Chapter 10 - The Reactions

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Neville came out of the memory enraged, Lillac got scared of him so began to move away before Luna began comforting her. "Neville, calm down. You're scaring her." Luna snapped at him.
"I'm scared LuLu, what will dad say?"
Luna sighed, "I don't know Lils but if he loved your mum after this happened to her, he can love you"
A tear rolled down Luna's face, she wrapped Lillac into a tight embrace muttering 'J'adore Tu et Il plus adore Tu', this comforted Lillac as her mother, who was raised in France, would often accidentally slip into French when comforting Lillac.
"Neville, go get Dragon and Teddy, I'll call for Andy," Luna said calmly. Neville left the room to go fetch both the named professor and student.

Suddenly, seconds, after Neville left Lillac, jumped up and bolted from the room. She ran to her favourite part of Hogwarts, the Astronomy tower. Lillac broke down crying, she was edging closer to the barrier with each step. She knew what would happen if she got closer she had been planning it since that day. She was so close now, just halfway through that step, a pair of arms enclosed around her delicate torso. She tried to fight against the mysterious person, before giving up. She sunk down to the ground sobbing. Without looking up she whispered, "why? why save somebody as worthless as me?"
The mysterious figure lifted her head up, "Because you are my granddaughter". He was a tall man, he had shoulder-length black hair and a dull smile in his grey eyes. Just at that moment, her father burst into the room, followed by her grandmother. "Siri?" Her grandmother slowly spoke, "How are you here? Lucius told me Bella killed you."              

   He chuckled, "Well, Cissa, I couldn't just let my granddaughter die now could I?" Lilac slowly glanced up her father expecting for him to look worried but instead, he looked furious. 

He slapped her, "How could you Lilac!? After all, we went through with your mother, you still got pregnant and then to top it all you tried to follow in her footstep!" He screamed at Lilac until something unexpected happened.

 "Listen here Malfoy, that is no way to talk to your daughter and especially that is no way to talk about MY Daughter! It is not their faults they are both submissive veelas, you are lucky the same thing didn't happen to your mother! Now I know Lucius wasn't a nice person, but that gives you no right to try and be like him. You better stay away from Lillac or god help me I will murder you! Cissa, do you think you could find Remus for me, he was meant to come back too?" Sirius then picked up Lillac who was crying and carried her to the hospital wing, glaring at anyone who stared.

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