Goodbye Edolas!

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Oh my gosh , it's finally here! It's the last chapter of the Edolas arc! I'm so happy to be done with this arc, it went on for way longer than I ever would've expected. And after this, we go into what is debatably the best arc in the entire series: the Tenrou arc. I can't wait to start it, and I've got lots of things planned for it as well. If you know what happens in this arc normally, then you know all of the awesome stuff that's coming soon. I have no clue as to how long that arc will be for this series. It's normally longer than the Edolas arc so expect it to be longer here as well. Anyways, enjoy!

We had made it back to the capital city. The streams of magic energy were still floating up into the sky. Everyone in the city was running around in a huge panic. Even the Edolas Fairy Tail guild members were there. "So how do you suppose we make it look like we're the ones who stole the magic?" Wendy asked as Natsu began to laugh. "I've got the perfect plan. We'll tie up the king, use some of our own magic to wreck parts of the city, and wait for Mystogan to show up. What do you think?" He said as he grabbed some black and red sheets. "I don't got anything better, so I guess we really don't have a choice. But what's with the sheets?" I asked him as he threw one to each of us. "They're evil capes, dummy. It'll make us look even more intimidating." He said as I slapped the front of my face. "You have got to be kidding me?" Gajeel said as I felt the same way he did. "Well, let's get this over with." Tetsa said as she dawned her "cape."

Minutes later, we had begun our rampage through the city. We were wrecking only small sections of buildings, like a clock tower or some fountains. Natsu was going a little overboard by laughing like an insane person and spewing flames from his mouth. Myself and Tetsa just stood by his side and watched over the king. Wendy was trying her best to scare people, but her size and her cuteness was making it a little tough for her. Luckily, Gajeel was with her and the two of them sent plenty of people running away. "Fear me puny humans! I am the demon known as Dragneel! And I've come here to this world to steal all your magic power! Faust is not your king anymore! Because I kicked his sorry old butt! But I've decided to spare his life for now!" Natsu yelled as a crowd of people gathered around us. The people in Edolas looked on in fear as they saw what had become of their king. Even the Edolas Fairy Tail members had joined in with the crowd. "Now Redfox! Marvell! Sundane! Mourdeel! It's time to trash this city!" Natsu yelled as Gajeel and Wendy began to wreck an empty building. Myself and Tetsa put our hands to the kings neck, me making fire on my fist and Tetsa covering hers with darkness. "These demons won't stop until they've destroyed everything in our world! Just look at them! They're an unstoppable force of evil!" One of the people in the crowd said. He sort of looked like Gajeel but he was dressed nicer. "Give us our magic back right now!" Several of the people said. "You'd better be careful! You should know what happens when you play with fire!" Natsu yelled as he unleashed a fire dragon roar at the ground, right in front of the towns people. 

"NATSU! STOP THIS NOW!" Someone yelled from some distance away. We all looked and saw that it was Mystogan. He was standing in one of the towers at the palace. "Are you telling me what to do, you little punk!?" Natsu yelled back to him. "Stop this foolishness at once! The king's been defeated! There's no need to attack the towns people!" Mystogan pleaded but Natsu didn't listen and breathed more fire near the people. "If you're trying to scare me then it's not working! I won't back down even if you are the prince!" Natsu roared as I could see the people grew curious. "They must not know that Mystogan is the prince of Edolas. It must be because he was in Earth Land all this time." I thought to myself as I watched the conflict continue. "Everyone! Prince Jellal has returned!" The Gajeel look-a-like said. And then, Mystogan, or should I say Jellal jumped down from the tower and began running down the street, right towards Natsu. "Everything's going according to the plan so far. Now Natsu just has to lose this fight. Hopefully he doesn't go overboard like his acting skills." I thought as Jellal arrived. "Now sleep!" Jellal said as he thrusted one of his staffs forward. It began to glow but the light burned out in seconds. "The Anima must've wasted my magic power!" Jellal said as Natsu laughed again. "What's the matter!? You scared that without your magic, huh!?" He said as Jellal dropped his staffs. "Well I've got plenty!" Natsu said as he set a nearby building on fire. "Listen to me Natsu, you're making a big mistake with all this. This whole show that you're putting on, you can't expect to fool all these people." Jellas said as Natsu ran forward. "I challenge you!" He yelled as he punched Jellal in the face. Jellal landed on his back and Natsu continued the maniacal laughing once again. "You fool! You can't bring together the people like this! Not through evil!" Jellal said as he jumped back up and punched Natsu in the face. 

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