The Element Four

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For the rest of the arc, Damos and Tetsa will take over for the battles Erza would've taken part in. As well as one extra one which you'll find out shortly. Hoping this new series is off to a good start. Figured it was best to start with the Phantom Lord arc since Damos and Tetsa didn't fit well with the arcs before it. Anyways, enjoy!

Me and Tetsa were making our way across the ice bridge that Gray formed. He and Elfman had already reached the Phantom Lord guild and were trying to find a way inside. I saw Natsu and Happy flying inside the cannon that was just fired. "What is that idiot doing?" I thought to myself as I stopped running. "Tetsa, you keep going! Help out Gray and Elfman! I'm going after Natsu to make sure he doesn't do anything stupid!" I said as she turned her head and nodded to me. I then used fire from my feet to launch me over to the cannon barrel. I landed inside it and chased after Natsu. 

It was a long run but I finally made it to the end of the barrel. It opened up into a large room and in the centre was a giant lacrima crystal. "That must be what they're using to charge up their Jupiter cannon. Which means if I destroy it, they can't use it anymore!" I said to myself as I heard something from the ground. I saw Natsu, and he was in combat with a man with black and white hair. Natsu was punching himself while his fists were on fire, "Natsu, stop fooling around! Destroy that lacrima!" I said to him. He responded and said "I'm not fooling around! Something's wrong with my fire magic!" The man with the black and white hair then said "Welcome Fairy Tail wizards. I am Totomaru of Phantom Lords Element Four. I am the wielder and controller of the element of fire. Your magic abilities cannot touch me! Just try and shatter our lacrima!" He said as he began to laugh. "So if neither of us can't use fire, then i'll just have to beat you with my other abilities!" I said which made him worry. "What!? I know that you're one of the Tempest Furies, you're Damos Sundane. You use Wyvern slayer magic and your primary attacks all consist of fire! What could you possibly be talking about, other abilities?" Totomaru asked me as I jumped down to the floor. "Wyvern slayer magic is similar to Dragon slayer, but the only thing that makes us similar is how we use fire. My magic doesn't just consist of fire, that's only for offense. I have defensive abilities too, and I guess right now, the best defense is a good offense!" I explained as I formed my spikes on both of my arms and hands. "These spikes I form on my body can harden to a material harder than steel. I typically use it to block attacks, but since my main way of attacking you is useless, i'll just have to improvise!" I said as my spikes turned black in colour. "Natsu, i'll keep this guy distracted, you try and break that lacrima!" I said as I charged Totomaru. "On it!" Natsu said as he attempted to use his fire dragon slayer magic on the lacrima. He went to use a roar but Totomaru redirected his fire at me. I put my arms over my face and continued my rush through the fire. "Such a foolish strategy! Even if you're spikes are tougher than steel, they still have a melting point! I'll just turn up the heat!" Totomaru said as he began to create his own fire. "Fire magic: Violet flare!" He yelled as purple flames began to swirl around him. He then flicked one of his fingers forward which sent his flames in my direction. "If you're getting serious, then i'll just have to amp up the power as well! I'm not gonna lose here, not when everyone in my guild is fighting to protect everything we care about! You Phantoms don't know the meaning of the term friendship! You'd rather trample over each other in the search for power! So i'll tell you this, there will always be someone who is stronger than you! And today, that person is me! Wyvern Slayer secret arts: Wrath Maul Decimation Claws!" I roared as my spiked hands began to spark up with magic energy. They made contact with Totomaru's purple flames but they didn't effect me. When i'm using this technique, my claws absorb magic energy they come in contact with, increasing their strength. "This is for wrecking our guild hall and hurting our master!" I cried as I swiped my claws across Totomaru's chest. I ripped right through his clothes and gashed his skin. "What power! He's a monster!" Totomaru yelled as I grabbed his head. "You won't even speak the words Fairy Tail ever again!" I said as I lifted Totomaru above me by his head then crashed him down into the floor. He went head first and when the dust cloud cleared, he wasn't moving. 

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