Chapter 20-December

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It had been a long three months but Lillac finally woke up. The whole castle was decorated for Christmas but she didn't feel happy. Victorie skipped up to her, "You're finally awake! Teddy told me this morning, he's gone to tell the girls. How are you feeling?"
"I'm fine" Lillac lied, forcing a smile. Teddy came toward the pair, pulling Lillac into a hug.
"Wanna go talk in the willow?" Teddy whispered, knowing what this time of year meant for their family. Lillac nodded, Teddy told Victorie that they were going for a walk.

When they got inside the tree, they heard voices coming from inside the shack. "I want that man nowhere near our granddaughter! He left them! Not the other way round! She has never asked about him and never needs to know! He left when she was a week old!"
"You're not that much better! Elizabeth was two weeks old when you ran off with my sister! Three months old when you got yourself arrested! She died thinking her father was her uncle! At least Carlotta has the chance to meet her father!"
"That's different! Her father isn't going to be killed by his own cousin!"
"Yes while he could be killed by your cousin's family! If Draco sees him as a threat he could kill him! He's already almost killed two of her uncles and her godfather! Would you like her father to be next and her not know who it is! If he's not careful he could be dead by next week yet you still won't let his own daughter meet him because he left! You did worse then what that man ever will!"
"Baby, you know why I did it"
"Get off me Sirius! Get out and don't come back until you've grown up!"
"She might not even want to meet him"
Lillac stepped into the room, "why don't you ask me myself?"
Remus sniffed the air, "Teddy, there is no point in hiding"
Teddy walked out, giving his father a hug. Lillac gave Sirius a hug, slightly digging her claws into him, "next time ask me before fighting with your mate"
She let go of him before sitting dramatically sitting on the sofa," so are you guys going to let me meet mi Papi or will I have to find out for myself?"
"I will invite him to meet you tomorrow or next weekend," Remus said
Lillac nodded walking, flying out of one of the broken windows and back to the castle; she landed gracefully in the courtyard before retracting her wings and walking into the Great Hall. All heads turned toward her as she walked to her house table, sitting next to Victorie and two other Ravenclaws looking similar to the Head Girl. She began eating a small portion of berries. Suddenly, a large group of redheads rushed toward her. All saying stuff like "I missed you" and "how are you?" Lillac nodded and turned toward the doors as she heard the doors opening, Professor Weasley walked over to the group. "Let the girl breath, guys!" He laughed, they let go muttering apologies. A girl next to Victorie, who was an almost perfect replica of girl, began speaking to the professor," Papa, maman a dit que si tu ne lui disais pas une lettre bientôt, elle supposerait que quelque chose ne va pas et te retirerait de la  si elle devait"
"I can't have your mother pulling me out of a lesson, she'll kill me. I better go write this letter." He began to walk off before turning around, "it's good to see you back Miss Black"

Breakfast lasts longer on a Saturday, so with an hour still left, Lillac decided to ask Victorie who the two people next to her were. "The boy across from me is my brother, Louise and the girl next to me is my sister, Dominique. She was speaking French earlier because our mother is from France and instead of translating letters into English, we speak French because it's easier."
"I understand, I was raised in Spain until mi Mami married my stepfather."
"Does she live in Spain still? I didn't see her in the hospital wing, is that where you're going for Christmas?"
Lillac focused on her berries, "We don't celebrate Christmas"
"Why not?" Louise asked
Lillac stood up abruptly and left the room, unknown to everyone she was crying. Teddy and Professor Weasley both left the room. They were both able to track her scent (even though the professor wasn't a full werewolf) she was in the dungeons, more specifically a potions room. Teddy broke the lock on the door. She was looking through the potions cupboard, her hand rested on a potion bottle. Teddy pulled her away when he read what the label said, Satan's Stew.

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