Chapter 29-Malfoy Manor

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When Lillac got back to the house, she didn't speak to anyone and went to the floo. "Carlotta? Where are you going?" Rose asked, spotting her cousin by the fireplace.

"Home." She steps into the fireplace, "13 Peacock Place, Wiltshire"

Rose ran to tell her grandmother that her cousin wouldn't need a place because she went home. Sirius knew she hadn't gone back to his childhood home as she wouldn't leave without Adalgunde and she was still in his mate's arms. He went to Charlie, asking if he knew where she would be.

"Malfoy Manor" Charlie whispered, terrified for the life of his daughter.

With Lillac

Seconds after she walked out of the fireplace, she was grabbed by her step-father and dragged to the basement. He chained her up before locking the door behind him. "How dare you! I told you that you would be coming here for Yule!" He shouted before casting a few select curses on the cell and leaving.

Two hours later, Draco returned. "Get up! You are getting married in an hour, you will address Pansy Zabini as Lady Zabini or preferably Ma'am and she will get you ready for the wedding. You will go through with this or you will never see anyone ever again."

"Yes, sir" She was led to a room on the second floor where there was a traditional French wedding gown and a woman appeared dressed in formal wear.

"Heiress Black, I presume"

"A pleasure, Lady Zabini."

"If I remember correctly, you are a metamorphmagus. Could you please cover up those ghastly marks and look like a true Malfoy lady."

"Yes, Ma'am."

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