Fairy Law

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Quick note of you're wondering about it, no, the Gajeel fight will not be viewed as only Natsu was there to fight him. I felt it was best for Natsu to combat him so that is why I left it the way it was. Figured it was safe to have Tetsa and Damos fight some of the element four and Jose, seeing as Erza, despite being in a weakened state, fights Aria and Jose. Anyway, the grand conclusion is upon us, and we're getting back on track with actual events. Also, after this arc is complete, I will not have Damos and Tetsa join our main team for the Jellal arc. I may change this decision but for now, they'll be going on their own separate arc. But anyways, enjoy!

-Point of View: Tetsa-

"Let go of him, right now Jose!" I commanded him as he did nothing but laugh. "Oh quit your wining young Tetsa. He challenged me directly, alone and this is what he was given. However, only one of the Tempest Furies won't satisfy me. I want both of you for my trophy case! And as for the rest of you, i'll bury you where you stand!" Jose yelled as he dropped Damos and raised one of his hands towards us. Emerging from it were dark spirits, dozens of them. They began to swarm us all, everyone trying to ward them off. Gray was attempting to freeze them with his Ice-Make magic while Elfman guarded Mira with his beast arm. I remained laying against the wooden pillar, unable to move from my previous fight. "I can't just sit here and watch my friends suffer! I've got to stand and fight! If I can't even do that, then I have no right to live anymore!" I thought to myself as I tried to find the strength to stand. With holes in my legs and arms, as well as scratches all over my body, the pain was burning intensely. I let out some short screams as I shakily began to stand. "I will not die here, and I will not let you take Damos! He risked his life to stop you, and i'm sure he took much of your magic energy out of you! So i'll put everything I have into one attack!" I cried as I got back onto my feet. I used what magic I had left and formed my bow and a single giant arrow. "God Slayer secret arts: Cataclysmic Eradication Trigger!" I cried out as my giant arrow began to spark, overloading itself with energy. I took aim at Jose waiting for an opening to strike him. He was focused on Gray who was guarding his attacks with an ice wall. I figured this was my chance so I released my arrow. I shot it directly at his chest but right before it could impale him, he quickly turned around and caught it. "Don't worry my dear, i'll move on to you when I've taken care of these pests!" Jose yelled as he turned away form me and blew apart Gray's ice wall. "Begone with you all! To the pits of hell!" Jose said as he created a series of explosions around my guild mates. Jose was distracted so I limped my way over to Damos while he had his back turned. I lifted him onto my shoulders and headed down a nearby hallway. 

Jose continued his onslaught with Gray, Elfman, and Mira and eventually stopped his attacks. He saw each of them laying on the ground, not moving an inch. "There, that'll teach you Fairy scum to mess with the Phantom Lord guild! Now on to my prize!" Jose said as he turned to face Tetsa. When he turned around, he saw no one was there now. "What!? Where did she go!?" He said as he looked around the room. He saw Damos was missing too. "She's gone! And she's taken my kill! How dare she, i'll be sure to kill her before her partner!" Jose yelled as he ran off, trying to find Damos and Tetsa. 

I came what looked like a church while running through the hallways of the guild. I could hear Jose close behind as he was yelling "Come out Furies! I'm not done with you two!" I knew I couldn't outrun him so I put laid Damos down on the ground and formed my bow and arrows. I readied myself and took aim at the hallway Jose would appear from. Before he came through though, someone grabbed my leg. I looked down and saw Damos. "Oh my goodness! I'm so glad you're alive! I thought he killed you when he held you up by your neck!" I said to him as he coughed up blood. "T-Tetsa, I threw everything I had at him. You can't beat him by yourself. But together, we may be able to stop him." Damos said with fire in his eyes. I nodded in agreement and helped Damos to his feet. "No matter how much you have left, pour every single last drop of magic into this attack! It's our last chance!" I said as me and Damos took our positions to perform our Unison Raid. My left hand grabbed onto his right hands and we held them straight out away form Jose. We began charging our magic into our hands. The energy began to merge, creating the black and red ball that would eventually devastate Jose. Jose himself finally appeared in the entrance of the hallway. He saw us preparing our attack and scoffed at it. "So both of you still have fight left in you! And i'm impressed that you can even stand, let alone use magic!" Jose said as he pointed to Damos. "But not even the power of a Unison Raid will stop me from killing you! Satan's whispers: Hellfire Phantom!" Jose cried as he unleashed an enormous spirit that turned into a spiral. It shot towards us as we went to meet it with our own attack. "Now Damos, let's kick his ass!" I yelled as we both then began to speak in unison. "Wyvern God Slayer's Heavenly Reaver!" We cried as we thrusted our interlocked hands forward. From them, emerged an enormous beam, red and black in colour. "We won't lose!" We both said as we poured everything into this all out attack. Both attacks met and blew apart sections of walls that were around us. The shockwaves were so intense that they were cracking wooden pillars in the room. Both attacks seemed to be evenly matched as a massive explosion filled the room where the attacks met. It sent me and Damos flying against a wall, cracking it behind us. 

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