Enter the Gates of Hell

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It was actually a lot more difficult writing Rustyrose than I thought it would be. Even though I just used the spells he used in the anime and manga, it was still tricky to decide on when I should use them. And of course, I had to have Damos unlock his second origin as well. It's setting up the conflict that will take place in this chapter. And, an important vision from a previous chapter will return in this chapter. What will be the outcome of it? To be honest, I haven't decided on that either. Regardless, i'm gonna stop talking. Enjoy!

-Point of View: Tetsa-

"Come on! It's this way!" I said to Damos as I we ran towards Grimoire Hearts airship. I had seen it before when I saw our master fighting Grimoire's master. I knew where to go so Damos was following me. Night had fallen and the rain was still pouring, as well as bolts of lightning striking the island. This was the darkest day for Fairy Tail. And now we were the ones who would bring it light. The airship came into view as we found it had landed on one of the islands beaches. Standing on top of one of its decks was the man we were looking for. He wore a long black cape, and he had white hair, a white beard, and... he wore an eye patch over his right eye. "No. I've seen this man before. Back when I had my vision when we destroyed Nirvana. I saw this man take control of Damos and use him to kill me." I thought to myself as I looked to Damos. He was looking at me as well, giving me a heartwarming smile. "Let's do this. For our friends and family in Fairy Tail." He said to me as we grabbed each others hands. We both then looked up and faced the master of Grimoire Heart. 

"So you wish for the same treatment I gave your master? If so, then come face your destruction, children of Makarov

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"So you wish for the same treatment I gave your master? If so, then come face your destruction, children of Makarov." Grimoires master said to us before heading back inside the airship. "Are you ready?" I asked Damos as we tightened our grip on each other. "Here we go. No turning back now." He said as he grew his silver wings from his back. At the same time, I created my dark wings and we both took off to where the master of the dark guild entered the ship. 

When we arrived, he stood before us, his arms crossed, looking unimpressed. "Let's blow him away, Tetsa! Combine and overpower!" Damos said as I nodded in agreement. We then both started to suck in and within seconds, we let out our mighty roars. "Zenith Wyvern Roar! Shadow God Roar!" We cried as our attacks traveled side by side towards Grimoires master. We watched as he reached out his left hand, preparing to block our attacks. What happened though, was that our attacks simply went around him instead. He used his magic to change their directions. "Even if it was just a simple roar, it's obvious that the two of you are highly skilled wizards. Wyvern and god slaying magic. Both rare types indeed. And judging by the armor that both of you have dawned, i'm guessing you've unlocked your second origins. Am I correct?" Grimoires master asked us. "You are. And with the power we've obtained, we will strike you and your guild down. Prepare yourself, because today is the day you take your final breath!" I yelled as I formed my bow and some arrows in my hands. I took aim and launched several arrows. "Shadow God: Purgation's Overture!" I yelled as the arrows flew across the room. "Don't count me out! Let's show him what we can really do!" Damos yelled as he fired silver flames towards my arrows. The flames engulfed my arrows but didn't burn them away. It instead turned them into more deadly projectiles. "Unison Raid: Silver God's Flare Bolt!" We both yelled as all of my arrows approached Grimoires master. He reached out his hand again to try and redirect them. He was able to move away a few but the rest made contact with his chest. The impacts caused him to stagger but he remained on his feet. He now began to laugh at us. "Quite impressive. To perform a Unison Raid so easily proves you two are very proficient when working together. But if that's the case, then i'll just remove one of you from the equation! Bullet Magic: Explosive Shot!" He yelled as he began to fire purple magic bullets from his fingers. They traveled at us so fast, we almost couldn't react. Damos jumped in front of me and held out his arms, taking all of the bullets. The made contact and blew up, engulfing his body in the explosion. But when the smoke cleared, Damos was still standing. Although, parts of his armor had been blown off, revealing his skin. "Damos, are you alright!? Why did you take all of those attacks!?" I asked him as he started to chuckle. He then turned his head to me and said "Didn't want you to get hurt. And... I can take... anything he throws at me. Trust me... i'm fine." 

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