Ch. 5|Good as Gone|

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*This chapter talks about loss*

I finally arrived home from walking from where the bus left me. My pace was slow today and it wasn't because I was tired. It was because today my ball wasn't being carried in my arms but now was being carried in my backpack and will now be useless. I sighed in the thought of not being able to play with it anymore.

I unlocked the gate from my house careful not to make a noise. My mother didn't want me to stay out late today since you know it's a school night and ... mothers. I took off my shoes and stealthily tried to walk in. I also was careful not to make noise because I wasn't in the mood to see anybody and also since when it comes to me feelings I'm not the one to hide them. I easily show them through my face.

Once I entered home I heard Ley come out of her room and run to the balcony of the stairs.

"Mom! Can barely came home!"she shouted and smiled. "That's what you get for being a stupid little brother."

"What?! Shut up!?" I whispered loudly and shushed her.

"Can! Get your butt in the kitchen now!" My mother shouted.

"Oi! Ley I'm going to kill you and rip all those nasty books of yours!" I threatened her.

"You wouldn't dare Can! If you do I'll tell mom on you!"

"Yeah, but then she'll find out about your little secret!"

"Stop shouting! Your stressing me out to death!" Our mother shouted.

"We're not shouting!" We both shouted.

Ley ran down stairs and grabbed me by the shoulders and fear and worry fill her face.

"Pleases, Can... don't... please..." she whined as she shook my shoulders.

"Fine. I'm not. Just stop telling on me," I say letting my sister win me over again.

"Thank you, little brother. This is why you're my favorite," she cheerfully said.

"I'm the only one you have dumbass," I said.

"Wait. Stop and look at me," she said and grabbed me by the cheeks. I looked away from her face and smacked her hands off of me in fear of letting my tears burst out.

" Can, are you crying?!" She laughed. "Oi, did a girl break your heart?" She joked.

"Shut up, Ley. You only talk nonsense," I said annoyed.

My mom finally came out of the kitchen.

"Oi, what's going on in here? What's all this bickering?" She asked.

"I'm going to my room," I said stomping off to my room.

"What's up with him?" I heard my mother ask.

"Don't know. Isn't he always emotional though?" Ley said.

"True. Come help me cut the onions," my mom said.

"Mom! But I already helped yesterday. Why don't you tell Can?" Ley asked.

"Because he's emotionally stable right now daughter! I don't want him to cry even more when cutting the onions!" my mother shouted. "We're going to have a cry fest in here."

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