.  

"Awk! Cave of Voltron!" Kova squawked smiling as well.

"By Allah!" Myzax said amazed of he just witnessed.

"Now, remember!" Lotor grabs Myzax collar. "Bring me the lamp. The rest of the treasure is yours, but the lamp is mine!"Lotor said before letting him go then watching him walk up to the lions head.  

"Awk, the lamp! Awk, the lamp!" Kova yelled. When Myzax was far enough not to hear them, she began to talk in normal English. "O my, where'd ya dig this idiot up?" Lotor puts his finger to his lips and shushes her. Myzax reaches the cave, but is blown away by the roar of mouth of Voltron. 

"Who disturbs my slumber?" Voltron says with the mouth which is also the entrance moving.

"It is I, Myzax, a humble thief. To serve in loyalty of others for wealth," Myzax said bowing on his knees. 

"Know this. Only one may enter here. One whose worth lies far within. A diamond in the rough." Myzax looks back to Lotor confused.

"What are you waiting for? Go on!" Lotor yells to him. Myzax hesitates, not sure if he wants to continue but he must if he wants the treasure. He places one foot inside the cave. With great apprehension, he plants his foot down. Nothing happens. He becomes relieved and begins to trek again. Then another roar comes which scares Myzax. He turns back to get out but it was to late. The lion's mouth slams shut and the dune starts to collapse what it was before. 

"Seek thee out, the diamond in the rough," Voltron says before fully collapsing. The two halves of the medallion start to run down the dune. Kova shakes her body dusting off the sand in her feathers to unbury herself. Coughing in the process. 

"I cannot believe this. I just do not believe it. We're never gonna get a hold of that stupid lamp Lotor! Just forget it. Look at this mess. Look at this. I'm so ticked off that I'm molting from all this!" Kova says walking to grab both the medallion pieces then flying back to Lotor to give it to him.

"Patience, Kova. Patience.  Myzax was obviously less than worthy," Lotor said unpleased of the results as Kova lands on his shoulder.

"Oh, that is certainly a big surprise," she said sarcastically. "That's an incred- I think I am going have a heart attack and die from not surprise! What're we going to do? We got a big problem here, a big prob-" She was cut off by Lotor pinching her beak shut.

"Yes, we do. Only one may enter. I must find this one, this...diamond in the rough," Lotor said as he hurries back to the castle so no one would be suspicious of his absence.

Klance AladdinWhere stories live. Discover now