Chapter 27-Back To The Burrow

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Lillac would have fallen out of the fireplace if it wasn't for Adalgunde catching her. Molly came rushing into the living room when she heard the floo," What are you doing here? Who's that?"

"Where's Papi?" Lillac asked frantically

"Outside with his brothers," Molly said leading her outside

"Papi?" She whispered, tugging on his sleeve

"Carlotta? What are you doing here?" Charlie asked

"Charlie? Who's this?" Ginny asked, leaping off the broom she was sat on.

"This my daughter, Carlotta Esperanza Weasley though her mother changed her name to Lillac Lupa Black," Charlie explained

Lillac felt Renata-Aloysia tugging on her sleeve again and lifted her up, balancing her on her hip. The young girl began playing with Lillac's long curls as she subconsciously rubbed her belly. She was almost in her second trimester and she was just starting to noticeably show. Lillac was entertaining the young girl when she heard a noise that was only ever met with trouble. The unique sound of her grandfather's cane, followed by the sound of his harsh voice. She walked quickly into the small wood with Renata-Aloysia and followed her instincts, they led her to an underground bunker. She touched the metal and her magic unlocked it, she rushed inside with the small child still on her hip. She used magic to make it shut quicker.

Nobody noticed that Lillac had left, except for Fleur and Ginny. They rushed after her, noticing the fearful look on her face. Fleur used her magical core to try and connect to Lillac's core. They followed it to the bunker. They had to use both their magic to unlock the bunker. Lillac heard the bunker open and used herself as a shield around Renata-Aloysia. She had soothed the child to sleep and was shakily singing to her in Spanish, she was singing to the tune of music (the music in the video) that was playing faintly but had no clear source.

"duerme bien mi querido, (Sleep well my darling,)

por favor, no despiertes. (please don't awake.)

estás a salvo cuando estás durmiendo (you're safe when you're sleeping)

dormir seguro y no teman (sleep safe and don't fear)

debes estar en silencio (you must be silent)

estar callado, no un sonido (be quiet, not a sound)

si nos encuentran, silencio por seguridad(if we are found, silence for safety)

no vienen a hacer daño. (don't come to harm.)

duerme bien mi querido, (Sleep well my darling,)

por favor, no despiertes. (please don't awake.)"

"Lillac? It's okay, you're safe." Fleur soothed from the entrance, she then touched the golden, protective barrier. The magic allows her through but when Ginny tries to put her hand through, the barrier turns a violent red and burns her hand.

"Fleur, is aïeul here?" She whispered, still holding the child closely.

"no, you had a flashback" Fleur replied

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