And your Placement Is...!?

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And the Grand Magic Games are off! Just as a reminder, this arc is going to be incredibly long! Longer than any I have done for any of my series before. But the payoff is that it is nearly all non-stop action. And once again, for me, it hurt saying the things that Damos and Tetsa had to say. It feels like i'm there, talking to Natsu and Lucy too. I guess that's just me getting way into the thoughts of my OC's. And soon, you'll get to see how the other members of team Usurper Roar battle. I've got the Grand Magic Games all planned out in my head, and I can't wait to begin the actual tournament. Enjoy!

When we arrived at the entrance to the labyrinth, we discovered that it was going to be a lot harder than we thought to navigate it. It was completely twisted, like some three-dimensional maze where there's no up or down, no left or right. "The only thing we can really go off of is the direction that the coliseum is in from here. It's West from us so I think we should try and head in that direction. If we can of course." Tetsa said as we all agreed. We all faced West and headed in that direction, climbing staircase after staircase, each on its own axis. Minutes passed by, giving us all the thought to hurry up. We didn't know how other guilds we doing so we didn't know if we were ahead of the pack or not. We entered through several doors, each leading us into a twisted corridor. Some spiraled downwards into more stairs while others got smaller as you ran through. The only thing we knew was that we were going deeper into the labyrinth. 

After about ten minutes into the qualifying round, the whole labyrinth began to shake. Every piece and material that could be used to walk on was morphing around, changing the shape of the entire labyrinth. "Everyone hold on tight! If even one of us falls, we're out of the competition!" Azura yelled as we all jumped up to a staircase that changed so it would now be flat ground. We safely made it to the staircase, or so we thought. When we all arrived we were surprised attacked. We all managed to dodge out of the way and face our enemies. "Well looky here, boys! We've got a pack of wolves blocking the way! Let's teach'em what the wild Quattro Cerberus guild can do!" The leader of the Quattro Cerberus team yelled as he and his team jumped down to us. "WIIIILLLLLDDDD!" They all cried as they landed on our platform. "Guys... Kick their butts!" I ordered as everyone took one opponent. I took the leader, the two of us jumping over to our own separate platform. "Drill n' Rock: Leg Spike!" The wizard yelled as his left leg began to gyrate like a drill. He leaped forward, aiming his leg at my chest. "Zenith Wyvern: Hardened Scales!" I cried as my spikes began to appear from my skin. During the seven years, I was able to reduce the time it took for them to turn black and rock solid. Now it only took them about 5 seconds to reach their maximum defense. "You're drill won't break through!" I said as I crossed my arms in front of me. The spikes on my arms turned black and the wizard bounced right off of them. "Those things don't look too wild, bud! I'll just have to crank up the speed and crush them!" He said to me as his leg began to spin even faster. "I'm honored you're going all out to try and beat me. I guess I should compliment you by increasing my power as well! Zenith Wyvern: Shining Scales!" I roared as the spikes on my arm retracted. Replacing them was the silver scale armor from my second origin. They only covered up my arms though, so I was only using a fraction of my entire second origin. "Bring it on, wild boy! I can take anything you throw at me! Zenith Wyvern Roar!" I cried as I unleashed my fiery breath attack. The huge burst of flames closed in on my opponent but at the last minute, the wizard lifted up his leg and used it to blow away the flames. "You're gonna have to be more wild to take me out! Drill n' Rock: Arm Spear!" The wizard shouted as both of his arms now began to spin. He leaped at me again, aiming his left leg at me first. 

"You're too predictable..." I said quietly as I reached up and caught his foot, stopping his momentum in it completely. "What the heck!? How'd you do that!? That's not wild!" He asked me as I sighed. "You're way of attacking is too straight-forward. I could easily predict you'd jump at me again. And until you figure out a way to be way more unpredictable, you and your team aren't going to win the games." I explained as the wizard scoffed at me and threw his gyrating arms at me. I caught one fist and stopped its momentum too. But the second however, I had no way of stopping. It was aimed right at my face. Right before it hit me, I leaned my head to the left. The attack went right past my head, just shaving a few pieces of my hair. "You're... so fast!" The wizard said in disbelief as I gave him a heavy glare. "Like I said, you're too predictable! Now fall! Zenith Wyvern Roar!" I said as I spewed my breath attack from my mouth. I landed the point blank attack on my opponent and I sent him flying. I watched as he fell out of the labyrinth but not before being caught by a magic circle. "I guess those are meant to catch you if you fall out of this crazy place." I thought as I looked back over to my teammates. They were all still in their fights but it looked like they were all winning. However, as they kept on fighting, the other members of the Quattro Cerberus guild began to glow. In mere seconds, they all teleported. I looked down again and saw they were with their leader on the magic circle. "Looks like if one does fall, then everyone gets eliminated." I said as I jumped back over to my team. "Nice going everyone. Now let's get going. Who knows how much time that wasted for us." I said as they all nodded in agreement. 

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