Fight for the Lacrima!

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We're nearing the climax of the arc, and I couldn't be happier. This arc is going on for much longer than expected. This is the 8th chapter and I expect that there'll be at least three more after this one. I can't even imagine how long the Tenrou arc will be when I get there. Also, starting tomorrow, Monday, January 14th, i'll be starting my new Pokemon series. It'll be titled "Pokemon Unlimited" I'll be releasing a Prologue/Info chapter tonight sometime, so check it out if you're interested. And for the MHA series, no new manga chapter was released last Friday. Supposedly, the new chapter is released tomorrow, and if it is, i'll try and make a new chapter for that series. So stay tuned to each one of my series because this week will be loaded with content for each of them. Enjoy!

-Point of View: Tetsa-

"Happy! Can you see Gajeel anywhere!?" I yelled to him as he was flying overhead. "There's some sort of commossion up ahead! It looks like royal guards are converged over there! Maybe it's him!" Happy said as he came back down to my level. "Looks like that's the best we've got then. If he's there, you swoop in and take him into the air. I'll be right behind you." I said as Happy gave me a nod and began to fly faster towards the guards. When we got closer, we saw a familiar face fighting off the guards. It was indeed Gajeel, and he looked like he was having just a little too much fun. "Gajeel! We're over here! Look for Happy, he'll get you out of there!" I yelled to him as he looked in my direction. "Hey! Good to see you're alright!" He said as Happy pushed his way through the guards and picked him up. "Shadow God: Wings of Wrath!" I said as I formed my black and purple wings on my back. I took off after them and caught up pretty quick. "Gajeel, did you have to do anything special to change Gray and Erza back to normal?" Happy asked as Gajeel started to chuckle. "I just smashed the lacrima with dragon slayer magic." He said. "Really!? How'd you know that would work?" Happy asked as Gajeel started to look frustrated. "I just did what Mystogan told me to do. You got a problem with that, fur ball?" Gajeel said. "So is Mystogan somewhere in Edolas then?" I asked him as he turned his anger to me. "How the hell should I know!" He said. But in no time, the giant lacrima was in sight. We were able to land on it without any problems. "And I thought the one in the plaza was big." I said as we stared at the enormous crystal. "I don't think my magic will be able to help change them back, but i'll be here for backup in case anything happens." I said as Gajeel started cracking his fists. "I expect all the iron I can eat after this. Iron Drag-" He started to say but was cut off from an attack out of nowhere. The attack missed us all but it broke off a chunk of the floating island we were standing on. We looked around to see who did it and we saw one of the captains from Edolas's royal army flying just a few meters from us. It was the one who looked like a cat, and he was wielding his sword. And strangely, he had wings, similar to that of an Exceed, only this cat was large than me, looking like a person. "That guy's got one major sword!" Gajeel said. "I am the captain of the royal army's 1st magic warfare unit. And my name... is Pantherlily! Our current operation is defending this lacrima. Make one more move... and you're dead!" Pantherlily said as he flew over to the ledge of the island. "What do you mean "our operation?"" I asked as someone got off his back when he landed. "He said that because there's two of us. Now do as you're told and surrender." The Edolas Tetsa said, unsheathing her katana. 

"I thought you were frozen? How did you manage to free yourself?" I asked her. "Oh please, that wasn't going to hold us for long. My Damos used his weapon which absorbed your Damos's flames to melt the ice. It wasn't much of a big deal. Now surrender and meet your end!" The Edolas Tetsa said to me, holding up her blade. "Gajeel, think you can handle Pantherlily?" I asked him as he laughed and nodded his head. "Good! Then i'll handle myself!" I said, thinking that sounded pretty weird. Gajeel began to fly thanks to Happy holding onto his back and they both went into combat with Pantherlily. Meanwhile, I stared down my counterpart, waiting to see if she would make the first move. "I see you use a katana as your weapon. I'll honour that choice by fighting you with my own. Shadow God: Dark Katana!" I said as my black and purple blade appeared in my hands. "So you choose to fight with weapons rather than raw strength like your friends there. I admire that decision. It won't matter though. I have never been defeated in combat before!" Edolas Tetsa said to me as she charged me. 

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